Monday, August 08, 2011

Elin Doesn't Care About Rachel

Apparently despite the entire world knowing that Elin Nordegren's new guy had a thing with Rachel Uchitel it does not bother Elin and she will continue seeing him. Hmm. Maybe it was this kind of attitude that got her into the whole trouble with Tiger in the first place. She must have known he was cheating. There were just way too many women for her to not know. At some point though she finally just could not handle it anymore and exploded. When I first wrote the blind item about Tiger and his cheating ways, the person who gave me the info was Swedish and said that Elin's dad was a big cheater too. I don't know if he is or not and that could all be fabricated, and I only bring it up because maybe it would explain some of her thoughts about men and cheating and perhaps she expects it. The fact that her new guy may cheat does not bother her, but he had a relationship with Rachel which is disturbing. Of course there are probably not that many billionaires who Elin actually wants to date so she might be able to see past all that.


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