Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Thank Goodness For LaToya Jackson

This has got to be one of the slowest weeks of the year for gossip. Your only hope for something good is someone getting drunk on vacation and then doing something stupid. So, thank you LaToya Jackson. She was on The Talk, which I still have not managed to watch all the way through yet. Of course, I think in all the years The View has been on, I only managed to fight my way through an entire episode of that like twice and both involved hangovers and a lost remote control somewhere beneath me.

Anyway, LaToya said on the show that her husband used to try and sell her. I could see Jack Gordon doing that. I don't think he just tried, I am pretty sure he was fairly successful at it. Back in the day, LaToya was not unattractive and I am sure he was able to sell her to guys. She did say that he used to put her in brothels. See, I don't know about that part, because that would have come out. She says that Jack tried to sell her to Mike Tyson for $100K for one night. Mike passed on it. She also says that Jack forced her to participate in group sex and lots of other things. Of course she blames it all on the fact that Jack hated Michael Jackson. I love how she is so pro Michael for when like 20 years she would not even talk to the guy.


  1. I believe her.
    And I believe the Michael stuff was all a part of his manipulation.

  2. I have always had some degree of sympathy for LaToya inasmuch as she seemed to be in an abusive relationship. However that pity was always limited by my disregard for someone, without any talents, trying to be famous based on achievements of her brother(s).

    P.S. It appears Mike Tyson is more intelligent than I thought he was.

  3. Honestly, I think LaToya is kind of batshit crazy, so I really don't know how much of what she says to believe.

    It's incredible how she seems to have barely aged since this picture.

  4. Jack is dead so she can say whatever she wants about him. I think she is just trying to do and say anything to get back into the good graces of her mother and the Michael Jackson trust funds.

    Jack and LaToya were both opportunistic parasites and did anything to make a buck back in the day.

  5. Anonymous12:06 PM

    While I believe Jack was a louse who would use LaToya to make a quick buck, I also think LaToya is trying to have a "come to Jesus" moment to get back in her mother's good graces. Katherine wasn't keen on LaToya marrying Jack and pretty much disowned her after LaToya posed in Playboy. So LaToya is going to say Jack made her do it, since he's not around to defend himself. And if Katherine decides to give LaToya some money, all the better.

  6. So she married a man just like her daddy; control issued a-hole. I do believe her daddy abused her and I believe Mama Katherine turned a blind eye.

    I remember LaToya having visible bruises when she was married to him.

  7. Wow, WHY would you admit that in public??? Oh right. Layna guessed it...

  8. You know you have problems when Mike Tyson passes you up.

  9. She looks really really pretty in that pic! WOW

    As for the last part of what Enty said- I TOTALLY AGREE.
    Honey, deal with the issues you have for staying wayyyy too long in what sounds like some Ike and Tina shit relationshp and good luck with all that BUT dont try and glob onto my lovely Micheal's money. Ugh. Parasite is right.
    Sheesh, all the Jackson's are so fucked up. Nice work Daddy Jackson, you piece of shit

  10. It is thanks to LaToya that we first learned about Michael's million-dollar payoff (plus a new Mercedes every year) to the parents of one of his former boy buddies. She said the father as a garbage hauler, which was all that was needed to ID the specific boy buddy. LaToya herself made the point that you don't pay a kid's parents a million bucks (she saw the check herself) and give them a new luxury car every year unless you are paying them for something. Yeah, for their silence, and for not pressing charges.

    This was all confirmed later by the cops, by the way. Michael's family all knew he was seriously into little boys, and they talked about it. If you recall, Jermaine even shopped a tell-all book proposal about it. But now that Michael's dead, they don't want to tarnish his memory, since Mom holds the purse strings and they daren't risk getting cut off.

  11. Just playing Devils Advocate here but maybe he paid that money + cars to keep them from going public not because he was guilty but to keep them quiet so he didn't have to go through a trial. He had that kind of money to blow on stuff like that.
