Friday, July 29, 2011

A Quick Note

Hey Everyone,

Enty asked me to let you all know that unfortunately there will be no blog today, due to unforeseen circumstances. He sends his apologies and hopes you all have a wonderful weekend.


P.S. Why don't I leave you with a Your Turn?

If you had $1000 to spend this weekend,what would you spend it on? Let's pretend bills and tuition don't exist for this one.


  1. Family road trip.

  2. hmmm....road trip to Saratoga, or new gutters and eaves. hmmmm.....

  3. Kayaks for me and my boyfriend. Any leftover would go toward anything that would take my mind off of waiting to hear back about the job I interviewed for on monday

  4. *sigh*

    This is so lame, but to answer the Your Turn...I'd probably just bring all my cats to the vet and get their vaccinations, bloodwork, tooth extractions, anal gland expulsions (lovely, I know), etc. done all at once. Having to plan and stagger appointments based on when I get paid is a pain in the ass. A grand would cover ALL of that. Probably.

    Oh, and maaaaaaaybe I'd blow some cash at sephora, too.

    Thanks for stepping in and giving us the 411, Jax. Hope Enty and his family are okay!

  5. Save it for a trip to Europe to visit friends.

  6. ...but if we're not allowed to pick ANYthing practical, then my boyfriend and I would take a weekend trip to NYC. :-)

  7. Oh and thanks for taking over Jax. Hope Enty's doing well.

  8. Well, seeing how I never do or buy anything for myself, I would spoil myself!

    I am in Mexico Beach, FL and I would first like to go swim with the dolphins :)

    After that, I would get a massage, some kind of lovely spa skin treatment, a nice haircut, and get my teeth bleached.

    In my dreams HA!

  9. I would fly my daughter and me to CO to see my hubby who is working out there as a surprise. He is really homesick right now. Plus, I would get out of the 100 degree plus heat we have been having in Texas. : ) Thanks Jax for letting us know and I hope Enty and his family are fine.

  10. @ms snarky. It is going to be beautiful in Saratoga this weekend. Look for me by the bar near The Chicken Shack!

  11. Since I can't be practical -I would give my daughter my current loveseat and I'd go get that leather, butterscotch colored sofa I really, really want. It's gorgeous.

    Hope everything is ok with you Ent!

  12. I thought he seemed to have bailed kind of early yesterday. Hope all is ok.

    I would do some ebay shopping and let it come to my doorstep. I just got back from a trip to the beach, so I am good on travelling for awhile.

  13. Its my birthday. So two pairs of shoes!

  14. @rareavis -- Happy Birthday, lioness!

  15. The hubby, the wee man and I would hit the road and head north to visit family.

  16. A birthday gift for my honey, and put whatever is left to an iPad...

  17. If bills and responsibilities don't exist: I'd spend close to half on a full day at the spa pampering myself; the other half I'd go shopping with to celebrate the fact that I've lost 21 pounds in the last 3 months :)

  18. I'd get my hair cut, and buy some new clothes. Due to crappy finances and a growing child I haven't bought new clothes or shoes for over three years. I miss shopping and feeling pretty.

  19. I've always wanted to have a proper (entertaining) bar. Something well stocked so when people come over I could play Mrs Mixologist and greet my guests with the spirit of choice. not whatever tesco had on special

  20. Hire I private investigator to discover who was the original ENTY and blackmail him into coming back and writing once more for the "formerly-his" blog. Just saying.

  21. I would take the kids down to Playland in Vancouver and Splashdown in Tsawassen!

  22. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Music,books, and a quickie trip to the beach.

  23. WBotW , get to splashdown before the summer ends as I hear it is shutting down for the future Tsawwassen First Nations development/gigantic mall.

  24. Uh oh, I hope Enty isn't hiding from the star whackers as a result of some of those July 4th reveals.

    $1000, Hawaii or Italy if the airlines miles can cover the airfare.

  25. WbotW- ya that would be about the right amount you'd need for PNE. that place is never getting another dollar from me. $50 to get in and another $35 for rides?

