Friday, July 15, 2011

Random Photos Part Three

Ed Helms hangs out with a very pregnant Jenna Fischer at the premiere of her new movie.
Rainn Wilson and Creed Bratton also showed up. It is always so strange to see Creed looking normal. He is brilliant.
Eli Roth makes his moves on Kelly Brook and
then celebrates in the water. Kind of like Tom Cruise on Oprah's couch, but with more of a Broadway feel.
Forrest Whitaker gets his kiss on with his wife Keisha.
Huh, I really thought Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez broke up.
Helen Mirren after a night out with Russell Brand.
I think the term hot mess is way overused. Not in this case with Courtney Love.
Hilary Swank in Italy.
January Jones has exchanged her drinking for yoga. I think she goes like three times a day.


  1. Halle's hair is really short...
    Funny how she's allowed to date but goes ballistic if Gabe is seeing someone...she is one crazy mama.

  2. jenna fischer is so cute but really needs to see about finding a well-fitting bra. you boobs should not be under your armpits.

    i didn't need to see that forrest whitaker kiss.

    ay, courtney. i can't even fathom how embarrassed francis bean is at this point.

    i know we're supposed to hate her, but i think JJ looks fantastic pregnant.

  3. I think the phrase "hot mess" was coined because of Courtney.

  4. Anonymous1:44 PM

    I LOVE Halle's hair super short. Gorgeous.

  5. While I am all for women being sexy at every age, Helen Mirren looks kind of tacky in that photo. I get that part of her appeal is that she is raunchy and sexy and doesn't give a hoot but the last few photos I have seen of her (including the bath ones) seem like she is pushing that agenda now instead of just 'being'.

  6. Hot mess doesn't even begin to cover C.Love...

  7. Every time I see a picture of Courtney I feel like I can tell what she smells like. B.O., cigarettes and general uncleanliness.

    Can someone please explain to me the big deal about Kelly Brook? So average.

    I love Creed.

  8. What everyone said about Courtney Love...but I still want her shoes.

  9. Anonymous2:11 PM

    I love Hilary's dress. So bright and pretty.

  10. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Good for January. Motherhood is transformative. I wish her well.
    Courteney's conscience must be black, shriveled and putrid. No wonder she needs to numb it with pills.

  11. Eli needs to date a lady with her own career, that is extremely classy, talented on her own and from a good family. A bigger fuck you to Peaches couldn't possibly be conceived after that.

  12. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Oh Courtney... you don't pair brown with black.

  13. Poor Courtney she thought she was supposed to pair crazy with black instead - who's keeping track?

  14. so did Eli and Peaches break up? i think i missed something...

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Creed is my favorite part of the office, almost! :)

    Chrissy buns - you are right, they used to be together and then there was that awsome story about Peaches and some dude on Gawker... and she got fired from a job (??) I think and he defended her... Strange.

  17. oooo, was that the crazy drunken heroin story? she is one 'hot mess' (i just had to say it, teeheehee!) and i googled it, and read that they broke up in novemeber. i was SO out of the loop *cough(sarcasm)cough*

  18. @linnea and Chrissy

    I said above that he should start dating a really out together type of gal, cos you know nothing would piss her off more. She's heinous!

  19. Rainn Wilson looks like he's lost a lot of weight. Unless the beard is somehow distracting me?

    I have absolutely no idea who Kelly Brook is?

  20. Can anyone tell me if Forrest Whittaker is a Scientologist? He was in that Battlefield Earth movie and it's bugged me ever since. Same with Barry Pepper.
