January Jones Is Not Nice Part 7
Apparently January Jones cannot even be nice to children so I wonder if she will be able to at least be nice to her own. Jared Gilmore played January Jones' son on Mad Men. He is moving on to a new show on ABC and had some words of wisdom for his replacement on the show. He told TV Guide, "Be careful around January. She's not as approachable as the others. She's really serious about what she does. Everyone else is so nice."
And this is coming from a kid who has worked with Jennifer Lopez so you know January must be really awful. Is anyone getting the feeling that she paid people to come to her baby shower? I know she paid for the actual shower itself because I don't think anyone was willing. Despite all the photos of her you see, there are none where she is walking with someone or talking or where she is smiling. Does anyone like her?