Thursday, July 28, 2011

Scarlett Johansson Turns Down Marine - Sends Stuff She Got For Free

Considering the track record of Scarlett Johansson in all things which most of us would consider nice, it is no surprise she turned down an invitation to the Marine Corps Ball. Yes, Betty White also said no and there have been others too, but if anyone needed to show she is not some kind of shrew when it comes to nice, it is Scarlett. She has the reputation of not being friendly to her fans, of stiffing people who bought charity things involving her, and she still has not gone to Haiti like she said she would. This would have been a great thing for her to do. Instead though she sent a note and a case of champagne which she identified by name and which is probably now headed to the Ball gratis or at least they will reimburse her with a matching amount. Seriously? Who in the f**k sells an ad while they are rejecting a date? Scarlett, that is who. Always looking out for herself. Oh, and cheeky? Seriously?

I feel incredibly honored to have been invited to the Marine Corps Ball by Sgt. Dustin L. Williams. Not only does Sgt. Williams deserve recognition for his bravery, selflessness and dedication to the United States and its people, but he also displays a cheeky talent for film making.Sgt. Williams, unfortunately due to prior commitments I will not be able to attend the Ball with you this year but I am sending you a case of Moet and Chandon with gratitude. In my absence, I raise a glass to you and all the men and women of the U.S. Marine Corps, past and present, in thanks for your continued commitment to preserving the safety of our nation. -- Scarlett


  1. I think she's an insufferable snot and a TERRIBLE actress, but she also DID NOT HAVE TO SAY YES simply because the man who asked her is a Marine!! Come ON.

    I think her reply was quite friendly, personable, and gracious. And a case of champagne is a heck of lot better than just a card with a hasty signature on it, even if she isn't the one who had to pay for it.

    This whole schtick is getting fucking old, anyway. It was cute when that guy asked out Mila, but the girl who asked out Justin was just plain obnoxious, and now the trend needs to die.

    Dateless Marines: try asking out some non-famous people who aren't TOTAL STRANGERS. They're way closer to your league, and their schedules are probably a lot less hectic.

  2. Oh Jesus, Enty. You are SO hard on Scarlett. Last I checked, Betty White didn't send the marine who asked HER out a damn thing, but Scarlett's the bad guy? The champagne was a nice gesture. Next.

  3. I haven't seen any recent photos of SJ (though admittedly I haven't looked for any either) but maybe she is preggo and doesn't want to give birth at the ball. Random theory.

  4. As much as I hate her as a person, I think this was a completely classy response - she could have just ignored the guy. I might get yelled at for saying this, but I think it's time the celebs just start ignoring those invitations. Like Ida said, it was cute the first time, but now they're just seeking fame or free shit and it needs to stop.

  5. i think the rejection was nicely done...

  6. I thought her response was fine. I thought the case of champagne was thoughtless, meaning no effort at all. It would have been nice if she sent something they could use or need like a blow up pool or supplies.

  7. Doesn't she do ads for Moet?

  8. I don't know why we assume the "famous" are nice people. In fact I bet there's very few any of us could stand to have as a friend.
    It takes a certain kind of person to push themselves and take the rejection that comes with wanting fame.
    So I think self absorbed and arrogant goes with the territory...

  9. Of course she shouldn't have felt like she had to go, but it's a missed opportunity for some good p.r. And using the name of the champagne is tacky.

  10. Ok. I don't see anything wrong here. She said no (and mad props to her for doing it in a personal way and the case of bubby was pretty classy, if you ask me) and that's that. No need to get all malignant about it, Enty. Not everyone in Hollywood is going to shit Tiffany cufflinks and try to heal the world or some Hallmark Channel malarky.

    I don't see the big deal.

    And didn't I say that this was going to become a trend? I think I did...and I think a bunch of military fanboys & fangirls shushed me about it. How's that crow taste, huh? Want some pepper with that?

  11. Anonymous11:53 AM

    She may very well be a shrew--I don't know. But there's no rule that says Scarlett must attend the Marines Ball. Declining a date doesn't make her a bad person. That's like saying I have to buy candy if a kid is selling it. No, I don't. And I won't be made to feel bad about it.

    And so what if she's hawking Moet with her gift? That's some expensive bubbly. I'm sure the Marines who receive it will toast Scarlett as they enjoy a taste of the good life.

    Find a better reason to harp on Scarlett, Enty. This reason is weak.

  12. If they weren't military and someone sent a video, we would expect the star to almost take out a restraining order.

    No-one should be forced to go on a date, nor should they be publicly humiliated for saying no. No means no, that starts with the right to knock back dates without there being negative repercussions.

