Monday, August 08, 2011

Kanye Says People Think He Is Hitler

Kanye West was Kanye over the weekend. I think he just is one of those people who does not have a self censor button and because he also feels that he is the center of the universe then this can turn into an ugly combination. While playing a show in England, Kanye told the crowd that he hates when people look at him because they look at him like he is insane or they treat him like he is Hitler. Huh?

"I walk through the hotel and I walk down the street, and people look at me like I'm f**king insane, like I'm Hitler. One day the light will shine through and one day people will understand everything I ever did."

Umm, I will tell you what you did right now. You have made some really good music and have a huge ego because of it. You always want to be the center of attention and it gets you into a lot of trouble because you say a bunch of crazy things. I think you probably take some type of medication for these issues and sometimes forget it.


  1. (In my best Karen Walker voice)...

    "It's funny because it's true."

  2. He's a douchebag, but he's smart enough to avoid the Hitler reference...

    ...unless he's purely desperate for attention and a headline as of late. In which case: that's our Kanye!!

  3. it's getting harder and harder to respect him for his music and ignore his title as Captain Douchbag

  4. I'm sure no one at that concert was alive during Hitler's time. However, I'm sure they've heard first hand accounts from family members about the constant bombing and what it was like to live during Hitler's time. Bad choice of words and the wrong place to use them.

  5. I'm really sick of people using the Nazi/Hitler reference for anything that upsets them. That being said, Kanye more and more strikes me as crazy as (insert your favorite crazy person's name here).

  6. This is once case that I have to seperate the art from the artist.

    He is such a brat as a person but really creates great music and genuinely loves fashion, but has hood rat tastes in women lately. The collabration with Jay-Z coming out sounds awesome.

  7. @SusanB - Amen. It drives me nuts when both political parties compare the president they dislike to Nazis/ Hilter.

    Does medication actually help people with histrionic personality disorder? Attention-seeking, sensitive to criticism, egotistical, Kanye exhibits all these traits. I love busting out my Psych 101 knowledge and applying it to celebrities.

  8. Agree with timebob. He really is kind of this mad, egotistical musical genius. He's not the first, and he won't be the last. That being said, I really wish he'd stop wearing fur. I'd like him a lot more if he would.

  9. I co-sign SusanB.

  10. I see this more as him getting his name in the press again. *Oh yeah, that Kayne guy* and nothing more.
    These celebs are just more and more desperate to do whatever to keep their name being uttered. IMO.

  11. Popular like Hitler? Sign Kanye up for that, he'll take it. Jackass.

  12. what TimeBob said..

  13. Ditto, SusanB. It's really offensive to all those who lost family members during Hitler's reign.

  14. Hitler? Nah. Just a total DUMBASS.

  15. When I read the comment, it seemed more that he said he understood how Hitler felt because they were both unrecognized geniuses. And, well, that's really stupid, Kanye!

    “I walk through the hotel and I walk down the street, and people look at me like I’m (expletive) insane, like I’m Hitler....One day the light will shine through and one day people will understand everything I ever did.”

    That's just, like, so stupid.

  16. Talented but utterly oblivious.

  17. Dito everyone who loves his music but cant stand the man.

  18. Hitler? So Kayne is a " mass murdering F*ckhead??"

    (Thank you Eddie Izzard now anytime I hear Hitler's name I link it to "mass murdering f*ckhead".) :)

  19. Move along folks, nothing to see here. Just tune out Kanye's rhetoric and turn up his music! No one want to hear you speak Kanye. Just keep singing, rapping, whatever it is you do with your talentless voice but keep the beats a-coming.

  20. Histrionic personality disorder? Or narcissistic personality disorder -
    Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)

    Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

    Believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)

    Requires excessive admiration

    Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations

    Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends

    Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others

    Is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her

    Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes
