Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Casey Anthony Judge Must Be Trying To Get Re-Elected

Lost in all the shuffle of the Casey Anthony acquittal was her conviction last year for check fraud. At the time she was sentenced to one year of supervised probation. She then spent the next year in jail which is about as supervised as you can get. However, the judge in the case, who is probably up for re-election and wants to look tough on crime and use the Anthony name to move up in the polls said what he meant was that Casey needed to serve a year of supervised probation after she got out of jail. Uh huh. So, he could predict that she was going to be acquitted and get out of jail? I am all for making her life miserable, but is this judge seriously trying to say that if Casey Anthony had been sentenced to 50 years in jail that when she got out he was going to give her a year of probation for the check fraud charge at that time? This is just a judge who wants some face time and media attention.

Anyway, the judge ordered her back to Orlando so we should get an idea of how she has changed her appearance because paps will be staking out the office of her probation officer.


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