Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Jay-Z Drops $300K On Champagne

I sure hope Jay Z gives money to charities, because spending $300K on champagne shortly after destroying a $400K car for the fun of it sure does sound wasteful. Look, I want people to do whatever the heck they want to do with their money and if they want to blow it all that is their prerogative. I just think if you are going to blow it all at least blow it on something tangible. When you spend almost a million dollars on something that is gone forever in an instant, it makes you wonder where else or to what else that money could have gone to make a difference. Yes, Jay is auctioning off the car for charity but will it get $400K? Nope. Yes, he left a $50K tip on the champagne and that will certainly help the staff at one restaurant in Sardinia, but what else could he have done with that $50K? Like I said, it is his money, and he works really hard for it, but this has been a really wasteful week. Can you imagine the good you can do with $1M?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Neither Jay-Z OR Beyonce are charitable people -- but at least they don't CLAIM to be, either. I've got less respect for the celebs who attend benefit galas so they can wear something fabulous, yet they don't actually have a single altruistic bone in their conceited bodies (a certain Latina superstar comes to mind...).

    I wish he'd toss 50K towards, say, The ASPCA or HSUS, but it's ultimately HIS money, and he's worked very hard to earn it. At least it wasn't on hookers and blow?

    And at LEAST this mofo knows how to tip! DAY-UM.

  3. Wonder how much of it was a tax write-off. But, his money, his choice. And, yes, thank goodness he was a good tipper. That was beyond what was necessary.

  4. smiles at @ida and says Loves it!

  5. @Ida I'd rather see these celebrities participate in charities, donate time and money for noble causes, no matter what they wear. THEY at least are doing something. Now how do you know that this superstar has no altruistic bone? Do some research before spewing hateful comments.

  6. @Report -- I was referring to J-Lo, and if you can provide a link to ONE charitable thing she's ever done in the course of her nearly two-decade career, that would be fabulous.

    Thank you.

    And it would be REALLY NICE if every rich person in the world donated tons of money to charity, but they also shouldn't be EXPECTED to. That's what makes altruism so special -- it's genuine and heartfelt.

  7. yeah, it's ott. but it's miami. it's the fountainbleu. it's scarpetta...so really, given the $$$ ballers drop from one end of the the city to another, not surprising...the real dirt in this story, for me, is that neyo was in this particular grouping, and in the company of a low down industry bf. i don't think he's out, is he?

  8. You can't, in one breath, say people can do what they want with their money and then judge what they do with their money. So what if he spent that much on champagne? It's all relative. That's like me buying Starbucks coffee when some people can only afford Tim Hortons.

    Wtf Ent? You must make this stuff up as you go along.

  9. Whoa, Pookie! *L*

    I don't think I'd spend that kind of money on a beverage even if I had it. I do like reading about the 50K tip though!

  10. @Ida, YOU do the research, why do you expect me to privide you with anything? You were quick to make that judgement about J.Lo weren't you?
    Assuming that you've done your homework, and having a bit of an idea of what google provided you with, let's just say that it's understandable to make such rushed and hateful comments (many people do it everyday), but it shouldn't be acceptable.

  11. His wife can perform for some dictator and make that up in one night.

    Yes, it is their money and they can do as they please. They did earn it after all and not inherit it like some toxic dump we all comment about. If I was his mother would I approve? Most likely not.

  12. Dear Report,

    We're talking about Jennifer Lopez. I don't think she really gives a shit what *I* think, nor do I expect her to, but I am also perfectly free to express my opinion of her obvious narcissistic proclivities, seeing as how this is a GOSSIP BLOG and all.

    Pop a 'lude, and calm the fuck down.



  13. So true @Patty. What bugs me is how his wife makes money. Performing for someone like him, it just... Not acceptable.

