Thursday, July 28, 2011

Today's Blind Item

If you think your relationship lacks affection or intimacy and think you are the only one in the world, then this will make you feel so much better. This married couple consists of two solid B- movie stars. Never above the line stars, but generally the second lead for him, while the actress has been a female lead, but only in indies is it ever more than just fluff. The couple is so sterile that when they see each other even after several weeks apart, all that ever happens is an awkward hug hello. No kissing or touching, and definitely no sex, which when you consider one of her roles is rather surprising. Staying together for the child/ren?


  1. Jennifer Connelly and Paul Bettany, with the role being Requiem for a Dream.

  2. They just had another baby....not so sure about those two

  3. Dumb question...but why use the word "sterile" in a blind which indicates that the couple has children?

    I vote for Maggie Gyllenhaal and Peter Saarsgard.

    Jennifer's gettin' a little SOMEthing from Paul -- isn't she pregnant right now?

  4. Oh no... That sounds about right, but those are two people I really like!

  5. P.S. Maggie's role in "Secretary" was what made me think of her for this blind.

  6. I meant Bettany and Connelly!

  7. But yeah, she had another kid with him this year (may) so probably not them

  8. SJP and Broderick came to mind for me immediately...

  9. Maggie and Peter FTW!

  10. def maggie and peter. i thought of her role in sherry baby as the stripper. you never see them together

  11. SJP and Matthew Broderick? surprising when you see Sex In The City

  12. OHHHH SJP and Broderick that sounds interesting, did you read last week that she and Angie tied for the top earning actress's of the year...30 million each.
    Amazing right !

  13. Maggie and Peter. That sucks, I'd be all over him.

  14. Yeah, but wouldn't SJP and Matthew be A-listers? They've each been famous for decades, and they still work regularly. I agree that they fit the clues otherwise, though.

    But it's widely known among gossipmongers that they have a largely sexless marriage, anyhow. Personally, he makes my gaydar *PING PING PING* so hard it's practically shaking and emiting steam.

  15. Yes, first thought was Maggie and Peter.

  16. SJP is def A list, and if shes not A list shes B+, not B-

  17. I was going to say the same thing Ida!! Secretary being the film.

  18. Yeah, I re-thought that too, but this seems to fit their apparent uncomfortableness (word?) in photos to a T.

  19. Ha! Good visual, Ida!

  20. Excellent guess, Ida. Co-sign. Maggie has always come across to me as very cold.

  21. Not SJP, she's been above the line and so has Matthew.

    Does Maggie have some steamy sex role on her resume?

  22. Maggie and Peter

  23. I'm convinced. Maggie & Peter FTW. Secretary was a pretty hot movie.

  24. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Maggie and Peter are good guesses. She's almost always the lead in her indie movies, but in popcorn flicks like The Dark Knight, she's just there for window dressing.

  25. Ben and Jennifer G.!!!

  26. Isn't Maggie's brother supposedly a secret father of a child(ren) with a partner? Sis would be the perfect surrogate for a child someone wants but does not want to claim as his own. My imagination is running wild, I guess. Would explain the ice cube with a hole in it between her legs where her husband is concerned.

  27. Yep, another one on the Peter/Maggie train. Makes perfect sense. SJP would be good but she hasn't had "female leads only in indies." She has leads in sh-tty studio rom-coms. Same with Jennifer Gardner.

  28. maybe Peter is more affectionate with Jake?

  29. I agree with Peter and Maggie.

  30. I like the maggie/Peter guess.

  31. I like the SJP and Broderick guesses. I thought of them right away. Never any affection shown in public.

    Thy've been around for ever but when was the last big hit either had. They have been above the line but not for a while (except the Sex & the City flop).

  32. William H. Macy and Felicity Huffman.

  33. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Timebob...that suggestion makes sense. Makes you wonder.

  34. I like SJP/MB guess although I think Peter & Maggie probably fit the blind better.

    I don't think SJP could be an A List movie star if Kate Winslet is B.

  35. I'd hate to think it's Maggie Gyllenhaal, just because she and her husband live in the neighborhood where I went to elementary school in Brooklyn, right near the Brooklyn Botanic Garden - and they moved there before it was hip.

  36. Wait--wasn't there a blind a while ago about a sister who married a guy so her brother could keep close to him?

  37. It can't be SJP - she is A list. In fact, she tied Angelina at $30m for top earner last year. She top bills and takes producer credits. Also, while it was awhile ago, Matthew top-billed Ferris Bueller and is A-list on stage. I agree with the Maggie / Peter guesses, sadly. Though, I don't see her as sexy in Secretary as she was sad and troubled ...

  38. maggie and peter are B-????

    really? i would've thought they were higher than that---especially her. she was an oscar nominee.

  39. Bill and Flicka are the blind about the hubby actor back on the sauce.

  40. Yes Maggie is rumored to be the surrogate mom for Jake and his partner. What an (un)lucky child!

  41. How about Ben A and Jennifer. i never see them touch really and she's often out w the kids alone. or am I just thinking that because of the previous pic/story.

  42. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Once it was "revealed" that Kate Winslet was B, I think we should just throw the whole rating system out the window.

    If Kate Winslet is a B, I don't see Maggie or Peter being the couple, I wouldn't be able to pick him out of a line-up and I can't name a movie he's been in.

    I feel in lurvvvv with her in my fav movie >Secretary< and ever since then its been vaguely, well, lets just say Michael K. from dListed and Anderson Cooper come to mind. Lol, okay, its not that bad and I dont want to sleep with her, I just have never instantly fallen in love with a character more than in that movie and her vulnerablity and awesome acting just makes her top notch in my book.

    My hope is it isnt them.
    But then again I like Paul B. and Jennifer C. so much too, and I seem to recall a revealed blind about them fucking in a bathroom during a party or something? So I think the are still pretty into each other so I veto them as the possibles. And SJP IS A list, though Matt Broderick seems to be B to me, so I dunno. If Kate Winslet is B then SJP might be B to Enty too. In that case this would fit spledidly and it would leave those other two gorge couples alone.

  44. Naomi is more B+ actress. Jennifer Connolly is definitely a a B+ and Oscar Winner.

    Maggie and Peter are an excellent guess. She's been a lead actress, he's never been a lead male. They're both B- and the movie is the Secretary...a shocking role.

  45. Anonymous1:35 PM

    pleeease let this be Tom and Katie

  46. Kate Winslet is not B, no way. More often than not, Entys B listers are people Ive never heard of. He usually over estimates them. The Kate Winslet thing was a fluke.

  47. Wasn't Maggie the lead in Crazy Heart? That wasn't an Indie.
