Thursday, August 04, 2011

George Clooney Picks A Fame Hungry Girlfriend

After completing his contract with Elisabetta Canalis, it looks like George Clooney is kicking the tires with Stacy Keibler. Many of you might remember Stacy from her stint in pro wrestling and Dancing With The Stars. Since then all she has done is pretty much hit every red carpet she can. She has always been one of the more fame hungry people I have known so this should be really interesting. Apparently she has already flown to be with George at Lake Como and is already Tweeting about it. Given the chance she will talk about it forever to anyone who will listen and is probably hoping to get some kind of full time job out of it. Of course, if she signs on with George she will also have to sign a confidentiality agreement. Notice how none of his exes ever discuss him? Yeah.


lanasyogamama said...

A blond?!?

Anonymous poster said...

If you went to her twitter feed, she's already elsewhere & George is supposed to be in London on business.

The Black Cat said...

ugggh, they are both gross.

BigMama said...

oh george *sigh*

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@lana -- that was my immediate thought, too, but the last (seemingly) *classy* woman George dated was that blonde French teacher. God, that seems like 453454 years ago, really.

I dunno. Clooney doesn't make my loins tingle at all, so I don't really care. But at least THIS one isn't a rumored prostitute or a fug version of Cindy Crawford.

Lindsey said...

I'm not buying this. Probably a random orgy or something...who knows what those "circle of friends" get into.

MISCH said...

She won't make the cut..

ms snarky said...

she's not good enough for George. I'd sign that contract in an instant.

parissucksliterally said...

don't you mean "ANOTHER" one hungry for fame?

figgy said...

George, really, why don't you just become a hero and step manfully out of that closet already, okay??

RocketQueen said...

If the rumours about what Clooney likes in the sack (rough play, choking, getting smacked around) are true, then this actually makes a lot of sense ;) Didn't she used to be a WWE wrestler? Whatevs, get yours, Clooney. The women know what's up!

I firmly do not believe Clooney is gay...he might swing that way occasionally, but I think he leans towards the ladies and kink.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

I didn't even know she and Geoff Stults broke up.

Jasmine said...

So, I like George C., I think him and Leo do a hellava lot to redirect focus to some issues out in the world that we outta be looking at. I like that about him and Ive also heard he is nice. BUT- this girlfriend situation stuff is sorta turning me off him in a serious way. I find something sorta cold and calculated about his relationship choices.

ForSure said...

Go on with your awesome life and your humanitarian work in South Africa George. But yeah, you can do better.

MnGddess said...

RocketQueen - that's EXACTLY what I was thinking.

And I have a relative in the business who's worked with him, and he says he is not gay. I'd believe the rough stuff, though.

Marna Palmer said...

I just tried to look up Ms. Keibler on twitter and can't find her. Anybody know her name?

Sarah J. MacManus said...

I've always gotten the impression that they never say anything about him because there's nothing to say.
He strikes me as dull. I could be wrong, but he doesn't make my kink meter go off at all.

RocketQueen said...

Lainey had a blind last year that was so obviously George, about how he was showing up to work broken and bruised from nights in bed with Elisabetta and people were actually getting worried. Like he busted a rib or somethin'. Mmm hmmm!

M. said...

My husband used to be in the industry years ago and met him. He told me that he thought GC was a sleeze. Now, I think of that everytime I see an article or picture of him on this site...

cheesegrater15 said...

Whenever I see Stacy Keibler's name, I think about Keebler cookies. Drooool.....

Anonymous said...

She has some killer legs though. I hate her.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

My little brother who's into wrestling (*Ugh*) met her at an event a bunch of years ago. She was nice to him and she signed a poster he bought of her for 10 bucks. The poster was a backshot of her showing her long Wookie legs and ass. He loved that poster. Had it on his door for two years. So I do like that she wasn't a bitch to him and took time out to speak with fans - Unlike that diphole Hulk Hogan who skipped out on his fans at an event about a month ago.

I'll bet George just loves those long Wookie legs around his big giant head. He probably has her perform some Xena Onatopp shit on him.

@Vicki - I think of cookies too. LoL. Oh those little elf men making their yummy cookies.

nunaurbiz said...

Poor George. He's just so lost now because I'm taken! (Snicker!!!!)

violet said...

I've met Stacy a few different times and every time she is nothing but down to earth and sweet.

Mango said...

I know nothing about this woman but she certainly is gorgeous.

Janieb said...

I loved her on dancing with the stars. If they are starting something, good for them. If not, then why spread a lie??

ms_goddess said...

Guess cause I watched pro wrestling for years, but I actually know who Stacy Keibler is and I've always liked her. She's gorgeous and she seems really sweet. Glad to hear others have the same impression from meeting her. Loved her on DWTS (one of the few seasons I actually watched) and also caught her guest spot on George Lopez Show (as Angie's father's fiancee). If this a way for her to become even more famous, good for her! At least she's known for something other than being a professional "girlfriend."

Lelaina Pierce said...

Hmmm...I don't see this one lasting as long as the last one.


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