Monday, July 25, 2011

Today's Blind Item

This recently divorced A list movie actor who has not done that well with his movies lately, despite the big publicity pushes that have gone with them has been doing press overseas for his latest movie. While in one country he ran into a woman who he was instantly attracted to, but did not speak English. Despite not speaking a word of her language or her speaking a word of English he had her in bed within 1 hour of meeting her all using simple sign language.


  1. Is Arnold doing anything lately?

  2. Well, wait. Ryan Reynolds isn't "A-list," is he?

  3. Sean stinky Penn - though I can not imagine how it is possible.

  4. I think Penn just calls a service and orders his.

  5. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Another vote for Ryan Reynolds. Who, sadly, is in fact A list.

  6. I'm gonna go with Mel Gibson on this one. He's good with the non-American audiences (guess they don't translate his more anti-Semitic rants in other languages), recently divorced, and when was the last time he had any hit?

  7. I'll also go with the Ryan Reynold guess because all the other clues fit. However, I personally think of him as a strong B+. Another big hit like "The Proposal" and I'll grant him A status. Another stinker like "The Green Lantern" and it's back to Van Wilder for him!

  8. Using the Kate Winslett scale, every male is A list, every female is B list. ;)

  9. Penn. I don't think Reynolds is A-list yet.

  10. How about Bruce Willis?

  11. I agree with Rocket Queen in that RR isn't quite A-list yet, I don't think.

    Plus, Ryan strikes me as smarmy, but he doesn't give me any manwhore vibes. I COULD BE WRONG, I KNOW! But Penn? Total slut. I can see it.

  12. Sounds like Mel Gibson.

  13. Oops. Forgot the divorced bit.

  14. im going with mel gibson as well...he had that failed beaver movie recently which he may have been promoting.

  15. Mel Gibson has been divorced for a couple years. It's not particularly recent.

    Ryan Reynolds seems to be the most likely guess.

  16. All I can see is Sean Penn looking at a woman, pointing at her, then pointing at himself, then making a circle with his left thumb and index finger and moving his right index finger in and out of that circle...*L*

  17. has to be Ryan he is pushing that clunker Green Lantern in Spain 3 days ago.

  18. *oh pls be sean peen*

  19. This sounds just like a girl I worked with 20+ years ago. She went to Italy for a holiday, and met this guy she went crazy over. He didn't speak any English, and she didn't speak any Italian, but they still had a one night stand. I can only imagine what the hand gestures were.

  20. Anonymous12:50 PM

    LOL @ Maja!

  21. I just can't imagine it being Penn because I find him so unappealing besides which he probably smells like a walking ashtray. I think it's someone who is actually attractive, like Ryan Reynolds. If it were Gibson I think there would have been a veiled comment about his crazy behavior.

  22. James Franco could point at himself then me then make a pounding action with his hands and I'm up out my seat and into his bed.

    yep, just that simple lol

  23. I def think Ryan is A-List now. He's opening his own movies.

  24. How very Vicky Chrstina Barcelona of him.

  25. Ryan Reynolds! he promoted Green Lantern in Europe last week,he 's divorced recently (this month) and his blockbuster GL bombed in USA

  26. It's definitely Ryan Reynolds this was already gone over and debated about with the whole Kate Winslet being A list or not A list

    I thought the definition of A list was being able to star and carry a movie on your own?

    Unfortunately Ryan Reynolds would be considered A list based on this definition even if he did Van Wilder in the past

  27. I guessed Mel Gibson right off the bat. Is Ry-ry A-list?

  28. sorry kids and especially overseas Ryan Reynolds is a butt pirate.

  29. All these guys show just how desperate these so-called "star f-ckers" are.

    These guys all make me gag!

  30. This is a post from today (July 26). Is it the answer to yesterday's BI?

    Scroll down to the pic of Ryan Reynolds.