  14. It got to you huh didn't it? LOL

    Why are you taking it personal then? "It's a blog"

  15. Amen Sue Ellen! (as I sip on my Celestial Seasonings tea, brewed all by my loansome, b/c even Tim Hortons would be so lavish :)

  16. Anonymous11:57 AM

    1. Jay-Z is in no danger of going broke. He made $37 million in the last 12 months, without an album, without starring in movies or on TV. He's worth $300-$500 million. He's 100% right with his statement about being a business, man. Jigga is seriously paid.

    2. At least he paid for the liquor. Most celebs would want to be comped for it.

    3. He tipped. Granted, it was the standard 20%, but he still tipped. Again, many celebs don't. And I doubt the staff that waited on him minds one bit.

    4. Yes, I can imagine spending that kind of money. If it was mine, I spend it anyway I choose. I don't have Jigga money, obviously. But what little I have, after bills? I do what I what with it. It's mine. I worked for it.

    I can do with my money anything I please and I don't need anyone suggesting that I give it to charity. Nothing wrong with charity, mind you. I'm not knocking it.

    But how do we know Jay doesn't give to orphans and unemployed moms? We don't. We don't follow him around, we don't know.

    This is much ado about nothing. Jay can burn his money if it makes him happy. It's his.

    Don't knock the hustle, Enty.

  17. I like both Jay-Z and Beyonce and what they do with their money is their business. They both work VERY HARD to stay on top of their game so I won't knock them for what they do with the money they earned. Below is some charity info i found on both.

    Beyoncé charity info:

    Beyoncé was quiet, for instance, about the fact that after she visited Phoenix House, a drug and alcohol treatment center, as part of her research for 2008′s “Cadillac Records,” she donated her entire salary from the film to the organization.

    Charities Beyonce Founded:

    -And this spring, she opened the Beyoncé Cosmetology Center there, to provide opportunities for recovering addicts to learn job skills.
    -The Survivor Foundation with former bandmate Kelly Rowland in 2005 to help disaster victims after Katrina hit.
    -And last year, she became a spokeswoman for Girls Educational & Mentoring Services (GEMS), a group that helps young women who have been victims of sex trafficking.

    Jay-Z charity:

    Every year at the NBA All-Star Game Jay-Z joins forces with Lebron James to give back to youth and raise money with their Two Kings Dinner. At February’s All-Star Game the Brooklyn rapper gave Los Angeles Youth a new basketball court.

    Jay-Z is raising money for cancer research by donating a portion of proceeds from his merchandise sales to charity.

    The Empire State of Mind hitmaker is encouraging his fans to buy a special edition white T-shirt, emblazoned with lyrics from his remix of Kanye West's single Power, to benefit the City of Hope organisation.

    The shirt is being sold on FanFire.com and retails at $21.95 , with at least 50 per cent of all profits going to the charity.

  18. @Report (weird username, btw) --

    You just reminded me of a big pet peeve of mine: you don't take something "personal" -- you take it "personalLY." That's bothered me ever since that stupid Monica song came out forever ago.


    That's all I really wanted to say. Keep on trollin.' I'm still gonna jam "Empire State of Mind" on my way home, and I'm gonna enjoy the hell out of it.

  19. Agree with Layna Day.

    Also every Christmas he gives back to the Marcy Projects in Brooklyn where he grew up. He gives out food, gifts, money etc. So again he does give, maybe not what u like but HE worked for it, NOT u or me.

  20. @Lady J -- that's pretty awesome. It seems as if Jay is perhaps a little more...involved than his wife, but it's still impressive how such busy people have managed to donate their resources like that.

  21. The Hiltons also probably give money to charities and might even have charitable organizations out there, yet many people (have) voiced vociferous criticism against Paris for her lifestsyle.

    There are many celebrities like that, spending big, earning questionable money while on the side giving a bit of money to causes here and there. Some use charities to repair their image or actions that caused some kind of public uproar. Not very "genuine and heartfelt" like.

