Monday, July 18, 2011

Taylor Armstrong Files For Divorce

Just in case you could not see this one coming last season or all the times Taylor was hanging out with other guys or even last week when she and that guy from Hell's Kitchen were all over each other, Taylor Armstrong decided to file for divorce from her husband. Divorces seem to happen frequently on the show Real Housewives. It would be much more interesting if they were required to be married to be a Housewife, but that only mattered I think for the very first season of the the OC version of the show. After that, it was more of a have you ever thought of getting married at some point in your life? Really, then you are good to be a Housewife.

Considering I think they are still filming, I guess this will be part of the show this season. It will actually give Taylor a storyline other than fighting with Kim. I actually heard that Taylor wanted to divorce the guy a few months ago prior to filming, but the producers told her to hang on until filming started. Always eager for camera time, Taylor agreed and when they offered to throw in some free lip injections, Taylor jumped up and down in glee.


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