Well, the big news from the Video Music Awards last night was that Beyonce is pregnant. Using the show as a way to get maximum attention for her announcement, Beyonce told the world she is expecting a baby with Jay-Z. Apparently fidelity is not an issue with Beyonce because she has locked Jay down with a baby. I really don't have anything to add except for the fact that emerald looks like a golf ball.
Gee she will do anything to promote sales of her flopped album, lol JK and you all know let the Beyonce pregnancy media blitz commence
ReplyDeleteDid Enty give a blind reveal here? Or it infidelity in that marriage old news?
ReplyDeleteJay Z has been rumored to have children all over town while they dated and subsequently after they got married so this is old news.
ReplyDeleteYawn. I didn't even know the VMAs were on! Too preoccupied with riding out the hurricane.
ReplyDeleteThank God it was little more than a rain event, but millions (including me) lost and are still without power.
So how far along is she ?
ReplyDeleteThat looks like 4ish months for a normal person, but full-term if your last name is Beckham.
ReplyDeletewhile i'm happy for her...i'm a little saddened that he'll acknowledge this child, yet still doesn't his child w/ shenelle scott. i can't imagine how that little boy must feel.
ReplyDeleteThat's funny, Cathy.
ReplyDeleteGreat timing on Beyonce's part.
I didn't even tune in...question for anyone who watched, how awkward was it when Gaga, I mean, Jo, tried to kiss Britney?
I cannot for the life of me imagine what she sees in him. Yeah, he's rich but so is she. Then again, she's not supposed to be very pleasant herself, is she?
ReplyDeleteHasn't Jay been partying all over town as well as NYC with models drinking champagne and reportedly hooking up with those models in the past few months? I guess that's what the cheating is all about. As for the children, he has one that he recognizes as his, and from memory the blind is from an old relationship with a French woman that has been having a relationship with Jay for the past 10 years, and will be coming forward soon with new of a child.
ReplyDeleteI think she got preggers When she realized her album was gonna flop. I knew she was gonna get preggers, but I don't know if the bump is real or not. Somehow the timelines don't add up. :/
ReplyDeleteI didn't tune in either, califblondy, but the Gaga thing was totally awkward from the start, and I couldn't watch the whole thing, so missed the kissing.
ReplyDeleteHow strange that all of a sudden she is pregnant. Well at least with a kid she has it made if she or Jay-Z decide to divorce later on.
ReplyDeleteDon't know how a woman like her can take his womanizing and having kids with other women while they were dating....
No thank you.
ReplyDeleteCould they be the blind about being pregnant so he wouldn't leave? Everybody assumes it is Ben and Jennifer.
ReplyDeleteI find this pregnancy announcement interesting since I remember reading somewhere before that Jay-Z changed his last name to "Knowles". The explanation for Jay-Z doing the legal name change was because Beyonce and Jay-Z didn't plan to have any children and Beyonce's dad really wanted a male child with the last name Knowles to pass on the family legacy.
ReplyDeleteI know people can change their decisions about having children, but I hope Beyonce didn't decide to have a kid just to tie down Jay-Z and cement their marriage in the face of all the infidelities. That's one of the worst reasons to bring a child into the world.
I just hope the kid looks like her!
ReplyDeleteI don't care. I only hope that she gives the child a solid gold celebrity name. You know, cause we could use the laughs.
ReplyDeleteI read somewhere that he wanted a child and she was afraid of getting fat....now with their money she could rent a womb like Nicole Kidman did recently.
ReplyDeleteI was really surprised the way Beyonce announced this pregnancy so publicly being that she is so private and all... and onto jay z and his other kids insiders been alluding to jay having three other kids including that little boy from the islands so this is about his fourth kid ...
ReplyDeleteI hope she takes some well deserved time off to be with the baby, but I think she is addicted to fame, so this baby will be just like other star's babies- dumped on the nanny.
