Monday, July 11, 2011

Way To Go Mila Kunis

Last week Scott Moore of the US Marines made a YouTube video trying to get Mila Kunis as his date to the Marine Corps ball. Most actresses would not even think about it. Most actresses would not even respond. Mila Kunis not only responded, she has agreed to go as his date. Some love must go to Justin Timberlake who saw the video first and started putting the ball in motion. I love these kinds of stories, especially when contrasted about the post I am going to write in a few minutes about an actor who is not so nice.


  1. I love the warm fuzzy posts. Good for her.

  2. i knew there was a reason i loved her. gorgeous AND gracious!

  3. When I first read about this, there wasn't any indication Mila had responded, but I was really hoping she would agree. (Good publicity if nothing else, right?) Glad to hear she agreed so the Mila-love in my heart can go on. (Ohhh, "Titanic" reference there - sorry...)

  4. I knew I loved her for a reason..ditto Chrissy Buns

  5. Hmmm..seems like I'm the only bothered by this story. I love Mila but did this guy really leave her another option? I feel kind of bad for her. Something just seems a little off about the guy (of course, I'm only judging this on a YouTube video). Wondering who the next copy cat will be to ask out their favorite celebrity.

  6. Miss X, I agree. She was kind of put on the spot. That said, I'd love to be asked to go to the ball. Anyone older looking for a date?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. "Did this guy really leave her another option?"

    Um, yeah. She could say No thanks.

  9. I think it's awesome that she accepted, but honestly, I think the guy seems a bit creepy *L*.

  10. @Miss X -- I agree in that she was kind of put on the spot. I'm also just a super-paranoid girl, and it would make me REALLY nervous to escort some dude I'd never met in real life to an event.

    But, presumably, she travels with a bodyguard and this is bound to be a very public shindig. Her personal safety probably isn't even an issue.

    I love Mila. I think she's a total doll.

  11. It's the Marine Corps Ball, not Happy Hour at Bubba's Bar & Taxidermy Shop. I understand the paranoia (I would be too) but I can't imagine anything safer. She could have always come up with a prior committment on that date (shooting schedule, charity event, etc.) Very classy girl - and I'm with mikey - I'd LOVE to go to the Marine Corps Ball!!!!

  12. It seems as though there must be million of these online, people asking celebs to go to balls with them - the difference here being that JT jumped on the bandwagon. If I were her, I would go to the thing and then make sure to hit him really, really hard next time I saw him, or get back in some more clever way...

  13. I think if she really didn't want to go she could have come up with a great excuse. I think she's smart and I've always liked her and dude doesn't give me the creeps at all. Good for him and hopefully they'll have a great time...

    the romantic in me thinks hey it's one night of their lives who knows, maybe it's meant to be...

  14. SusanB, maybe we should make a youtube video and see if we get a response. I'll start looking for a dress asap.

    I was in a West Point wedding 25 years ago and it was breathtaking.

  15. best. pr move. ever.

    it's win-win any way you slice it.

  16. I've always thought Mila Kunis was a class act and this is further proof. And Justin T. just scored some points, too - not that either should even care what I think, LOL.

  17. What a sweetheart. This is why Mila is one of the most in-demand actresses in Hollywood right now, with a red-hot career, earning millions of dollars a movie and nobody has an unkind word to say about her in the entire industry. And this is why Lindsay Lohan is an unememployable, undependable, bratty, lying, selfish, thieving, attention seeking, washed up laughing stock. The only way Lindsay would accept an invitation like this was if every soldier had to stand lined up in formation spelling out a giant "LINDSAY" and they paid her a sum greater than the entire defense budget alone. And when she left all the soldiers would be wondering where all the guns disappeared:

    Soldier #1: "Where'd our weapons go? They were here yesterday?"

    Soldier #2: "I dunno. They just seemed to vanish. I checked last night and they were all in our bunkers. Then we gave Lindsay Lohan the tour of our outpost and then -"

    Soldier #1 "Aaaah, Fuck. Lindsay stole our weapons."

    Soldier #2 'Well this war is now over and the United States just lost."

    Soldier #1: "Yeah, thanks a lot, bitch."

  18. She really won me over with Black Swan. Glad to see her doing something commendable.

  19. I agree that she was put on the spot. But I think she was a doll to say yes. I only hope that he's legit.

  20. The soldier didn't put her on the spot. Justin Timberlake put her on the spot when he asked her about it in front of a Fox 411 reporter. I would bet the guy never really dreamed she would even see the video, and was just doing it as a laugh.
    In any case, I think it's hella cool she's doing this. Now if only she could find someone to escort JT to the ball...

  21. A few years back I attended the Sergeants Ball with my Sergeant Hubby ... what a classy affair. My gown was over $500 & worth every penny. Good for Mila ... she will enjoy herself.

  22. Another reason to love her.

  23. Just hope the guy doesn't get blown up before he rotates home for the dance. There have been some sad cases like that.

  24. AWESOME!! I am working with a girl who went to school with this guy. When she told me about this I was hoping MK would go!!

  25. Even bigger girl crush on Mila now. How awesome!

  26. I never liked "That 70's Show", but really first really became a fan of Mila's when that douche Ashton got captured her on his "Punked" show and she was really sweet and kind. That sealed it for me (bwt, another really nice, kind Punked actress was Rachel Leigh Cook, but I digress).

  27. I loved Mila from the moment I heard about her and love her even more now! I want to adopt her!!!!!!

  28. Good thing he didn't want The Barefoot Contessa as his date. He'd have been S.O.L. then.

  29. Anonymous9:11 AM

    To those who dismiss this guy as sketchy, I kinda roll my eyes. You'd be slightly edgy too (which can in turn be misinterpreted as creepy), if you were filming a pr stunt in the middle of Afghanistan. Cut the guy some slack. Jason BE said it best, they're attending a blue ribbon event where security is pretty tight, as well as self-policed. So even if Mila's bodyguards didn't intervene at the slightest hint of impropriety, this guy's superior officer and/or fellow marines would.

    That said, way to go Mila. Didn't know much about you until Black Swan, but I like what you're doing here!

  30. No, Miss X, you're not the only one.

    I was really, really, REALLY hoping she'd decline.

    Not because I want to go on a date with her, but because I think that most American military personnel these days are arrogant pieces of trash that have huge cases of self entitlement just because they can follow basic instructions. Notice I said MOST, not all of them. I know a few awesome service people...but they're awesome because they don't go around waving the I'M IN THE MILITARY, LOOK AT ME card in people's faces. They do their jobs, come home and that's that. And they certainly don't pull stuff like this. If this was ANY other guy, most of you would have said that he's creepy, etc...etc...and dismissed it. But because he's a fucking Marine, everyone's automatically in his corner & rooting for him.

    Fuck that.

    She should have politely said no.

  31. B Profane. You are quite the sunshine here with yr comment in a "feel good" thread like this. NOT!!!
