Wednesday, July 27, 2011

That Whole Gene Simmons And Shannon Tweed Thing

I will admit that the Today show meltdown of Shannon Tweed when describing her relationship with Gene Simmons did make me watch at least the first few episodes this season of their show. There was some talk about how it was all for ratings and everything was still good between the pair, but after watching some episodes, it looked pretty real to me. In last night's finale, Gene proposed to Shannon which they have been teasing the whole season. Earlier this week, Shannon said the proposal was the most shocking thing she has ever seen in her life. It still has not got her back in the house though and she has repeatedly said there is only a slim chance they will get back together. I say that Gene is probably still out there being Gene. The season also showed what a prick he can be and I cannot believe she put up with that level of prickness for 28 years. Can you imagine what it was like when he was not closing in on Social Security.


  1. Shannon is a saint for putting up with his crap all of these years. I guess you finally get your fill. The kids are all grown up and she is still attractive. She could do much better.

  2. Did he admit to cheating on her?

  3. I used to work with this completely high-maintenance woman who met him one night at a bar/restaurant type place. She told me he was all over her when she approached him for a picture and asked her if she wanted to join him in his room in a few hours, so I believe everything about him being a dog.

    An aside: This woman I worked with is totally his "type" if Shannon Tweed is the bar we are using. Personally, I thought she looked like a California Raisin, but that's just me.

  4. cannot stand him. try to forget he was ever in KISS or I'd never listen to their music again.

    this won't be a popular opinion but she let this man run around and fuck anything for 28 years (she wasn't clueless) and NOW she's fed up? Maybe old Shannon should have had a backbone about this shit for the last 15 years or so while having young impressionable kids watching,reading and seeing everything.

    I honestly don't know how his daughter has any respect for him.

  5. "prickness"?

    Great new word.

    When they faked a bear coming into their camp in Big Bear Lake, CA, I stopped watching. I knew that was B.S.

    If it'll help the ratings or get 'em in the tabs, they'll probably throw a huge wedding. Big deal.

  6. A friend of mine worked on their last tour and yes he was banging groupies left and right.

  7. She can do better. Wait, even I can do better. You too!!

  8. Now she gets fed up? It would be good if she tried to get her career back on track, especially since the kids are grown, oh yea and stop with the plastic surgery! She should not take him back, imo, what a douchbag and yes prickness is a great word!

  9. Sharon Osbourne called her 'a whore who rubbed her pussy on every stripper pole in LA.'

    They are perfect for eachother.

  10. what jax said.

    I watched one episode for the first time about a week ago when nothing else was on, and he basically locked himself in his room after a concert instead of going to the after party because he didn't trust himself and Shannon had left to Saskatchewan to "take a break" from him. Can't trust yourself? Only fed up after 28 years? What do either of these two expect?

  11. She gave an interview to a Canadian paper in which she said that pictures don't bother her but when shit gets real that's when she gets pissed off. She also said she didn't know that she was in an open relationship. I've watched enough of the show that I tend to believe her. That said, he is a dick of huge proportions.

  12. Not for nothin', but where was this pic taken? It looks like he went home to visit his roots in Queens.

  13. She was wearing the engagement ring when they flashed to the couch.

  14. I feel for her. Granted, theirs was an open relationship, but when many women hit middle age, we lose our will to tolerate BS. I do sympathize with her. Some of us change. She has the right to change her mind and decide what she will and will not put up with. I really like her. Gene is fairly likable on the show, but he's always repulsed me. Men who slobber over women like he does is a turn off.

    Case in point, and why I can relate - I'm having a situation where I am completely over my best friend of 20 years. I knew how she was when I met her, but the vulgarity, obnoxiousness, histronics and her flashing her tits and ass is no longer amusing and ceased to be amusing many years ago, but now I find it intolerable. Like I said, some people change, some never change at all.

  15. she sure was jw12! i'm surprised she could lift her hand in the air without assistance. i don't remember seeing her wear it on the PR tour.

    she has repeatedly said she stayed with him until the children were both in college, and she doesn't feel the need to stay with a man that disrespects her anymore. she also says she still loves him and wants to try to salvage a 28 year relationship.

    IMO, she said yes during the filming when he seemed to be trying to change, but he returned to his old ways before they started doing the PR.