  26. Macvixen - congrats! Good job!

    Ah... I would buy a whole bunch of really nice drinks for my second wedding party that we are having in three weeks. I havent been planning for it at all, and I just got let go from my job so it would be welcome...

  27. Ooooh, I'd totally load up the family and find a waterpark to cool off before school starts. :)

  28. I’d definitely go back to New Zealand. Unfortunately $1000,- wouldn’t be enough...

  29. Maybe a new outfit...French lingerie....or a trip to Hawaii :) have a good weekend everyone!

  30. I'd have to add if I didn't have to work the entire weekend -
    With that being the case, tickets to KC to be with the grandkids and a massive royally piss-their-parents off shopping spree at a toy store or ten.

  31. I'd fly home and drive to cape cod and spend a weekend at the beach. Or drive into Boston and see a game at Fenway.

  32. Or...I'd finally splurge on a a Louis Vuitton bag or a pair of Louboutins.

  33. @Capture: I grew up in Panama City and my mom lives in Mexico Beah...looove it there! San Francisco beaches cannot compare!

    I would probably buy some more Giants tickets, first of all...I go to at least one game a month, but I'd love to step that up. Then I would take my sister out on a lady date: mani/pedi, dinner at Incanto, and shopping!!!

  34. I'm also going to pretend putting it in my RRSPs and donating to charity aren't an option....

    Hmm...probably a fabulous meal at a chichi restaurant that actually knows how to do vegetarian food WELL with a $300 bottle of pinot noir with a couple of my besties. That's my ideal night.

  35. I hope Enty's ok!

    I'd spend it on clothes, baby!

  36. I'd donate it to the reward fund for info leading to the arrest of the sob who shot a dog with an arrow and left it to die in Riverside, CA on Wednesday.

  37. I would buy my fiance an engagement ring that she deserves then I would put the rest aside so we can go somewhere nice for our honeymoon.

  38. Ooh, $1000 would buy a fabulous day at the spa and an amazing dinner, I think.

    Yikes, Lainey, that's awful. I hope they catch the guy.

  39. Anonymous10:32 AM

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  40. Uh, I wanna change my answer to donating it to a torture fund for the asshole that shot that dog in Cali.

  41. Anonymous10:39 AM

    So I can't use it practically and I can't give it away for kitty vet bills....

    My husband and I are going to the States this weekend for some shopping (Syracuse, NY). I'd either consider going farther instead and flying to Boston or NYC.

    I don't think they sell Louboutins in Syracuse so I'd probably go to Lord & Taylor and blow it on Michael Kors or Kate Spade purses.

  42. Knowing damn well that I SHOULD use it for bills, I would definitely take a weekend road trip to somewhere with a lake and great food!

  43. Also...I hope enty is alright and just very busy.

  44. I would definitely spend the morning at Bliss (massage, facial, pedicure) and then meet my sister for a fabulous champagne lunch at Chantarelle (which closed a year ago, but hey, this all a fantasy, right?)...

  45. Oh - and as others have mentioned - hope all is well w/ EL...

  46. Anonymous10:46 AM

    i'd call my gf, tell her that we have $1000 to spend any way she'd like. i'd probably then spend the rest of that day sitting outside of fitting rooms telling her she looks beautiful in everything, because truly she does.

  47. Weekend trip to the ocean with hubby - stay at luxury condo and eat out and swim.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. dj - that was super sweet :)

    Lainey - that's awful. Fucking awful.

  50. Take Hubby to the beach and EAT and DRINK whatever and whenever we want. Swim and hang in a fabulous ocean front hotel!

  51. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Iphone, eating out all weekend at upscale places and Spa treatments.....


  52. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Sue (in MO) I know how you feel.

    Where are you in MO? I'm in St. Louis!

  53. I don't have the kids this weekend down the list of ex-girlfriends, asking if they wanted to be treated to a weekend of French lingerie and spa treatments.

