Friday, August 05, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

We have heard that this B list television actor has gotten very deep into the New Age community. He is sleeping with several of the women that practice it with him and has them convinced that he’s some sort of spiritual leader. They are all into it. You know who is not into it? His wife and kids who have no idea.


  1. Married Actor, Children, B list actor, TV show. Hmmm...this should be easy with all the clues we've been given.

  2. @Crila16: it's a Buzzfoto blind item :their clues are inaccurate(for them Jude Law is a C list and Lindsay Lohan B list)

  3. patrick dempsey?

  4. It's hilarious that everyone has decided BuzzFoto has fake blinds, but still hang on every word BlindGossip says when they've published completely made-up, randomly sent in blinds before.

  5. @Jessica -- I believed Blind Gossip's validity until just a few weeks ago. The fact that very few of those blinds have been proven correct has made me REALLY skeptical. And it also bugs me how the moderator will promise "five new blinds!!" every once in a while -- but the blinds are simply copied and pasted from other sites.

    Also, the fact that moderation takes HOURS is extremely irksome.

    So, yeah, fuck Blind Gossip. But Buzzfoto is just LAUGHABLE.

    The best blinds come courtesy of Enty, Lainey, and Michael Musto, in my opinion.

  6. New Age community? WTF is that. Did he go back into a time warp and end up in the '80s?!?

  7. I wonnder if he practices WITCHCRAFT and DEVIL WORSHIP with the actress from the blind a few days ago!

  8. Is "community" a clue? Is it a Community actor?

  9. lol @ Maja..that was a hilarious blind!

  10. Wasn't this a plot on the original Melrose Place with Tracey Lords?

  11. "New Age Community"


  12. Do you think that "New Age Community" could be some sort of warped code for Scientology?

  13. Can't be. For Scientology does not tolerate sex between men and women, it's gay sex behind very closed doors.
    I'm kidding of course.

    Not entirely though!
