Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Jon Cryer Has To Pay Child Support

Even though Jon Cryer makes well over $2M a month, he still has been trying for over two years to not pay any child support to the mother of his child. Previously Jon had been ordered to pay $8K a month, but at one point, his ex-wife lost custody and was only seeing the child rarely. So, Jon said he should not have to pay. I could see that. But, he has kept fighting for it even though the child is now with his mom almost 40% of the time. An appeals court has ruled that Jon needs to keep paying $8K a month and that it is not about how the parents feel, but rather what is best for the child. $8K a month is a lot of money but when compared to how much Jon makes, it seems kind of ridiculous to spend more in legal fees fighting this than just paying the bill.


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