  13. @feraltart -- "If they weren't military and someone sent a video, we would expect the star to almost take out a restraining order."


    And co-signing Nightmare Child, even though I know I'll get shit for it. ;-)

  14. I guess Scarlett and Enty have had a run in at some point. It would be weird to go to a ball with someone you do not know. And being a celebrity could bring out the crazies. Not saying any of that is going on here, but it could make me nervous. Sending the champagne was a classy move as well as a personal note. Let's give her a break on this one.

  15. I am actually surprised there hasnt been even more of them. After Mila said yes, I just assumed 50 000 people would do the same thing.

    And if I get a case of champagne for asking Scarlett out for a date on youtube, sign me up.

  16. Nah, I'm ok w/ her response. I think she's full of shit, but her response is fine.

  17. Don't like her, but don't see anything wrong with what she did either.

    Enty, you can file this one with you expecting the Beckhams to sell pictures of their daughter for charity purposes. No one is obligated to do anything they don't want with their personal lives.

  18. Ida & Nightmare, you're not wrong. I think she was perfectly nice. She didn't need to send anything, but the case of champagne was just a WTF gift IMO. It just makes it seem strange to me, false I guess.

    I don't believe any gift is always better.

  19. I saw this morning that someone invited her and my first thought? She will ABSOLUTELY turn him down.

  20. As a non-celebrity, if I were asked I do not have the money to travel and I do not think my boss would give me the time off.

    Celebs have more flexiblity "if" they really want to do something. Folks will usually accomadate their scheules and they don't have to worry about money for travel, clothes, etc.

    No they don't have to, but it's a win win for them.

    I don't think she wrote her response, she's not that bright. Credit her publicist. (and I'm not bright enough to spell it correctly)

  21. Sorry! I can't spell for sh-t.

  22. I'm totally fine with how Scarlett handled this. Not only is the "asking a celbrity out via video" already old and tired; it's just fuckin' creepy. No disrepect to our troops, but just no. If a Marine asks me for a BJ, should I give him one since he's "fighting for our freedoms"?

  23. I don't see a problem with the champagne. It's a ball, a formal dance. Why not champagne for him to share with this buddies? Would it have been better if she gave him an FTD gift certificate (if they even have them) to get flowers for his second choice date??

  24. her answer is fine for me:honestly !

  25. @Rose -- I know you've read the comments and stuff and probably already know this, but ScarJo is/was? the Moet spokeslady. She's just using business connections, which might be lazy, but STILL: a case of champy? Yes, effing PLEASE! I'm with Linnea! If ScarJo starts handing out bubbly to anyone who court her via youtube, I'm gonna make a really shoddy phone video and put it up on the 'net in a day or so.

    Her assistant/agent's assistant probably heard about this video, watched it, and asked ScarJo what to do. So ScarJo spout out some well-worded bullshiz and had the assistant call Moet to arrange the champagne delivery.

    I mean, she definitely doesn't strike me as the most humble or approachable celebrity -- and her line delivery really is painful to witness and completely distracting -- but I sense that she has genuine humanitarian instincts, and she's a pretty articulate person.

    Sidenote: that's something I've noticed about Ryan Reynolds, too -- I've read some editorials they've submitted to various outlets, and he and ScarJo each have a really natural ease with the written word. I'm not a fan of either, really, but I definitely don't think that they're stupid.

    In a world where celebrities CANNOT SPELL even the most basic shit on Twitter, it's nice to know a person who came of age on a set and has never really *had* to read a book or anything can still form eloquent and interesting sentences. That's all.

    So, like, she may be a bitch, but kudos to her for that.

  26. Patty, actually that is a good point. I wasn't really thinking about the ball she was declining. I'm so focused on our troops overseas, I was thinking how strange a gift it was.

  27. @Jerry: If they have a prior commitment (movie, TV, junket, etc.) it's not easy for them to get out them given that they've signed a legally binding contract.

    I'm happy she didn't pander to this guy and agree to go. Enough is enough is enough.

  28. I agree with those who say enough is enough.

    The first guy was cute, he had no idea she'd say yes, it was a lark.

    Now they are all trying to get in on this act.

    Lacks sincerity.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I have no problem with what she did or wrote, I have no problem if it was written by an assistant/agent/employee either. So what if she didnt pay for the champagne, it's still a nice gesture to have it sent on her behalf. I've been the beneficiary of having someone send me something via one of his sponsors and I wasn't offended at all. He still had to make the phone call. 3 minutes out of his wicked schedule was plenty for me.

