Monday, August 29, 2011

Big Brother Death Threats

People are taking Big Brother way too seriously. It is a show. A show which for the past few years seems to have chosen people who then end up in jail making me wonder what kind of people we all really like here. I know Jeff was popular, and everyone wanted him to stay, but Shelley was just playing the game like she wanted to play it and voted to evict him. It is a game people. Apparently though it is a game people are taking seriously and random people have called Shelley's family and they have received multiple death threats. It is like Justin Bieber fans have grown up and found new people they can threaten. The Big Brother producers released a statement saying it is wrong, but you know, they did it on Twitter, so I don't know how seriously they are taking it. Do you release official statements in under 140 characters, especially when the FBI is involved? Couldn't maybe crank out a couple of sentences?

After Jeff went off on gay people and showed himself to be homophobic by basically saying all gay people are pedophiles, I didn't really like him so it did not bother me to see him go.


  1. What's the story with the gay stuff? When was that? I didn't hear any of it...??

  2. I've watched BB for the last 4 or 5 seasons, but after a few episodes of this season, I deleted it from my DVR. Jeff's a little bitch.

  3. If I had a dime for every "straight" man that made derogatory remarks about gays who themselves was a closet case........

  4. I think this is all a ploy by Shelly's family to drum up some sympathy for her. The FBI isn't involved the family is just putting out there they want to get them involved and scare people off.

    I can't see the FBI wasting time on some baseless calls from some shut ins unless they actually do something. Which they haven't.

  5. bflogurl, weeks ago there was a discussion between Jeff, Kalia and some others about the Harry Potter books. The whole "Dumbledore is gay" business came up and Jeff went on and on (and on and on) about how wrong it is for Dumbledore to be gay as the Headmaster of Hogwarts. He said gays shouldn't be around kids because they're pedophiles. It was on the BB feeds. It never aired on TV. I think it's on YT, it's pretty disgusting. Kalia got really angry and they had a big argument.

  6. I can't stand Shelly. That is all.

  7. nobody is going to care about Shelly after Sep 15. If Jeff is so beloved and needs to be seen by the BB cat ladies then give him Holly Robinson spot on The Talk.

  8. It doesn't surprise me at all that Shelly is getting death threats. A couple of people in the past had their workplace called by disgruntled fans in an attempt to get them fired. And sometimes it worked. Anyway, even though Shelly did actually vote out Jeff, it was Kalia that nominated and broke the tie. Blame her.

  9. I can't stand Shelly. She'll do Diary Room feeds and cry because people don't like her, are blaming her for saying such and such or doing something that she never did, and then they will show her saying or doing it. I don't care if she lies to others in the house. It's part of the game. But where she lost me was the crying in the Diary Room. Umm hello . . . that's where you are supposed to be telling the truth and showing that this was your strategy. Stupid bitch.

    I'm still hoping that Jordan makes it to the end.

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  11. I love this show and don't like Shelly at all (or "smelly' as they call her on the imdb boards) but death threats!? To her and her 8 year old girl? People are seriously f*cked.

    Shelly has backstabbed everybody in that house. Now that there are so few contestants left she can't hide the lies so easily anymore. I'm sure a lot of the evicted houseguests all have stories of Shelly's betrayals to share too.

    Still, it was more Porsche and Kalia that got Jeff out. None of them know what Loyalty is.

    Big Brother is always best during the late weeks of August because that's the point when everybody really starts to crack up.

    I can see Jordan becoming the first person in BB history to win twice.

  12. Did anyone check to see if the threats orginated from Rachel's family.

    "Nobody gets between OUR Rachel and $500,000."

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  14. Can't stand Shelly. She said something like Jeff was standing between her and her family and the money ...uh, duh, so is every single person in that house, dumbass. And after Jordan gave up her family phone call to her, too.

    I'm pulling for Jordan. She's the only one I can stomach.

  15. Jeff isn't too bright but he's pretty to look at. and I'm pulling for Jordan as well.

  16. For those who doubt the threats Shelly is getting, just check out the "America Hates Shelly Moore" Facebook page - the amount of hate for her is just startling. People have been providing numbers for CPS to try to have her child removed from her care. People have threatened her, her daughter, her family. It's sick and out of hand, just because she dared vote out the Golden Boy. Whether you hate or love Shelly, what's going on with this idiotic fans is disgusting.

    Also, yeah - everyone's in her way to winning - but Jeff/Jordan were a pair that would never ever ever split up - that's insanely dangerous in this game and it was a smart move to vote him out.

  17. I'm rooting for Shelly and Adam. They have been playing both sides extremely well, in a season where there are two main camps going against each other. Shelly knew she would have to betray Jeff to get to the money - he was the dominant player in their alliance, and would have to leave at some point.

    Big Brother is a game, and how people play the game is not and shouldn't be considered reflective of how they are in their own lives. It's sad that there are people who forget that it's a game, and turn it into something scary in real life.

    On a show that has been filled with criminals and skanky people the last few seasons, it's nice to have a season with some normal people. I really hope this incident doesn't ruin that.

  18. I don't watch the show but some peeps at work do and they were talking about all the hate Shelly videos on YouTube.

  19. I heard that the FBI is getting involved, I'm guessing because most of the threats are coming from out of state. And for people that don't think something bad could very well could. I the UK version of the show, Grace was one of the most HATED BB players at the time (she was actually playing the game USBB style and was quite good at it too). When she got out of the house, she got assaulted by a BB "fan" and needed surgury to correct her face. Must have been a pretty bad assault.

    And in summer of 2010, they had All-stars version where popular players came back to the house. One of the players Nadia (who won her season and was a fan fav then)) made a comment to the fan favourite at the time (Josie) about Josie's maybe/maybe not BF (whom she met on the show). It was a bit catty, but not overly nasty. Well, after Nadia was evicted a couple of weeks later, the harrassment she go was so bad she tried to kill herself.

    So yeah, people take this stuff far to seriously. Especially over Jeff who really isn't the nicest person at times. He is only popular because Jordan (who is a sweetie) is his girlfriend.

  20. If Jordan wins, it will be an absolute disaster. She shouldn't have won her season, and sure as hell doesn't deserve to win this once. They pretty much had to contrive that twist to keep her in because she was GONE.

    and Shelly did what she had to do. Good for her. People are way too stupid in harassing her family though. Why can't people be fined for stupidity?

  21. Your comments were awesome, Jason :)

    I like Jordan a lot, too. I like Adam, but he is utterly useless and doesn't think for himself, Kalia isn't much better. Rachel drives me crazy, but she fights hard to win. I'd rather someone who actually PLAYS this game win.

  22. I hope Shelley goes home and watches herself on the show. She could easily pass for a guy, with the low voice, leathery skin and sagging face. Oh, and she's a weasel.

    That is all.

  23. Totally true Derreck.