ReplyDeleteI kind of like how she announced it. Her career is singing, she doesn't want to put a hold on her career while pregnant or to go into hiding until she delivers, like any other working mother, she announced it first to all her peers.
ReplyDeleteLove the fact that she hasn't sold her story to some tabloid either. Whether she was afraid of getting fat or not, she looks like she's basking in her pregnancy glory. I say good for her.
@Iceangel - that is exactly what I was going to say
ReplyDeleteI thought the way she announced it was cute too. And I thought the Jay Z & Kanye reaction after she rubbed her belly during her performance was adorable & hilarious! You can tell Beyonce & Jay Z are excited and so is Kanye! If they don't name the baby Kanye, Kanye will name the baby Kanye!
ReplyDeleteAs for the Shenelle Scott baby, I've heard that's really Benny Boom's son.
I wonder if she got that ring on July 5th - right after Enty revealed the blind about the French girlfriend. That plan seemed to work for Kobe and his girlfriend a few years back.
ReplyDeleteFor all of her songs about empowerment and being a strong woman, it suprises me that she would tolerate her husband's womanizing behavior. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.
I think this is a publicity stunt for a sagging album. I smell a JBlow 2.0 In a few years, Bewolf will divorce Jay Z and act the victim. I also can't quite get a grasp on how far along she is. Is she four months and the baby is due in the winter? Sorry, there is something smelly about this story.
ReplyDeleteI meant the ring worked for Kobe and his WIFE. Who knows what his girlfriend(s) got. ;-)
ReplyDeletelol Cathy!
ReplyDeleteAnd I don't think this was a publicity stunt, personally. She's talked about wanting a kid for years, so congrats to her.
But yeah, Enty revealed Jay-Z as the rapper with a woman in Europe for 10 years +. Interesting arrangement he and Bey must have.
It's a Glastonbury baby!
ReplyDeleteThe Gaga/Britney thing was a rehearsed bit, it was meant to look awkward. I'm kind of surprised the number of stories I've seen about this from journalists who apparently don't know that.
Britney accepts a vanguard award and then immediately starts to introduce Beyonce. That was more awkward. Whose idea was that?
@Rocket Queen
ReplyDeleteSo has Jennifer Aniston! It is regular PR to talk about wanting to have kids. The Big O did it too when she was gaining traction.
I think if her album sales were much better-this baby announcement would not be happening. There are A LOT of people who say she is not even pregnant and pulling a Kelly Preston.
True Henriette, and it's just my opinion, but I think Beyonce actually WANTS a baby. I have never thought that Aniston actually wants kids (which is fine), and would respect her a lot more if she would just admit it.
ReplyDeletetotally o/t...but if you want an afternoon funny...go follow @BeyonceJayFetus on twitter.
Hmmm...Maybe she thinks the womanizing is natural. Didn't her Papa cheat like a dog on her Mama?
ReplyDeleteLet's hope she truly wants to be a Mommy and isn't USING this as a stunt.
Someone tweeted a few weeks ago that news of Beyonce's pregnancy was going to break soon...and I immediately thought to myself "so THAT'S the deal she made with Jay Z"!
ReplyDeleteGod, I honestly could not care less.
ReplyDeleteThose rings are called supposedly called "enragement rings" which is a moniker I find terribly clever. Not that I would want one myself. I may love a sparkler, but I wouldn't want a constant reminder on my hand that my husband was a cheater...
ReplyDeleteShe's looks at least 4 or maybe 5 months along. So this was in case or maybe even on purpose cause she knew the album is not good. She grew up with a father who cheated his whole marriage so that is OK behavior with her. Maybe all the kids will get together as teens or adults and write a revealing tell all. I hope so, I don't care for either of them, don't think she is that good of a singer and her clothing Line is awful. Hasn't her mother been sued several times over it? The baby will be raised by a line of Nannies (more reason to write tell all). Doesn't her dad have several kids and isn't there some talk about Kelly being related to B. Maybe even half sister to B. She does look like him. Their family get to together should be fun.
