Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Another Blind Item

This married nightly talk show host is perceived to be a goody goody. Truth is that within the past few weeks he had a female guest on his show simply because he was trying to have sex with her. It worked.


  1. Oh my God. PLEASE don't be Jimmy Fallon. PLEASE.

    Or Conan, for that matter!

  2. Jimmy Fallon but I have no clue if he has the same guest on a few times.

  3. Please not Craigy Ferg!

  4. On what talk shows has Phoebe Price appeared lately?

  5. Jay Leno, now that would be a hoot.

  6. No, please don't be Jimmy! Please.

  7. I cannot have this be Conan. I can't handle that kind of news today!

  8. i think it's jimmy. he's a hottie and he's known for being a good, decent guy.

    i highly doubt it'd be conan unless the female in question is legally blind.

  9. @Pookie -- LOL! Conan's been one of *my* biggest crushes for YEARS.
    :-) I love lanky gingers!

  10. Jimmy has had some random hotties on the past few weeks. Emily Rose, Mila, Rose Byre, etc.

  11. ida...lanky is one thing, fug is another. *drags you off to optician* ;)

  12. Ferguson had Karen Gillen on recently.

    Please, no.

  13. I'm not sure that Craig is so "goody, goody" but Jimmy Fallon oozes goody to me.

  14. I'm going with Stephen Colbert. He's trying to keep up with Newt. ;)

  15. Conan is not a goody-goody.

    Conan is a whiny little b**ch.

    I cannot stand that man and don't understand how anyone else can.

  16. the blind says "perceived to be a goody goody." I take that to mean public perception, which totally makes it possible that it's Jay.

    A person voluntarily hitting that, however, is beyond my imagination.

  17. I love me a ginger, but Conan is just... shaped wrong... and moves in ways that make me want some brain bleach.

    NOT Craig, just NOT Craig.

    I don't care about the rest. Neither Leno nor Fallon would surprise me. I mean Fallon is pretty cute. Leno - meh. Who cares?

  18. Side Note:
    RocketQueen- have u been watching Shark Week at all? They had Craig F. on last night cause he was gonna swim with the sharks....He was SOOOOO funny!
    As he was going down he said something about being the 3rd watched late night host and he couldnt get eaten because he was too important, LOL!

    My 2 cents is Jimmy Fallon- I dunno why, I just am getting a youngish vibe from this Blind Item. Maybe cause most of the female guests Im thinking of in my head would be more apt to hand the sex over to a Jimmy or Conan perhaps more than a Craig F. or (gag) Jay Leno

  19. wait..what about Jon Stewart?

  20. @Jasmine - I would <3 Craig Ferguson without hesitation!!

  21. Not allowed to be Craig or Conan! And I really hope it's not Stewart.

    I say Fallon for the win, didn't he supposedly cheat right before he got married?

  22. Stewart is soooo tiny in person...I'm only 5'3" and we were pretty much eye to eye so I think 5'7" tops for him...
    Probably Conan, I've read he cheats

  23. They all cheat. If they haven't yet, they will.

  24. Ferguson has admitted to past issues with drugs and alchol. I don't think he's perceived as a goody goody. It's got to be Fallon or Conan. If it's Jay, that would just be gross.

  25. @CB - I'm with you. Conan is a whiney little bitch. As for "happily married" I think with the exception of Letterman, they're all reputed to be happily married, aren't they?

  26. Stephen Colbert? Hey just had to throw it out there ;>

  27. Jimmy Fallon. Just 'cause I don't like him, other than when he does impressions. The Neil Young/ Whip My Hair was genius.

  28. i think for sure it is Conan. He is always talking about how he is a "square" and you never hear much about him. He just seems like a good guy....guess not though!

  29. Jasmine - no, not yet :)

  30. Craig Ferguson.

    Hands down, it's gotta be him.

    *loads a shotgun & wipes away a tear*


  31. Oh god, not Craig... though he's had his past issues, he seems to have cleaned up his act quite a bit (married, new baby, etc). He's my favorite - damn!

    I did think it was really weird that he took Kristen Bell to Paris for his week of shows there. If some guy took me to Paris & wined & dined me there (they have footage of it), I can see where it might be easier to sleep with them.

