Who Does Jennifer Lopez Marry Next?
Now that Jennifer Lopez is divorcing for the third time and also has a failed engagement under her belt, I wonder who she will marry next. I guess the money would probably be on Diddy. He is single, and doesn't cheat as much as he used to so would be an option. As I said in my reveal on July 4, Marc already has someone and has for sometime so he is getting ready to move on to his next marriage. So, she reads the reveal on the 4th and they fight all week and then she finally calls it quits the day before they were to meet Will & Kate. Works for me.
The funny thing is that both Jennifer and Marc were set to make millions as co-hosts or judges of a Simon Fuller Spanish language talent show and now it looks like only Marc will do it because Jennifer is not as popular in Spanish speaking countries and she refuses to host it with him. I think she thought they would choose her over him and she would be wrong.