ReplyDeleteI saw somewhere, possibly Just jared, that she is due in february
ReplyDeletesorry it was Radar
I just found a clip on YouTube of the on stage "announcement", and I have to say, I found it very cute and classy. I mean, she knew she wouldn't be able to keep it a secret and that it would be a huge deal once it became official, so she might as well do it on stage at the VMA's, right? *L*
ReplyDeleteFuck the haters. Congrats to B!
ReplyDeleteI agree, Maja! I thought it was sweet. Jay-Z looked so pumped.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, not everyone who grows up with a cheating father is "okay" with that behaviour.
She ties everything to her career. The marriage, now the pregancy, next we'll hear of any future kids, illnesses and divorces all line up for the awards shows.
ReplyDeleteWorlds ugliest baby the end.
ReplyDeleteoh em gee! would you girls get out of her uterus! damn!!!!!! your $53.01 monthly tax deductions won't have to pay to raise it.
ReplyDeleteGuess you're just gonna have to stay mad. Oh, and wishing she gets really fat.
LOL cope
Interesting. Personally I always saw Beyonce as a lesbian and Jay-Z as slutting around and the whole thing being for appearances, but *shrug*
ReplyDeleteHer album is almost double platinum if not already double platinum so I don't see how it's a flop. Why in this society can't an artist do something out of the box for themselves and not worry about if they top their last album sales? Was Michael Jackson always supposed to live in the shadow of Thriller as if he could ever top that. I mean come on people. Every freaking artist isn't a flop just because each project doesn't sell a bajillion copies.
ReplyDeleteI mean, granted, the record label may not be thrilled with the sales compared to her other projects, but she might be just fine with it.
Besides, did any of the people considered greats in music sell millions in a week? Hell, Nancy Wilson, Frank Sinatra, wonderful careers, don't think they sold 4 or 5 million in one week though.
There is a lot of malice toward Beyonce. Sad. Congrats B!!!
ReplyDeleteI thought it was adorable! I'm happy for them.
ReplyDeleteWhere does this belief that a woman who grows up with a cheating father automatically thinks its okay and looks for exactly the same in her husband? And why does it seem to be women who are parroting this concept? (Saw similar comments about Maria Shriver) I love my father dearly, but I absolutely avoided men who appeared to have the traits of his that I disliked most.
ReplyDeleteEvery once in a while I am reminded that women don't need men to push us down and hold us down, we do such a fine job doing it to each other.
ReplyDeleteCheating rumers or not, they both looked really excited about the baby and I'm not going to shit on that.
ReplyDeleteEven though I despise her for taking paychecks from dictators (really B? Do you need the money that badly?) I wish her well and hope the baby takes after her.
ReplyDeleteIf she knows about the cheating, she's obviously ok with it to some degree (if it's even def true) or she would have left by now. Perhaps they have an open marriage. Either way...if she's happy, I guess that's all that matters.
ReplyDeletePregnant in Hollyweird land:
ReplyDelete1. Make sure you can announce the pregnancy, when there is as much media attention as possible. 2. Have your people, contacts People magazine people, to start the bidding war on the baby pictures. 3. Do not announce the due date, but say, in some terms, like it will be winter, summer, spring or fall birth. 4. From now until 3 yrs from now (at least it will feel that way), we will see about 4,560 pregnant pictures of her. 5. They will come out with some batshit crazy ass name for the kid. 6. Within 2 weeks of squeezing that baby out, she'll be photographed with a nice toned flat belly.
Or she could be having twins...
ReplyDeleteisn't there some really strong evidence that she's actually 38 not 28?
ReplyDeleteThe whole high profile way she announced this, etc. only makes me think even more that my original hunch was right that the Kayne West/Taylor Swift thing was somewhat planned. They just seem so rehearsed, you know?
ReplyDeleteI just watched the VMA's today.
ReplyDeleteI thought how she "announced" it (belly rub?) was kind of cute, actually.