  31. Ida, we posted at the same time. While I like to think I'm a bit smarter than Scarlett, I honestly wasn't thinking of the champagne in the context of the ball so it does actually make more sense.

    I do think it's classier to decline an invite instead of accepting and then declining a few days later. I like Mila K and understand she was put on the spot but I think she could have said she was honored or whatever, and that she would have to check her schedule.

  32. I'd be a lot happier knowing I was getting a case of Moet rather than a case of Proseco.



    You sure did call it, and they sure did have something to say about it when you said what you did.

  33. I think she did the right thing, I think she has the right to go where she pleases in her free time and if she chooses not to go to a damn ball where she won't know anyone including her date then so be it. I do not hold this against her.
    She did not have to send the champagne either but she did which was a nice gesture, she could have kept it for herself but she didn't.

  34. At least she was nicer about it then that douche Justin Timbersuck who said something like "Oh, I'll go if my schedule permits it." His schedule? He needs a schedule to be such a sucky actor in all these movies he inexplicably gets cast in? He needs a schedule to try to bang every attractive woman who meets or works with all while trying to convince his girlfriend Jessica Biel he's being faithful? He needs a schedule to come up with the lyrics to those stupid 'Dick in a box' sketches he does for SNL every may?

    These requests by servicemen and women in the armed forces to have celebrities go with them to the ball has to stop though. Apparently a Marine has also asked Miley Cyrus but so far she has not replied. I'm surprised nobody asked Lindsay Lohan - actually I'm not. If I was in the military I think I'd clean the latrine with my tongue before I'd ask her. Which if you ask anybody who has ever kissed her will tell you it's basically the same thing.

  35. Jason, don't you dare knock the 'dick in the box' shorts. Those are funny. ;) Besides, I think The Lonely Island writes the majority of it.

  36. "I'm surprised nobody asked Lindsay Lohan - actually I'm not. If I was in the military I think I'd clean the latrine with my tongue before I'd ask her."

    That made me snort!

  37. @Rose - considering Andy Samberg writes a new rap every other week on SNL I'm inclined to agree with you.

  38. Lol Jason - I love Justin Timberlake (as a SINGER) but that first paragraph still made me laugh. I wish he'd quit that acting shit, too. "Shh honey. Just sing and dance for me."

  39. Anonymous2:11 PM

    ENTY-YOU ARE WRONG!!!!! Betty White was right to say NO! and so was she.. It was cute when the Marine Asked Mila, then Justin, (because he was pushing her to go), but I thinking like linnea. We would see an occaisional Youtube invite to a celeb from one of us NOBODIES to a prom-a lot of these were from the celebs hometown high school-CUTE. But, There are almost 200,000 persons in the Marine Corps.. I do not know how many are deployed overseas and how many are married, but even if you remove 50% or 66% of this almost 200K, figuring they are either married, deployed or both, that leaves 67,000 in the U.S. right now making videos, DVDS, uploading to the net, asking celebs, sports figures, etc. to their next ball... So, it is good BW and SJ SAID NO!

  40. I think her response was fine. *shrug* What's the problem?

  41. Justin was the only weak link in the otherwise brilliant "Social Network" last year. I LOVE Aaron Sorkin - The man's one of my heroes and he also has a sister who works as a Judge Advocate General in the military. I have my fair share of actresses I find extremely attractive and would love to spend an evening with but to spend an evening talking with Aaron Sorkin would be so much more fulfilling to me.

    But that's getting off topic.
    I guess now that Scarlett has turned down this marine there won't be too many more of these requests. So far we've had:

    Mila Kunis - Said Yes.
    Justin Timbersuck - Said Yes but only if his schedule permits it.
    Betty White - No.
    Scarlett Johansson - No.
    Miley Cyrus - no response yet.
    Paul Walker - no response yet.

  42. I like her well written response and glad she is sending the champagne, I'm sure it will be enjoyed by all!!

    It is getting tacky to ask for dates via You Tube, and just because they are in the military does not automatically mean honesty and integrity. I've heard and seen plenty that are semi abusive and not trustworthy, and thankfully that is not the majority.

  43. Count me in with those who think both the champagne and the note were classy.

    I run a popular travel site and have a handful of sponsors. Right now I'm working with a few tourism boards. If I arranged for someone in the military to be sent, say, a free two-night getaway to San Antonio and people called me out for using something I could get "for free," I'd be pissed off.

  44. Anonymous3:31 PM

    This is getting so ridiculous. The Betty White one was the dumbest. All these jackasses just want to go viral so they can be on their local morning shows and see themselves on the Yahoo or MSN homepages.

