Jay-Z Drops $300K On Champagne
I sure hope Jay Z gives money to charities, because spending $300K on champagne shortly after destroying a $400K car for the fun of it sure does sound wasteful. Look, I want people to do whatever the heck they want to do with their money and if they want to blow it all that is their prerogative. I just think if you are going to blow it all at least blow it on something tangible. When you spend almost a million dollars on something that is gone forever in an instant, it makes you wonder where else or to what else that money could have gone to make a difference. Yes, Jay is auctioning off the car for charity but will it get $400K? Nope. Yes, he left a $50K tip on the champagne and that will certainly help the staff at one restaurant in Sardinia, but what else could he have done with that $50K? Like I said, it is his money, and he works really hard for it, but this has been a really wasteful week. Can you imagine the good you can do with $1M?