Who knew that Adam Levine and I would agree on anything. But, in this one case we do. He thinks MTV is full of itself for even pretending to host the Video Music Awards and I agree. MTV is not about music and I have spent many past years discussing how the awards are a sham designed to kiss record label and celebrity butt and to ensure their continued cooperation with specials and awards shows. Their philosophy is if you promise to show up we will nominate you and if you perform, then you can win an award even if we have to make one up. Adam Tweeted that he was disgusted with MTV and how they pretend to like music one day a year.

MTV was kind of funny when they Tweeted back whether Adam would be watching the show and then reminded him he won an award on the show back in 2004. Well, back then they still played 90 minutes of music a day or however long TRL was on and then replayed.
mtv's pr dept handled it well...but imho, AL is totally right and i'm not going to bash him...the dude is super cool, very gracious, and really interesting to talk to. he's not douchey, nor does he run his mouth (side-eye to kanye)...he spoke his heart, and i happen to agree w/ it.
ReplyDeleteDon't care for Adam or his band, but he is spot on right here. I've been wondering exactly when MTV plays videos, or if they do at all. VH1 for that matter too. I would think if it wasn't for youtube, most videos would go unseen.
ReplyDeleteRemeber when Nina Blackwood used to say that MTV is meant to be like radio that you watch? Or something along those lines, it has been 30 yrs after all. Exactly where is the music now???
Reality killed the video star.
Was never really a fan... until I saw them live. Big fan now. Go, Adam!
ReplyDeleteAgree 100% with Adam. MTV hasn't shown videos in the last 5-6 years. It is a damn shame that a network that was supposed to SHOW MUSIC VIDEOS does everything but that now.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Patty - reality definitely killed the video star.
I miss pop-up viedo on VH1. That is, when it would play here on MuchMoreMusic. We don;t have VH1.
ReplyDeleteNot that it makes a difference, but MTV plays videos every morning. Definitely not like the old days when it was ALWAYS videos, but they do play them every day - it's called AMTV or something like that. Some days it runs for four or five hours. I guess early morning is their lowest ratings/audience viewing so they stick them there.
ReplyDeleteCompletely agree with Adam. I flipped to MTV on the weekend and there was a Teen Mom marathon?! Wtf does that have to do with music?
ReplyDeleteAnd while we're at it, remember when Food Network used to have shows about, you know, cooking? Now it's 1/2 competitions, 1/4 restaurant makeover shows and visiting restaurant shows, with the remaining 1/4 actually devoted to people showing you how to cook. What a failure.
i think MTV steering away from blocks of music hours has to do with the instant gratification of the internet. want to watch an artist vid? google it and off you go...served immediately. for this face-paced-gimme-now world we live in, MTV probably figures there is a smaller audience that will sit and watch the vids hoping their favorite (or the one they've been waiting for) will come on soon.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking about what you've said about the VMAs, Enty, as I watched the show last night. My only question: Why pull Adele out there and not give her an award?! At the very least, how about "only one not lip-synching tonight" award?
ReplyDeleteMTV has no business hosting movie or music awards. They should host the trash tv awards, though, since they essentially spawned it with 'Real World'. Good for Levine for speaking the truth on this matter.
ReplyDeleteAdam's statement proves how little MTV has to do with music nowadays. Imagine if 20 years ago an artist said "Fuck you" to MTV... their mainstream career would have been over.
ReplyDeleteRQ, good point about the Food Network, I still can't believe they kicked Emeril to the curb.
ReplyDeleteI do like Chopped, but not the Next Food Network Star competition.
Another reason to love Adam Levine. Truth whether it is pretty or not.
ReplyDeleteBut at least with the Food Network, their shows still revolve around Food (being the key word here). MTV has strayed so far away from music it isn't funny.
ReplyDeleteIt is more lucrative to sell advertisers block time slots from these reality shows than to try and sell ads for the fickle video viewer who channel surfs! Simple stupid.....
ReplyDeleteI agree with Adam. Remember when they played new music BEFORE the stars made it?
ReplyDeleteI like Chopped and I agree at least Food Network has a main theme. Why not have MTV do this send a host to look at Garage Bands around the USA or have them follow an up and coming band while touring dive bars?? Instead they give us trash that has as much in commomn with music as Lindsay Lohan does Marilyn Monroe.
I agree with Adam. Remember when they played new music BEFORE the stars made it?
ReplyDeleteI like Chopped and I agree at least Food Network has a main theme. Why not have MTV do this send a host to look at Garage Bands around the USA or have them follow an up and coming band while touring dive bars?? Instead they give us trash that has as much in commomn with music as Lindsay Lohan does Marilyn Monroe.
I love Adam Levine and he is totally correct. I didn't watch the VMAs, but especially after I heard Adele didn't win and Foster the People didn't win for Best New Artist -- plus the Gaga thing...I'll pass.
ReplyDeleteI want my MTV. The REAL MTV, not this trashy, fake bullshit that has nothing to do with music.
Oh man, I miss MTV! MTV Europe, to be specific. Vanessa Warwick, please come back! *L*
ReplyDeleteI don't mind Chopped, it's the incessant restaurant makeover shows and eating in restaurants shows that annoy me. More Barefoot Contessa, less Aaron Sanchez, please!
ReplyDelete"Reality killed the video star."
ReplyDeletePatty - that is pure poetry right there.
Here here for Adam Levine! If only he had consulted Enty on a snarky/ witty comeback.
I agree with the consensus here. MTV sucks (unless you like watching stupid young people get drunk, make terrible life choices, and still rake in the dough) and Adam rocks for calling them out on it.
ReplyDeleteFood Network has lost its "culinary point of view". I'm much happier watching real cooking shows on PBS or Create. Alton Brown the only reason I'd look up any Food Network programs.
I agree with Adam.
ReplyDeleteI did however watch several back to back episodes of Jersey Shore recently, so I'm not helping.
Adam must be a really great guy. Does his band make videos? I know I;ve heard them on the radio before, but where would we watch his videos if not on MTV?