One of the Casey Anthony jurors is speaking and for some reason, People is the place he went to speak. They have really opened their wallets lately. Anyway, the juror who refused to give his name said, "We tried very hard to separate our emotions from the evidence. Generally, none of us liked Casey Anthony at all. She seems like a horrible person. But the prosecutors did not give us enough evidence to convict. They gave us a lot of stuff that makes us think that she probably did something wrong, but not beyond a reasonable doubt."
See, and what we saw at home and what we discussed here and other places is we did not like her either. I think when we don't like someone we want them to be guilty and Casey wasn't. I also think often that jurors don't separate emotions from the evidence and that is how you end up with innocent people serving time in jail. I am not saying Casey is innocent because we all know she is not, but I am saying that more juries should try and look at evidence rather than emotions and maybe the judicial system would work a little better. Meanwhile, Casey is back in Florida awaiting the result of her appeal and whether she will be forced to serve probation or can get back to her life of hiding.
I gotta say, I agree with you Enty. Guilty or not, there was not enough evidence to convict her.
ReplyDeleteAnd again I ask..... If we look solely at the defense's case and ignore the prosecution entirely...Casey was home, Caylee drowned etc. Etc. This is enough to convict her for manslaughter based on the language ofblaw jurors were given, no?
ReplyDeleteJust because I believe enough evidence was given for a conviction dors not mean I am emotional or just don't like her as a person. I simoly believe in the prosecutions case. I do not need to witness a thunderstorm to know when it has rained.
ReplyDeleteAs much as I would have loved to see Casey Anthony convicted, the prosecution totally bungled the case and I'm impressed with how objective the jury was-like how they're supposed to be. I hope more juries can follow in their footsteps.
ReplyDeleteChasing Heaven, I agree. It seemed as though what the defense did admit to would have been enough to convict her for something, even though they didnt see enough evidence for murder. I nver understood that.
ReplyDeleteThe Anothonys (mom, pop, and daughter) let so much time elapse, what with lying, omissions, and wild goose chases, that no one could be found guilty. Very clever.
ReplyDeleteNo jurors need some education on what their JOB IS. too much CSI-isms going on. Chris Cuomo was yelling it from day one that the jury has their job all wrong.
ReplyDelete@Ditte- totally agree. The burden of proof was on the prosecution and they just didn't proove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. regardless of whether or not she actually did it, how much she is disliked, or how much CSI-ing ther jurors did, if the prosecution didn't convince them of her guilt, they didn't do their job.
ReplyDeleteI agree, not enough evidence for murder.
ReplyDeleteAccording to her lawyer, the baby accidentally drowned and her loving grandpa forced her to hide that fact. If they couldnt convict her of murder there some sort of manslaughter/child endangerment law she broke? How about evidence tampering, she admitted to that too.
Congratulations to them! Couldn't have been easy for them.
ReplyDeleteThe juror saying that actually made me feel slightly better w/ the decision. But only slightly.
ReplyDeleteMy only consolation in all this is that all the jurors seem to be going through HELL for their decision, so I can only imagine what Casey herself is dealing with.
Is she actually appealing the one small conviction she had?? Sit the fuck down, Casey. Ugh.
ReplyDeleteEnty, I had doubted before that you were actually a lawyer, but you have eased my doubts :)
ReplyDeleteI still have problems with her NOT calling 9-1-1 if Caylee just drown.
ReplyDeleteI don't give a flaming futon how much Papa Anthony did not want them called. That is YOUR baby, she is your responsibility. Call the freaking ambulance. How long did you leave her alone in the pool? NEGLECT...NEGLECT...NEGLECT.
I'm sure a lot of brothers, released from prisons wished juries didn't convict based on emotions. I'm sure a lot of brother's families, visiting graves of executed sons, brothers and fathers wished the same. American justice didn't just suck. It always has, for some much more than others. Sadly, it still does.