Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Gary Giordano Took Out $1.5M Policy On Robyn Gardner

I am always suspicious when people take out life insurance policies for other people. I am extra suspicious when they take them out right before they take the person on some international trip. That Survivor producer his started a little cottage industry with his get a policy, take them to a foreign country and kill them for the money racket.

Apparently Gary Giordano did just that though for Robyn Gardner prior to them going on their Aruba vacation. You know, because Aruba is such a dangerous place. Well it is if you go with this guy.

My other question is who gets a life insurance policy for someone they have only been seeing for a few weeks. "Yeah, I know we have only been on two dates, but in case something happens to you I think we should get you a multi-million life insurance policy naming me a beneficiary. You know, just in case. We should go sky diving. Oooh, better yet, lets go do it in Nigeria. You know, really get away from it all."


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