Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Talk About Bad Timing

If you had any doubts about who did the breaking up in the recent Jesse James/Kat von D split or the Kristin Cavallari/Jay Cutler split, then you can now rest easy. I think I told you earlier in the week that the guys were responsible in both cases, but this kind of seals the deal. Last week, Kristin posed for Life & Style in wedding dresses. I doubt she would have done that if she knew a break up was coming in the next two days. No one wants to look like an idiot and he made her look like one but unfortunately her PR team sucks so the only thing that came out to support her was that Jay was controlling. Well, he cannot control an offense or a football so I guess he liked to control Kristin.

As for Jesse and Kat? It will probably get lost in the shuffle of her million other tattoos, but Kat got a tat of Jesse James' face right before he said they were splitting. Wow. I wonder if she told him it was finished in the same conversation he told her they were finished. I wonder if he said it to her in German. I wonder if he reads Mein Kampf to his kids. I wonder if his kids will grow up to be normal. I wonder how many porn stars make the trek out to Austin every week to have sex with Jesse. I wonder if Sandra ever sees his kids any more.


  1. Did Enty "tell us" tell us or was it a blind?

  2. Nope, my rest wasn't disturbed at all by these people.

  3. Wow, that's a lot of I don't care.

  4. Hahahahaha - Jay Cutler can not control an offense or a football - so true!

  5. I hope Sandra stays far, far away from Jesse and his kids. And I hope she keeps that cutie Lewis away from all of them too. No good can come from it, ever.

  6. I think Jesse said some months ago in an interview that Sandra does not see his kids. He made it sound like it was her choice.

    If you want a relationship to crash and burn, the quickest most reliable way to make that happen is to get a tattoo of them or their name on your body.

  7. No matter how lucky the Bears were, won the divisional playoffs and then only finally exited the playoffs in the NFC championship game to the eventual Super Bowl champ Packers. And Cutler was the starting QB on a team that improved from 7-9 to 11-5. In that game, Cutler was taken out with a knee injury. I call some snark here.

  8. It's always the guys, but I must say, pressure to get married was on both of these guys who doesn't show faithfulness in relationships anyway.

  9. Uh, it is most definitely NOT always the guys' fault.

  10. maybe somebody didn't want to sign a pre-nup.

    Jesse is a douche i'm no kat von d fan but you know living states apart LA/TX he was never going to be faithful for more than a week.

  11. WOW, she is annoying! i've never watched her show or seen heard her speak, so i'm a bit shocked at how INSANELY annoying her voice is!

  12. i never saw or heard video of Kat Von D, and I know she's young, but for some reason I didn't expect her to talk & act like a teenage Valley Girl.

  13. mind melding with Chrissy Buns

  14. Kat Von D really is extremely annoying. It's weird that someone with all that artistic talent can sound so unbelievably vapid. And Jesse is SO. UNCOMFORTABLE. *L*

  15. Ugh. I don't have any tattoos, and I don't want any. How awful to tattoo the face of the person you love onto your skin and then get dumped. (She even says, "I thought you were going to tell me that you were breaking up with me.") When she asked him if he loved the tattoo, he just said, unconvincingly, "Yeah, I love you." Clearly, he hated it and thought it was creepy and weird. And yes, she is totally annoying. She seems a lot younger than she is.

  16. i had no idea you were Vulcan Rick...

  17. i don't advertise it Chrissy :)

  18. Can someone tell me why she always wears those gawdawful wigs? What does her real hair look like and can't Kim K from RHWOA help this poor woman?

  19. oh my word, Sherry, i was wondering that too! those wigs are worse than ANYTHING her real hair could look like! i know she must own a mirror because of all the makeup she slathers on, so she must see her wigs at some point!

  20. She's 29 years old, to boot.

  21. The more interesting question is what she is going to turn that tattoo into now!

  22. I think she'll keep the tattoo the way it is. She has other tattoos of some of her exes and tattoos that symboloze her exes....I think when you get to that level of being tattooed, you don't change them when things change, they become part of your story.

  23. Does anyone else find Kat incredibly annoying and awkward?

  24. ...totally o/t, but can't help but wonder how ridiculous this woman will look in 20 yrs.

  25. WOW. I've never actually heard either one of these choads speak before, and their voices are HIDEOUS.

    I know some of you guys have echoed the same thing, but I am truly floored at how vapid and annoying they are. I mean, I *know* I shouldn't be surprised, but still.

  26. @Chrissybuns..she prolly has hair the texture of pubic hair like someone I have known. Ya can't do nuttin with that shit. Still with the money Kat Von D has she certainly could buy a wig made with real haaya.

  27. I don't think Sandra does see the kids anymore but I wish her and Sonny could get together, totally without Jesse anywhere around. That's when nannies and drivers come in handy.

  28. Jesse did that interview on 20/20 or some news show several months ago and said Sandra does not see any of kids, and he does not see Louis.

  29. You can REALLY hear how insecure she is in the relationship here.
    But you know, at least (despite the annoying voice that can only be described as husky sounding valley girl)she made me sorta smile at times, if only cause she was SO jazzed to see him and show him her tribute.
    Jesse, on the other hand, seemed stiff and completly closed off from her, already. It was sad to watch.
    I hope this dude gets syphilis, like for real.

  30. @Sherry, hahahaha...that reminded me of an SNL sketch where they transplant pubes to cover up bald spots, totally cracked me up! that being said, i will feel horrible if she has Alopecia or something!

  31. I'd never heard her speak either and I think she sounds like a man. This chick has a dick. Maybe that's why Jesse didn't hang around very long. He made a brief stop for some strange and now he's moving on to other, equally bizarro pastures.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I wonder if his kids will grow up to be normal.
    I'm gonna go with NEIN.
