Kris Humphries Parents - Not Thrilled About Marriage Plans
Apparently Kris Jenner has not been making nicey nice with her daughter's future in-laws. As much as they would like to help with the wedding and the cost, Kris Jenner is not letting them. It is not like she is paying for it herself. Oh, no. That would be comical. Nope, E! is paying for it all, and Kris wants it that way and wants all the control of what happens and where and when and Bruce go back and sit in the corner where you belong.
According to the always correct In Touch, Kris's (the guy and not Kris the mom) parents have grown so frustrated at the whole spotlight thing that they have cautioned their son about rushing into the marriage. I think that is a good idea. I guarantee you that if the ratings suck for this thing, a divorce will be coming and a new season about that followed by a new wedding.
I just want all the Kardashians off the air by the end of 2012. Yes, that includes the younger ones too. Why should they get a show?