Jerry Lewis Out As MDA Chairman
For the first time in over 40 years, Jerry Lewis will not be hosting the Labor Day telethon for MDA. I remember back in the day before cable when this telethon was actually something people watched on a pretty regular basis. I don't know what the ratings were for it back in the day, but I know most people tuned in for at least a couple of hours. I don't even know where it airs anymore. It gets lost in a sea of channels. Anyway, Jerry had planned on making this Labor Day his last on the air hosting the telethon but planned on remaining as the national chairman for MDA. Turns out he will not get to do either. After devoting himself for 45 years to the cause, the organization is not letting him say goodbye and is also removing him as national chairman. That seems like a cold hearted move considering he helped raise like a billion dollars for MDA. Lewis is 85 and has had really bad health problems for awhile. This would have been a nice way for everyone to say goodbye to him.