Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Kings Of Leon Have Some Issues

Apparently Kings Of Leon want us to think that Caleb Followill is suffering from exhaustion and vocal problems which is why the band is canceling the next six weeks of their tour. I don't think so. I think the band is not getting along at all right now and it is because Caleb is having some serious struggles with addiction. When you cannot even play a 90 minute show because of them then you have serious issues. It all started over the weekend when the band had to stop a show in Dallas about halfway through. Caleb said he was sick and was pretty much out of it the entire time he was on stage. He said at one point that he was going backstage to vomit and would be back. He never came back out and the rest of the guys were up on the stage apologizing for him. I think the band will give it one more shot in September and if Caleb is not up to performing then I think the band will call it quits.


timebob said...

I think Caleb's alcoholism finally caught up with him. I guess marriage didn't calm him down.

I love KOL and they are magic together I hope he can pull out of whatever issue he has and get back on track.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

LOL. The KOL are dreamy, but they are *such* cliches.

RocketQueen said...

Something about this band bothers me. That being said, wish Caleb well.

califblondy said...

I've only seen them on SNL and thought what's the big deal?

Moonmaid said...

Their dad was a pentecostal minister who was defrocked because of his alcoholism. Whenever this group does an interview, Caleb always talks about getting drunk, being hung over, etc. I hope he comes to grips with his drinking. Sorry I don't have much sympathy. As someone who worked hard when I was younger in music but never met with much luckm and then gave it up to raise a family, I can tell you that so many musicians would give anything to be able to make a good living doing what they love. The fact that this guy pisses it away and is ruining his band has to really get his brothers angry. It annoys the shit out of me. Even Keith Richards at his nodding out worst showed up and played. Same for Iggy Pop, who is still playing. Grow up, young Caleb!

argmoon said...

I don't think the heat helped if he had been drinking a lot. We have had over 30 days of triple digit temperatures. Alcohol & heat do not mix well.

Jessica said...

KOL suck major ass, their music is shit and they are a bunch of hipster douches.

delilah said...

i second Jessica & moonmaid...pissing it away...i dont feel bad, time to grow up Caleb.
what sucks are the other members/brother that has to apologize for this and their success is in crisis.

flwrgurl said...

co-sign Rocketqueen and @jessica

Hilary said...

Actually- Hipsters HATE KOL-- they are pretty much the antithesis of Hipster.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

LOL. Hipsters hate EVERYTHING. It's not ~cool~ to be enthusiastic or supportive of anything, after all.

@Moonmaid -- "Even Keith Richards at his nodding out worst showed up and played. Same for Iggy Pop, who is still playing. Grow up, young Caleb!"

That's an excellent point.

Although I kinda think that Keith might just be a vampire, which would explain a LOT.

Pookie said...

excellent points, Moonmaid.

RocketQueen said...

lol Ida, you are so right. Hipsters hate EVERYTHING.
Honestly, I don't even know which of these guys in the pic is Caleb. .

Maja With a J said...

"LOL. Hipsters hate EVERYTHING. It's not ~cool~ to be enthusiastic or supportive of anything, after all."

Haha, so true!

Mango said...

KOL can act like they are so real and down home but when you run around fucking models it kind of shows what a bunch of bullshit they are.

Speaking of Keith Richards, have you ever seen a photo of him from, say, 1967? Jesus, he doesn't even look like the same person. Actually, he doesn't even look human anymore. Seriously. Google images of Keith Richard. Ida is right, he must be a vampire. Nothing else explains why the dude is still alive.

chopchop said...

If I hear "Use Somebody" one more time I swear to God I'm gonna go postal.

AnonPLS said...

So typical for this lame band. KOL think they are rock gods but they totally suck. What a bunch of wimps! As someone said earlier people like Iggy, Keith richards, Ozzy and even Julian Casablancas of The Strokes go out and perform totally shitfaced and still pull it off. They are weak overhyped losers

Anonymous said...

Lay off the pigeon shit, Caleb.

Please Play Again said...

At work we received a press release saying the fall tour is cancelled due to 'health issues', which would include October shows - so I'd say they're done.

Jolene Jolene said...

Ha, Ida. I think Keef is a vampire, too. If anyone has read his autobiography, I mean, HOW is he even still alive? He's the epitome of walking dead. He makes it look like Caleb has the tolerance of an infant.

And KOL became irrelevant a few years ago. I wish they'd go away now.

Audrey said...

Anybody remember when Alice Cooper fell off the stage in Vancouver? He broke ribs for crying out loud--went to the er and then came back on stage to finish the show. That is a freaking rock legend. KOL bother me. They have a couple good songs but are all hype and little substance. And which one is Caleb?

Ashlea said...

They really aren't that good...

Lelaina Pierce said...

My husband (who loves them) & I were supposed to see them on Friday in CLT. I was really only going b/c I LOVE the opening band (Band of Horses). I am kind of going back and forth between being pissed off and feeling sorry for them. Sorry for any issues Caleb is having but at the same time annoyed b/c how many other bands drink/do drugs are are still able to perform.

And let's not forget the pigeon shit incident. Which I think I might have defended at the time, but...UGH.

yourfaceisamess said...

My boyfriend's band toured with them back in the day before they made it and he said they were all spoiled rich kids. dicks.

zeldafitzgerald said...

"Kings Of Leon Have Some Issues":

is that they're really shit?


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