Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Would You Buy It?

This almost way too lifelike, Casey Anthony latex mask is on eBay and the top bid right now is about $2,000. About 100 people have bid on it so far, and with the publicity it is generating, the bid could go way up. There is no way I would want this in my house because it would keep me up at night. Would you buy it? Wear it at Halloween?


  1. i boycott everyone who makes money on/with this woman

  2. what.the.nightmare.fuck.

  3. Imagine all the children whose lives could be made easier with just 2K.

    I fucking hate people.

  4. That is too creepy..

  5. I heard about this last night, but seeing it gives me the creeps. It's the last thing Caylee Anthony ever saw.
    As morbidly curious as I am, I've decided not to watch any of the seven-figure interviews she's going to be giving; the fact that I can even say that is upsetting.

  6. That looks like an elf.

  7. I agree with several of you. I am amazingly serious about boycotting anything with her name attached to it, and I hope a lot of people feel the same way. If enough people do, many news outlets and shows won't bring her on.

    I hope she slips into obscurity for the rest of her life.

  8. Maybe y'all should start boycotting by not commenting on this post. Not to be a dick or anything, but isn't simply posting about her perpetuating her infamy?

  9. OMG...I know I shouldn't laugh but this is the most fantastically tacky thing I have ever seen!

  10. That is seriously disturbing looking.

  11. It looks just like her. Eyes too close together and face shaped like a potato.

  12. It's an artist's publicity stunt. He's done this before. I think he could have done better with her head horns. Also boycotting. Placing any magazines with her or her parents at the back of the pile, turned around, behind bridal magazines, wherever so they will be sent back unsold. Will do the same with books from any of the defense team or her family. Turned off cable. Off. The End. Watching programming of my choice for now and probably ever more. Life is better this way. Justice for Caylee.

  13. Lmao! If it was like $5, I'd buy it for no other reason than how hilarious it looks.

  14. @ Rocket Queen - Exactly.
    @ _-_=_ - I agree with you as well.

  15. Not only will I be boycotting anything from her or her creepy family, if/when she does an interview I plan to write the sponsers and inform them I will be boycotting their products as well if they sponser this show.

    And that is one seriously scary mask. I see that at MY door on Halloween, they're getting ALL my candy!

  16. Cringe. You can't deny this would be the scariest - and most offensive - Halloween costume this year.

  17. I guess I have been out of the loop. Last I heard, she was just gone and nobody had interviews or anything with her.

  18. I guess I have been out of the loop. Last I heard, she was just gone and nobody had interviews or anything with her.

  19. It looks like a cake boss cake. Oh and I like that they used spocks ears.

  20. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Eyes look weird, and her ears looks like spocks lolol

  21. Hell no I wouldn't buy it. I don't even want to lay my eyes on it. It looks like a psychotic Robert Palmer girl.

  22. what RQ & Maja said.


    i kinda think the 'artist' is disturbed...that's just ceepy.

  23. Someone comes to my house wearing that this Halloween they'll be walking away covered in spit.

  24. The high bid is now $24,400!

  25. I hope the money goes to a worthy charity, but I doubt it will...

    Good idea about hiding the magazines in the racks.

  26. distrubing and wrong

  27. Jeebus that is frickin' SCARY! I took a step back when I saw it. Not funny---go away! Go away!

    That's gonna give me bad dreams for chrissakes.

  28. Anonymous3:25 PM

    None of the 50+ rugrats who come to my door would ever wear that on Halloween, thank goodness. If they did, they would definitely NOT be receiving any treats from me. Their parents would get a piece of my mind, however.

  29. I wouldn't recognize it as her. I thought it was Justice Ginsburg.

  30. If you had rotten kids who were old enough to know about the case it would be a great way to scare bejeebus out of them.

    There will be Casey masks in time for Halloween and it will be a huge seller too.

  31. The person that made this mask is an asshole, as is Casey.