  16. remember the video from a couple of years ago of Gene banging a groupie (actually, "banging" doesn't really describe it, it was more like "geriatrically rubbing up against") with his socks on? Eeewwwwww!!! *L*

    I no longer think anything you see on so called "reality show" is done for any other purpose than improving ratings. Shit, I watched the Kardashians' psoriasis mess the other night and even the rash looked glued on.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. @MadLyb: "Some grow up, some grow old."

  19. It is beyond me why people stay together for the children, when all they're really showing their children is an incredibly dysfunctional and toxic template for a relationship.

  20. RQ, I have a friend in a horrible relationship with two children, her parents want her to get a divorce. Instead she is starving herself and is literally shaking like a leaf due to all the damage she is doing. Her parents hit her husband up about it and he denied she has a problem. My husband, who never says stuff about people, finally said to me that he thinks her husband has a nasty streak. We sincerely hope she is loosing the weight so that when she kicks him to the curb she has a better chance out in dating land. Unfortunately her two sons have inherited quite a few of his traits.

  21. My relatives saw him in Canada about 2-3 weeks ago. She was with him. She even did a bit of acting for a local TV show (Which she didn't have to do but It made everyone respect her more.) They seemed happy enough together.

  22. i like him. he's not a bad guy. he is, however, a musician and a skeeze. if you can separate the two, he has redeeming qualities (as do most musicians). i hate that shannon has put up w/ it for as long as she has speaks poorly of her self-esteem, and it's a bad example to the kids...but she knew what she was getting into, it's not like he sprang this on her one day. it makes me wonder if she's one of those women who thought they were the 'one' that was going to change a man. *sigh* talk about wasted years.

  23. I watch this show every week and his kids called him out. His daughter Sophie said he was a good provider, but not a good father. It was sad. Shannon seems like a good woman. I hope she leaves him.

  24. I used to work with a woman who was involved with him for about 7 years.. She stopped seeing him about 20 years ago.

  25. What I don't get is... last season there was a big deal about Gene taking a lie detector test on some radio show - it was in one of the episodes. They asked if he ever had sex with another woman, he said no, and passed.
    I was under the impression you pretty much had to be a sociopath to pass a lie detector when lying.

  26. @jessica - you just have to believe what you are saying. they asked him if he had "made love" with another woman since he met shannon, not if he "had sex".

  27. I still think their son looks more like Paul Stanley then Gene.

  28. Some people stay with douches because they are terrified of being alone, or think that the douche is all they deserve in their lives. I don't like Gene much, but I will say that in every interview he has ever given he has said the same thing--he didn't want to get married because he knew he couldn't keep the vows. How does someone hear that over and over again and think that just maybe one day he is going to cave in and marry her?

  29. Isn't Paul Stanley gay? Not that gayness would completely preclude a one-night stand with Shannon, but it seems unlikely.

  30. All I can say is that the show is Gene Simmons' show. He's the executive producer. I LOVE the show, but it always was heavy on the scripted part. I thought there were some truly genuine moments in Shannon's angst, and did you see the look in his eyes when he proposed? That ain't acting. He's not that good.

    That being said, I've always thought that Shannon bought into something thinking she could CHANGE him and now, after 28 years is "surprised" to find he didn't change. Well, why should he? Marriage ain't gonna change that.

    Sad, because I thought they really did seem like a great FAMILY.

    Nick is the star of the family. What charisma that kid's got! If anyone knows how to get hold of him, ask him if he wants a cougar one-night-stand and I will be there in a flash! LOL (meow!)

  31. The fact that Gene Simmons has such good-looking children has always been a shock to me.

  32. I'm with Jax, Pookie, Audrey. I don't have any sympathy for Tweed. She knew what she was getting into and Simmons has always been honest. Maybe he is douche bag, but he never pretended to be some pious guy.

    I seriously doubt he is going to change after marriage.

  33. What's fun and interesting and, well, tolerable when you're 30 can become really tedious when you're 50. It's one thing if they decided to give each other space, but I don't blame her (or the kids) for feeling that behaviour isn't appropriate at his age, and not fair to Shannon.

    I only watch the show because of the kids, tbh. The boys a doll baby and the girl is kick ass.

    If I were Shannon, I'd say no to any proposal from him. With the kids grown, why be tied down to an old jackass?