  22. My whole life would be changed with just a fraction of that. So maddening.

  23. @ Ida blankenship: you're still here? I'll stop overwhelming you to the point where you can't reply with arguments, but have resorted to pick on grammar and vocabulary. You're sure having a hard time aren't you? LOL

  24. @Report -- Umkay. Now you're REALLY trolling.

    This is the last time I'll respond to you. Promise. Luckily, *most* CDANers are awesome...and then there are folks like you. Why would I engage with a humorless choad when I *could* communicate with more interesting and witty people?

    Seriously. This isn't even the most interesting post of the day. I don't know why YOU'RE still here.

  25. First of all whoa- aggression right off the bat on someone's personal opinion? And then to childishly poke and taunt a person in unsatisfactory loops that go nowhere? WTF

    Anways he makes his money (no doubt) he spends on charities, again no doubt. To me though, there will always been a wince waiting in the wings when I hear that someone blew almost 1million dollars on something that is forever gone in an instant. Its his money but to me its like ripping up hundreds or burning money like Ive seen pics of rich people doing. It is pure and simply a waste. Thats just how I feel. I'd feel the same way if I saw someone buying 50 Hermes bags for themselves- its just a fucking waste and over excessive and I dont understand what the problem is with Enty making the very valid point that 300k on fucking champagne isnt a little Marie Antoinette like. Cause it fucking is.

  26. Report, do you have a personal relationship with either JLo or the Hiltons? I just ask because I personally take no offence to what Ida wrote, and I was just wondering why you were so aggressive with her.

    Also, is Report your only user name?

  27. a little birdie told me Beyonce is pregnant. maybe he was celebrating?

  28. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Jay Z. Ugh.

  29. I don't get why some people think spending money on one's self and donating to the needy are mutually exclusive?

  30. @feraltart -- Awww, no worries. ;-) I'm pretty sure "Report" has been here before under another name, and I couldn't care less. No biggie.

  31. @jax nows shes pregnant? oh gosh! please tell me he knocked her up in a publicity stunt.

  32. This thread is exactly why I think the Republican economic policy is full of shit. Expecting people with money to do the right thing so their money "trickles down" to the poor folk is pure fantasy. Well, Warren Buffet aside. Dude may have done some evil shit in his past, but at least he's trying to do some good now. "I can do whatever I want" is the new golden rule.

  33. Hmm...So literally he pissed away a million dollars. (Think about it)

    It is his $$$$. I commend him for tipping at all.

  34. Mooshki - You are missing the point of trickle down. Jay-Z employs a lot of people. Everyone who works at restaurants he goes to benefits. His "lifestyle" actually employees people. Blue collar workers build the jets he flies in. Maids who need jobs probably work for him. His 50K in turn as a tip was spent on food, rent and other goodies for the staff. That money supported growers, store owners and businesses.

    That's what trickle down is all about. Don't make this a GOP issue. Obama is driving around on a $2.2M bus to tell America that the rich needs to be taxed more, but doesn't mention that 50% of American tax filers pay 0 in taxes. Who do you think owns the majority of businesses that employ the majority of workers?


  35. It is a LOT of money for a drinky BUT I agree with chopchop.

  36. and just like that, he went from smart businessman to spoiled celeb brat. his pr guy is weeping.

  37. brakewater, sure, some of it trickles down, but most of it sticks with the rich. Who made the most from this? The restaurant owner. If trickle down really worked, the rich wouldn't keep getting richer while the poor get poorer and the middle class disappears. You can argue theory all you want, but take a look out the window and you can see reality.

  38. It might be a bit Marie Antoinette-ish in its excessive nature, but unlike Marie Antoinette who never earned a dime or worked a day in her life, Jay Z made that money.

    And I love how people claim to know who isn't charitable just because they're not familiar with the acts and deeds of others which aren't done for publicity's sake.

    And Enty, how does a party in Miami where champagne is purchased benefit people in Sardinia?

  39. thanks, Mooshki. We can respectfully disagree. That's why it is called a theory....there is no proof. I will hang my hat on Reaganomics every chance I get. Have a good night.
