How desperate is Lindsay Lohan for fame? Well, I am sure we all have our favorite moments, but this one might top them all. After the Video Music Awards on Sunday night, Lindsay took a step backward for all women when she Tweeted how much she loved Chris Brown's performance. Apparently she loves a good woman beater. Now, lest you think this was some kind of straight she only loved the performer and not the guy thing, she then asked him if he wanted to meet.
Why? For fame. So she can get her picture taken with him and have people talk about her for a few more days. She would probably f**k him if she could buy herself a month or two of publicity out of it. If you ever needed a reason to dislike Lindsay Lohan and you could not pick any of the other reasons, then this should be plenty. Of course she could just want to get together to talk about their favorite places in the courthouse or criminal lawyers.
Yeah, this is pretty disgusting. Are we sure her momma doesn't have her twitter password?
ReplyDeleteFor a split second, I thought "match made in heaven". But beating someone else will forever be worse than fucking up your own life. Yes, chris brown -- you are lower than Lindsay
ReplyDeleteShe found someone as awful as her father.
ReplyDeleteI think this is a perfect match. He goes to hit her, she's so strung out on whatever she hits him back. Bada-boom, bada-bing.
ReplyDeleteYup. And I bet the similarities also include leaking nude pics of their women for revenge. Since I totally believe Michael Lohan did that to Kate Major (took them while she was sleeping, total violation) and that Chris Brown did it to Rihanna (still a violation, but at least she was aware and posed for hers)
AtlChica - you said exactly what I was going to say. However, I would like to add: how pathetic and desperate is Lindsay that she thinks hitching her wagon to Chris BROWN is a good idea? Ugh. I need a shower.
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ReplyDeleteI agree with Sue Ellen. They are gonna see each other and hit each other and leak nude pics, just before the sex tape comes out. Who will watch the Sex Tape?
ReplyDeleteI guess I'm playing the devil's advocate here: Chris Brown currently has a girlfriend whose face he hasn't yet kneaded into pizza dough and they seem to be happy or at least content. I think Lohan is so desperate for attention that she'll pull a stunt like this just to get her tweets retweeted and name on CDAN or any gossip blogs. She's a good pimp AND whore.
ReplyDeleteHe seemed to be happy and content with Rhianna too just because there aren't public pics doesn't mean he has changed. I'm still mad about the Today? Show window thing too.
ReplyDeleteWasn't she just writing about how she DIDN'T want to be a celebrity like Marilyn Monroe?
ReplyDeleteJesus Christ.
[Sorry. Huge Marilyn fan and I'm STILL angry about her getting to write that book forward that was so ridiculous I couldn't even find the words in a thesaurus.]
And I'm with you Altchicka and RQ-Chris Brown is even worse than Lohan.
she is SUCH a LOSER.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone here think it sucks that Chris Brown was performing on the VMAs in the first place?
ReplyDeleteYes, Dulcinea, I do. In fact, I am stunned that he gets any work whatsoever. I didn't watch the VMA's live, but it was on again last night and I watched up until he was announced and then I changed the channel.
ReplyDelete@Dulcinea: I do. And was gratified to hear that Jay-Z refused to applaud that laughable lip-synching lamebrain.
ReplyDelete@ Maja: I did the same thing.
And water seeks its own level.
Why Chris Brown's career didn't tank two years ago still mystifies me.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, it's not surprising that one low life scum is trying to latch on to another one. Birds of a feather and all that.
And has Lohan done *any* of that community service the judge laced into her about?
ReplyDeleteTo me, the whole Chris Brown thing is just like Michael Vick. Decent people will always dislike them for being violent, disgusting psychopaths. Then you have other people who think, oh, they paid their debts to society, they repented, blah blah blah, they should get to go on with their high-profile, high-paying careers. Bullshit. Neither of them are sorry for what they did. They are sorry they got CAUGHT doing what they did. Eff 'em. They're both douchenozzles. LiLo, too.
ReplyDeleteNot at ALL surprised.
ReplyDeleteI LOVED Jay-Z's reaction to CB's performance.
Sadly, she is quite famous. It is just not for anything good or noteworthy.
ReplyDeleteI think it was Good Morning America instead of Today but I could be wrong.
ReplyDeleteYup, Lindsay just proved she can't go any lower. She better get the bigger boobs too.
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ReplyDeleteI don't know why I never put these two together before (well I did have them at the top of my "Celebrities I hate the most in the world list" - with Big-jaw Leno coming in at #3) - I thought that even she would have enough sense to stay away from him but when it comes to Lindsay nothing surprises me anymore.
ReplyDeleteI'll bet these two do meet, hook up, become a couple and wind up getting married. Then they can spend their days visiting fancy stores and boutiques as partners - he'll beat all the employees up within an inch of their lives while she fills bags up with as much stolen merchandise as she can get her fingers on. It's actually quite a brilliant plan.
Robert and Lelaina - I am happy to hear that - what did Jay Z do?
ReplyDelete@linnea - While everyone else was giving him a standing ovation, Jay-Z sat and did NOTHING. Just sipped on his beverage. :)
ReplyDeleteI LOVE it.
ReplyDeleteWeezy, she went to her community service ONCE just to get her picture taken by the paps, and hasn't been back since. I can't wait to hear her excuses when her time runs out and she hasn't finished it. And by "can't wait," I mean "hope the judge sentences her to community service in Antarctica and has her dropped off there with no way to come back until she's done."
ReplyDeletePic of Jay-Z giving Chris the silent F-You:
That is AWESOME about Jay-Z. Related: people gave him a standing O? WTF?!
ReplyDeletethat's not fair to the scientists and penquins.
Lindsay probably saw that naked pic of Chris Brown and wants some o' dat.
ReplyDeleteI was starting to feel the tiniest bit remorseful for enjoying her continued fall from the bottom, but then she does something so stupid, (first the Marilyn book) and now this, that I no longer feel bad. What a f***ing loser.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jason! I was trying to find a good video for linnea but they all contained part of CB's performance. ;)
ReplyDeleteEverything she does is a step backwards for women.
ReplyDeleteWhy Lindsay would do this seems obvious... She wants attention and she's getting it. Enough blogs are running a non story just like that Jay z not standing stuff.
ReplyDeleteI just refuse to look up to Jay Z as some beacon of decorum or how to treat people. All those praising Jay z do realize that he was accuses of stabbing and subsequently plead guilty to the offense which was dropped to misdemeanor. Jay Z STABBED someone but guess because it was a man and not a woman he's ok? Maybe because the victim wasn't another superstar? How is he any better than Chris Brown?
This happened way back in 1999 before blogs etc., so Jay is allowed to walk away relatively unscaved from a violent incident and actually have people cheering him on. Must be nice.
Good for JayZ. If Lilo hooks up with Chris Brown, who does seem to be bringing in the cash at the moment, she'll have a solid source for drugs and a way to keep her paying her lawyers. Plus access to those celebrity gift suites at the awards shows Brown will bring her to, because they've stopped inviting her on her own.
ReplyDeleteBeating a woman is not similar to beating a goddamn dog!Chris B. is a psycho Michael Vick is not.He has worked his ass of and paid his dues.Please let it go.