    And I'm ok with her mentioning the name, they know it's the good stuff and not crappy, bitter sparkling wine.

  45. Anonymous4:15 PM

    I don't see the problem here. She didn't have to send anything for the ball. If this note is accurate then it's pretty classy, while politely declining.

    Speaking as the son of a 24-year veteran of the U.S. Navy, BTW.

  46. @Ida - Awww. <3 Bless.

    @Sue Ellen - Yeah, they did...and they're real quiet now. Hmph.

  47. So the marine got a case of the bubbly for asking her to the ball. What do you think she will get for me if I ask her to marry me?

  48. ScarJo doesn't bug me too much. She seems fairly intelligent and has a good sense of humor (but terrible taste in men).

    The case of champagne, free or not, was a nice touch.

  49. Kate, do you mind sharing the site you run? I would love to check it out, and actually need to make travel arrangements soon. :)

  50. It's wonderful that this guy serves his country, etc etc, but why should she go out with him because of that? To show that she's not a shrew? How would that show anything, and why should she date someone she does not want to just to score popularity points?

  51. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Ugh, I forgot how much I hate Celebitchy. I followed a link to that site regarding this article. The writers for that site are idiots and not in any way funny and some of the commentors are even dumber. Most articles on Celebitchy are essentialy "Actress' Name: OMG Let's Hate Her" and then most of the commentors just agree. And if you say anything against the writers or don't agree, etc, you likely get your post removed.

    Anyhoo, the nonsense has started over there with, "ZOMG, the marine is so cute, I'll go with him. And I love Angelina Jolie!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!1"

  52. I assumed that she mentioned the brand name of the champagne so that they'd know they were getting the good stuff and not some cheapass swill; and personally, I don't have any problem w/regifting, etc. if you know the person(s) getting it will enjoy it. The guy may not be getting a date w/a movie star, but a case of good champagne is nothing to sneeze at, and he's still better off than he was to begin with. (I do agree, though, that the "asking out celebs on YouTube" bit does need to stop now.)

  53. Yes she is a star. But you know what? She is also a woman. And she has a right to feel uncomfortable with an awkward request and say no. She never signed up to be a one-woman USO show.

    Yes, it is incredibly brave of these service people to give so generously of their time and lives. But they are not owed a date with the celeb of their choice for serving.

  54. Linda Hamilton's going too, yes?

  55. Count me in, too -- I think she handled it very nicely. And i think the Marines will have a better time with the M&C than they would if she attended the ball.

  56. I thought that this was a thoughtful response. This is so "Tired" in the words of Lainey.

  57. Linda Hamilton did offer but so far nobody has taken her up on it. 20 years ago they would have been all over that.

    I started wondering about this last night: If you were single and could publicly ask out a celeb who would you ask out.

  58. @Anita - your assesment of Celebitchy is dead on. You would think they would have at least one male on hand to give his point of view.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. God, I am SO glad other people out there loathe celebitchy as much as I do. That site is just as bad as Perez when it comes to women-bashing and shitty writing

  61. jason - I almost just screamed "Ryan Gosling!" at my desk. Ahem. Ryan Gosling.

  62. Id have to say Frieda Pinto myself. Or Mila Kunis.

    Speaking of bad websites has anyone seen what TMZ looks like now. That site does look like Perez site now. Hopefully they wont keep it that way.

  63. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Re Celebitchy, I'd love to start a thread and just bash that site all day. Kaiser is an idiot who thinks she's the queen of dry wit. All her posts are mostly copy and paste with her moronic comments scattered throughout. Plus, her inability to learn new words drove me nuts. "Dong" "biscuit" and "boned," oh, hahahahahaha, sooo racy.

    The final straw for me was she did a post saying Julian Assange was kind of hot (the wiki-leaks guy). There was a lot of debate about that because he was wanted for sexual assault charges but she defended him and what he did in regards to leaking all that info. She went on and on defending what he did and freedom of speech, etc etc. Of course for those that disagreed with her, of which I was one, she deleted their (my) posts.

  64. You can't do hard drugs at a military function -- so that pretty much rules Jo-ho and her ilk out.

  65. @Anita -- aaah, yes. I remember when that halfwit Kaiser expounded upon her Assange crush. So what if he was an accused rapist? He's *sooooooo* dreamy!

    A few months ago, she put up a picture of Kate Middleton meeting Michelle Obama and had the gall to insinuate that it was Kate's first time encountering an African-American person (because, you know, it's not as if freaking LONDON is a diverse and cosmopolitan city or anything), and that Kate was probably nervous and scared about it. SO many commenters freaked out on Kaiser for saying those things that she just deleted the whole post and pretended that her hideous, ignorant, racist comments never happened.

