Dr. Phil Offers Most Money - Gets The Anthony Parents
On the season premiere of Dr. Phil which is set to air on September 12, he has managed to land the parents of Casey Anthony. Considering they had previously stated they would not appear anywhere for less than a $1M, I guess Dr. Phil made Oprah dig through her couch for loose change and she found a million or two in the cushions. You know, because she is Oprah. At this point I am surprised she cannot just clap her hands and people bring her money on serving trays covered in gold with a big O on them.
Dr. Phil says he is going to be hard hitting with the parents of Casey Anthony. Hard hitting would be to have Nancy Grace come in and take a turn with them for 20 minutes. To Dr. Phil, hard hitting is rattling off a series of folksy expressions and hoping they somehow combine into a coherent sentence.
"When you take a mouse by the ears, it only makes them wish they were leading a horse to water but hoping to make him drink, while my son screws Hef's old girlfriend."