Thursday, August 18, 2011

Kim Kardashian Wedding Photos Sell For $1M

Are Kim Kardashian photos worth $1M? According to Kneepads they are. People has paid $1M for the exclusive wedding photos. I think they are nuts and I hope the issue sells like crap. It frightens me to think there are that many people in the world who are anxiously counting down the days to purchase their copy of the wedding issue. Oh, that is about ten times what everyone paid for Will & Kate photos, but you know, Kim is way more important and world famous. Apparently she also invited way too many people to the wedding so no one can bring a plus one and she is dis-inviting about 50 people, which are mainly Bruce's relatives because he is not that important. Keeps celebrities on her list, disses family. Well that is the Kardashian way. I wonder how much of that $1M Kris Humphries will split. I have heard that he is only getting 10% of it.


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