    I have ZERO respect for a blogger who not only writes such egregious shit, but also CENSORS and BANS people who dare disagree with her. Enty may delete comments that are violent and sexually offensive, but if Kaiser ran this site, you can bet those endless idiotic thread wars about the radio show and the true identity of the person behind CDAN would have been erased immediately. My point: at least Enty can handle -- and answers to - criticism. Kaiser's just a dumbass bitch who lucked into a super easy job.

    And seriously: what credentials does a housewife from VA have to write a celebrity gossip blog? It would be one thing if her opinions and sources were original, but like some of us have said before, they're ALL copies and reiterations of other more-informed people's ideas.

    Celebitchy is an unfortunate trainwreck -- Kaiser's shitty writing, her sorority sisteresque critiques of women's bodies, her inability to cease using the word "dong," her blatant plagiarism of this site, ONTD, and Lainey -- but I can't help check in every month or so to see what kind of fuckery she's engaging in now. Since she manages to steal from so many other sources, at least she posts with regularity. I HATE giving her any hits, though -- which is why I refresh CDAN, Lainey, and dlisted all day at work. ;-)

    And each time I read what the celebitchy commenters have to say, I am *so* grateful for CDAN. Gawd. We're a smart bunch.

  66. Please.

    Ent never answers questions straight on. He's always evasive and never *really* answers the crux of the question. Sure, he posted a whole long thing about the Radio Show, but never really answered the root questions people were asking. He is a lawyer after all, he's not dumb.

    I'm not disagreeing that people on this site are more intelligent than certain other gossip blogs and Ent has a certain charm that others don't, but please don't let anything other than logic guide you when deciding how legitimate a gossip blog is. I mean, check out that disclaimer on the bottom. That should tell you something.

    Sorry, I try to not direct things to you specifically, IdaB (anymore), but it's killing me to some extent to see you tar someone with the same brush that Ent (not all the time) deserves.

    Just be consistant is all I am asking.

  67. @Sue Ellen --

    "Just be consistant is all I am asking."

    I am always consistent. And I find it *hilarious*, frankly, that you think I'd even remotely care about your preferences regarding the way I express my opinion of this blog, other blogs, politics -- or anything else, really.

    People are welcome to read celebitchy if they choose. And they are also welcome to defend that website here -- just as I and other people are welcome to offer counterexamples of why celebitchy's main webmaster is a piece of crap.

    Enty didn't HAVE to post that longass (and very direct) explanation regarding the donations toward the radio show -- the most vocal critics were fucking annoying and absolutely insane, and they *still* pipe in every week or so to whine about how much they hate Enty and the content he produces. I think it's cool how he soldiers on and still posts nearly every weekday without deleting the comments which are hateful and negative towards him. I mean, you're a big-time lawyer and everything, so you *must* know how hard he works.

    And, really, after years and years of reading CDAN, I feel as if I've gotten brief glimpses into so many other readers' lives: struggles with addictions, favorite t.v. shows and books, grief related to the loss of loved ones, joy brought on by beloved children or pets, complicated familial relationships, etc. -- but you? You've volunteered nothing but contrary energy from the get-go. Not only am I glad to not know you in real life, but I also have zero interest in surrounding myself with anyone remotely LIKE you in real life. I'm always staggered by how absolutely one-dimensional you are.

    And if you engage me, I will engage you in return, but I'd also like you to know that I don't care enough about you to change the way I express myself.

    Shouldn't you be tossing a buttload of styrofoam into a river, or spraying 100 cans of Aquanet into the atmosphere simultaneously? You swore one time that if we ever corresponded again, you'd do something to harm the environment out of spite.

    Just a reminder that you should be "consistant."

  68. Who wants to unload their buisness on the internet? Not me. It's ridiculous and ignorant to assume that because I don't cry to my internet friends about the hardships in my life, doesn't mean I don't have any. I just don't choose to unload on or facebook.

    I never implied you should care about what I say, I'm just pointing out something in general. I already can tell what a nightmare you are IRL, so I don't expect to change anything about you. Again, just pointing out something that should be fairly obvious.

    Also, I said I'd throw a battery in the trash when you spoke to me, not the other way around, so if you'd like to pollute in someway, knock yourself out.

    I just put my 2 cents in because I don't suffer from delusion.

    Carry on.

  69. Oh. It turned into one of THOSE threads, did it?

    I'm still thirsty for champagne! Or a good Prosecco, if anyone is offering!
