Jessica Simpson Says She Was Not Drunk - Who Cares
Apparently Jessica Simpson does not want you thinking she was drunk the other night at an Adele concert here in Los Angeles. I honestly don't care if she was or was not, and for the record, according to one person I know who was in the bathroom with her, she was a "happy drunk who talked a lot, but I could not understand one word she said because she was drunk." Using the same bathroom was Jessica's fiance', and my friend got a glimpse of his peen. Apparently quite large. Or, as she put it, "a sight I will not soon forget."
Anyway, on her Twitter Jessica said, "There are rumors that I was 'drunk swaying' at the Adele concert last night. That wasn't drunk swaying. That was professional dancing!"
In other Adele concert news, Robert Pattinson stopped watching the show to wait in line for the bar to open which is closed while performers are performing. He wanted to be first. Christina Aguilera was rude to everyone and is the only celebrity to bring a bodyguard, you know because even though she was with her boyfriend she still needed protection from those crazy Adele fans.
In other Adele concert news, Robert Pattinson stopped watching the show to wait in line for the bar to open which is closed while performers are performing. He wanted to be first. Christina Aguilera was rude to everyone and is the only celebrity to bring a bodyguard, you know because even though she was with her boyfriend she still needed protection from those crazy Adele fans.