Friday, August 12, 2011

Mad Men Is Killing Off The Rest Of AMC's Shows

Apparently AMC does not have as much money as the rest of the networks. Despite the huge payday Netflix presented Mad Men when they bought the rights to the show exclusively, there is just not enough money to give to other AMC shows like Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead. The show runner for The Walking Dead got fired because he kept fighting for his show and more money for his show. The show runner for Breaking Bad is also in danger of getting fired because he wants more money for his show. Instead of getting more money though, the programs have had to stay the same or even lose money because Mad Men is sucking every drop of money from AMC.

This is all according to the show runner of Sons Of Anarchy who is not a big fan of the show runner of Mad Men. He says that Matthew Weiner held AMC hostage for more money and AMC finally broke down and gave it to him leaving very little for their other hit shows.

In a series of Tweets, Kurt Sutter of Sons Of Anarchy said, "why darabont got fired - weiner. he held AMC hostage, broke their bank, budgets were slashed, s**t rolled down hill onto gilligan and frank. No one else wants to f*cking say it, but the greed of mad men is killing the other two best shows on tv -- breaking bad and walking dead."


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