  32. Jimmy Fallon

    Craig Ferguson has been open about past issues with drugs and alcohol.

  33. MISCH - Right on the nail! Jon's 5'7". I'm also 5'3" and when I met Conan in person, he towered over me. I was wearing heels, too!

    I don't want it to be Stewart, Colbert or Conan (in that order), but I'm sure they all cheat.

  34. This is not Craigy Ferg! He has talked openly about being a wild ass punk rock lover, drugs and alcohol issues. Years of his life are a blur. He also has a newish wife of a few years and a fairly new baby. And another older son. Goody Goody and Craigy Ferg do not go together at all. Letterman is a well known sexual scumbag as is Lopez. So that leaves Conan, Jimmy and Jay. I guarantee Jay does not have a prenup after nearly 30 years of marriage. He cannot be that stupid. So between Conan (wife and two children I think) and Jimmy, I am leaning towards Jimmy. And I am disappointed.

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  36. Ha ha reminds me of Fallon nailing Meg on Family Guy!!

  37. Please not Jon, Stephen or Craig. Please!

  38. IT's fricking Jay Leno. But wasn't he supposed to be the hooker king of LA next to Charlie Sheen?

  39. I think it's Conan. More and more stuff has been leaking out that he is not the goofy, good guy, everynerd persona that he seems to be. I like him a lot as an entertainer, but I have a gut feeling that it's him. Def not Craig. He's the opposite of a goody goody. And not Letterman. He's aired his dirty laundry publically. No one thinks he's a goody goody.

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  41. Jay.

    Haven't we had similar blinds where the overwhelming guess was Mr. Leno?

    I'm sticking with Jay.

    I'm just trying to convince myself 'cuz no way in hell can this be Jimmy Fallon.

  42. This has big-Jaw Leno written all over it. There was a blind last year about a married talk show host and hookers. I said it was big-jaw then - It's big-jaw now.

    Big jaw took a major beating in the press and in the public with how he screwed Conan out of The Tonight Show. Even Oprah handed him his meatball-sub eating ass back to him. So it would make sense to me that he would start to screw around after that. His own way of building himself back up.

    Question is - what female would in their right mind have sex with him?

    Yes, I hate the man.

  43. I was thinking Jay just because the rumors out there that he is happily married and no relationship scandals, etc. That said if it is him I say "ewwwww", and I would love to know it was that hit that?

    Not Craig, his books are hilarious and he tells everything!

    I hope it's not Jimmy, he seems like a truly nice guy.

  44. The tall ginger ftw!

  45. I'm on the Jay Leno bandwagon for this one. He's the one who seems the most goody goody out of all of them.

    I wouldn't put it past Craig, Jimmy or Conan to have affairs, but I don't think any of those guys would plan hookups like that. (TBH, I can't think of too many married people who would 100 percent pass on a dream hookup, if the conditions are right. People are human, ya know.)

  46. I'm going with Leno on this. Most of America thinks he can do no wrong.

  47. I know Jimmy Fallon works VERY hard for his show-and very sincerely loves is wife. I know this as fact-however as in every other situation you don't know the truth until it is admitted by said person or "revealed".

  48. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Cannae be Craig Ferguson. Scottish, recovering alki, had front row seats to the punk scene. No way (read: God bless 'im).

    Just watched Conan's (hastily assembled) documentary, and given his work schedule I cannot see him stopping for a quickie given his rush to entertain. Still, he did have Leslie Bibb on the show, who was totally flirting with him, and Emma Stone, who promoted her film with a clip about how her character wants to do Conan.

    I say Jimmy.

  49. If I were to guess the one that's the most FALSE goody goody, it would be Leno.

  50. i thought jimmy f was gay.

  51. I want to marry Stephen Colbert. That is all.

  52. Caroline, I do too. I think it was his rendition of Paul Revere's ride that put me over.

  53. If Nancy Juvonen, who has plenty of bucks of her own, found out that Jimmy F was sporting around, he'd be kicked to the curb faster than Newt Gingrich's presidential bid.

  54. Craig has admitted to a "bad" past. I hope it's not him. I would cry.

  55. Enty, there's not enough information to even narrow this down to the top 5 suspects.

  56. I'm going with Jay Leno on this one.

  57. Please don't let it be Conan, Jimmy or Craig! :(

    @Pookie - I, too, will need a visit to the optician. :) I have had a major crush on Conan since I was in my teens. I know, I know....

