For a 50 something guy, Chris Hansen was having a whole lot of sex with a lot of different people who are not his wife. First it was discovered he was having an affair and he lost any shot at a good job at NBC. Now, The Enquirer has discovered that Chris has been cheating on his wife and his mistress with a stripper. Apparently the stripper learned about Chris being with his first mistress only after reading it in The Enquirer. Of course she then promptly called The Enquirer to complain about the fact that she thought she was his only mistress. Yeah, like some guy who is cheating on his wife with you would not be willing to cheat on you with someone else. Oh, and here is a question for you. Is it cheating on someone when you are already cheating on someone? If you are with someone and have someone on the side, that is cheating. However, if there is another person, are you cheating on the person on the side?
Oh, and Chris, I am sure your wife and children are real proud of you.
What an AssHole of a Guy!!!!
ReplyDeleteCheating is cheating.
What is up with people not "wikipedia-ing" someone if they are semi-famous or famous to see if they are "married". Some don't care - but really?
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's just me and I am totally naive or something but you think he might have been thinking about his own behavior when he was making those To Catch a Predator or whatever those shows were called. Granted he didn't indulge in criminal behavior like they did, but you think he might have drawn some parallels to his own life??? Unreal!
ReplyDeleteThe only thing about this story that astonishes me is that he's straight. He'd had my gaydar shrieking. Hunh.
ReplyDeleteThere is definitely a down side to being famous. A lot of women (and men) are cheated on, but the spouses of famous people get to read all about it in the Enquirer along with everyone else.
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ReplyDeleteNOT excusing what he did by any means BUT the dude helms freaking To Catch a Predator! Yes what he is doing is wrong but I feel less annoyed anger about this than the Tiger sitch, maybe cause Tiger seemed to be yet another atrocious sports dude acting misogynous toward tooooonss of women?
ReplyDeleteOr maybe I'm trying to split hairs here cause Ive always sorta had a May/December crush on Chris Hansen and so news that he is sleeping around is ever so slightly scintillating to me? Hmmmm
Is this revelation the answer to a blind?
ReplyDeleteahh the classic "I am smarter than everybody/everything.. I will never get caught!" stance..
ReplyDeleteYeah.. how did that work for ya Chris?
If you are the person someone is cheating with, I don't think you can expect them to remain "true" to you. If you're the piece on the side, you already know they are a liar and untrustworthy. If you have some delusion that what the two of you have is true wuv, than you are hella dumb.
ReplyDeleteThe theory that shrinks gravitate towards becoming shrinks because they are a bit batty and get into their profession in search of understanding battiness comes to mind. He clearly has his own sexual issues and look what he's famous for; going after men with sexual issues. Pretty neat. Would have been even better if he was the host of "Cheaters" but that's asking too much.
ReplyDeleteJust reminds me of a sex craved teenager, can't these people control themselves????
ReplyDeleteI would say his wife is about the only person in this disaster that is being cheated on.
ReplyDeleteGad, I hope his wife gets tested. If more of his "dates" come out, SNL will have a field day with him next month.
ReplyDeleteAs a repurposed journalist,I have to say that this is another case that show whens it comes to journalists having scandalous sex lives, it's always the ones you never thought would do it. Remember Charles Kurwalt?
ReplyDeleteYears ago, one of my colleagues was caught by the vice squad with two prostitutes, one underage!, in a motel. On his lunch hour. What did the guy do at the paper? Wrote a very popular column about being a family man!
I never liked Hansen's work. Too "gotcha" for me. His off-camera "partners" in the Predator series are some very questionable folks.
I have to admit I have a crush on Keith Morrison (Matthew Perry's stepdad). But I'd never act on it LOL
lol, this amuses me for all concerned. guessing the wife looked the other way when it came to the mistress. the mistress thought she was his one true love. the stripper thought she was the heart of gold lover. and HE thought he was smarter than everyone in america. oppsie! 4 way tie for the loss.
ReplyDeleteI think there is a psychological term for guys who think like this, but I can't recall what it is. I think it has something to do with narcissim.
ReplyDeleteAnyhoo, all the mistresses were delusional about Chris.
What a dumb ass. I feel terribly for his wife/children.