    To me, if Conan wanted to cheat, he would have done it last summer when he was on tour.

    @Meg - I'm watching the Paris episode now. It is really weird, but supposedly she is his "favorite" guest....hmmm. I don't know.

  58. Leno.I know a woman he asked out.

  59. I'm going with John Stewart.

  60. How about George Lopez? funny nobody mentioned him, he's not really a "goody goody" or is he?

  61. Not George Lopez:
    1) He admitted that he cheated on his wife, who gave him one of her kidneys, so not very reputable
    2) The ratings on his show are so low he could only get hot girls as guests if he promises not to have sex with them.

  62. I think Jimmy Fallon is the only one who's wife has her own Hollywood career. She & Drew Barrymore are partners in a movie production company. I think she would be the one least likely to put up with it just because I think Hollywood wives tend to play by a different set of vows.

  63. This screams Jay Leno. He is always talking about how much he loves Mavis (his wife) and how proud he is of her. Anyone who sprews that much about a spouse is hiding something. None of the other late night hosts have put on so much about being "happily married" as Big Jaw Leno.

    I love Craig too!

  64. @B626 - ITA!

    I think it's Fallon and Mila Kunis.

  65. I was actually on the Jimmy Fallon show back in November, and he is a nice guy, but we were told to "in so many words" not speak unless spoken to or Jimmy would get annoyed. I can't see this being Jimmy. He comes across as a little arrogant, but pleasant enough. He also doesn't seem very goody goody to meat all.

  66. Angela -- on Lopez reason #2 -- BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  67. ugly old sandra bernhard banged jay back in the day & said he had huge junk, too big that it hurt actually & he liked to spank.
    i think jay gets escorts on occasion

  68. & off topic but how does lopez still have a show, all he does is azzkiss guests over every little commercial they make, he reminds me of arsenio's old show, lame & not funny

  69. If we are talking about Conan, I'd have to say him and Lisa Kudrow could be who the blind is about. They have a history and she didn't really have anything high profile to promote when he had her on the show last month.

  70. Oh that's a good guess. Yeah, the way Conan and Kudrow were looking at each other, there was some clear subtext. And she didn't have anything to plug. She still looks great, too.

    Conan has been making a point of saying he's not as nice as people think.

  71. @crila16 -- "I was actually on the Jimmy Fallon show back in November, and he is a nice guy, but we were told to "in so many words" not speak unless spoken to or Jimmy would get annoyed."

    Um, you can go back and check out every guest Jimmy's ever had, and I just looked up last November's roster.

    I'm giving you a highly skeptical sideeye right now.

  72. @Ida -- What, you doubt that Patti LuPone would dish about Fallon here?

    It's not unusual for a guest to show up with one or two friends/PA's'/whatever. You can see 'em in green room shots. It would not be unusual for a producer to have a quiet word with such folk, asking them not to bug the host. Not that I believe him/her, but claiming to be "on" the show when you just got to go backstage with a guest is not implausible.

  73. @B. Profane -- "claiming to be "on" the show when you just got to go backstage with a guest is not implausible."

    Perhaps not, but if you write/say the words "I was ON Jimmy Fallon," it sort of indicates that you were an actual GUEST on the show -- not just some hanger-on or member of an entourage. So Crila was either lying, or tossing out a whole bunch of hyperbolic B.S.

    Shit, I have a friend who interned for Conan back in college, but *I* would never claim to have met him by association, you know?

    Bottom line: I HIGHLY doubt Crila16 is Patti, Scarlett, Anne, Nina, or any of the other people who appeared on Fallon last fall.

    Just call me Whitney Houston, because I WANNA SEE THE RECEIPTS.

  74. @crila16 - I've watched Jimmy Fallon every episode since he premiered, so I guess that means I've seen you on the show??

  75. hasn't denise richards been on a talk show a few times? i can't remember who tho, howard stern? which is a scary thought really

  76. @crila -- Mmmm hmmm.


    I didn't think so. ;-)

  77. Jon Stewart and Freida Pinto

  78. Unless I missed some of the posts, crila16 never said she was a guest.

    That sounds like audience instructions to me.