  54. @anita_mark -
    welcome to syracuse! there's jazz fest going on in downtown Syracuse, not huge but fun. Also, if you have time to drive about 20 minutes or so to the beautiful village of Skaneateles, there's a festival there, on the shores of one of our gorgeous Finger Lakes!

  55. I would first throw it on my bed and roll around in it. Hee. Then, I would use it to take some kickboxing classes near me. Oh, and maybe buy a killer pair of shoes. By that time my daughter would be on to me and I would spend the rest on her and my son.

  56. My first vacation ALONE. I've always wanted to go but talk myself out of it(worrying about being kidnapped or bored). I would take a short cruise without the family or friends. And enjoy myself alone. Sorry honey(waving) I'll be back in a few days, I love you guys.

  57. @anita_mark....
    plus, the rain today is going to pass by this evening, so the weekend should be lovely.

  58. St. George Island for a week beach house rental.

  59. We're in desperate need of some new furniture, so I'd probably buy a great sofa and coffee table and hopefully have a bit left over for a nice, fancy dinner :)

  60. @Ida:

    I'm a vet so I appreciate someone who cares that much for their cats that they would immediately think to take care of them! :)

  61. I would take my kids to a theme park.

  62. A trip to the Mayflower Inn & Spa here in CT. Or a ton of Legos.

  63. Airline tickets to NYC & New Orleans

  64. New Orleans in August?

  65. Weekend trip to Galveston....Moody Gardens, Schlitterbahn Water Park, the sandy beaches. Yep, I'd be pretty happy!

  66. Probably put it toward adding a bathroom to the master bedroom :)

  67. I'd spend it on new cabinets and countertop where my pass through currently is. I hate it.

  68. @dj -- are you even, like...*human*? Someone who wants to escort his girlfriend to various places while she tries on clothes? DUDE. Your ladyfriend is LUCKY!

    @B. Profane -- diff'rent strokes. Some folks like hot weather. Why pick at other people's (inoffensive) ideas? Angie could have family in New Orleans, for all you know.

    @firebugDVM -- Well, then you're the bomb. :-) I realize that veterinarians go through the same rigorous schooling as any other medical professional, work equally long hours, and you guys are NOT compensated as handsomely as doctors who work with humans. Despite what some people think, being a vet is a *total* labor of love. I really admire your profession.

    In fact, if I were remotely left-brained, I may have followed your career trajectory. Um, I can *spell* scalpel, but I sure as hell don't trust myself to wield one. I'll leave all that gory stuff in your capable hands!

    Oh, and my cats? They visit the doctor more often than *I* do. They're spoiled little creatures, but they ask for practically nothing in return, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

  69. Rent a luxury house in Palm Desert for a 3 day weekend. Its off season so its possible :).

  70. Hubby and I would jump on The Ranger and head to Isle Royale National Park for a couple of nights. No cell phones there, w00t!

  71. Give it to the Sea Shepherds to save the Steve Irwin ship so they can keep saving whales!

  72. @Ida: Thanks! You are right-- most people don't realize how expensive 8 years of college is and how little we actually make... It is def a job you don't take for the money. I do emergency work so it's more heartbreaking than general practice but when you have a pet "parent" (and animal) that appreciate what you do it really is nice :)

  73. I'd love to take the family to a hotel on the beach, rent a cabana, and enjoy food, drinks, and to read a good book un-interupted!

    Hope all is well Enty!

  74. @firebug -- oh, you don't have to put "parent" in quotations. :-) I totally refer to my cats as my children. I even get annoyed when people call an animal "it" if the gender is obvious. I mean, I REALLY do hold non-humans in high regard. My own species continues to disappoint me day after day, but animals *never* do!

    Basically, I'm like a real-life version of Michael K's vision of Jennifer Aniston, only I would NEVER bang John Mayer, I'm super pale, I've never done blow, and chances are excellent that I'm a better actress.

    Honestly, though: an emergency vet? Awww, man. THAT is ROUGH. You deserve a month-long vacation. THAT'S what I would do with 1K: send you someplace tropical for a while. :-)

  75. @Ida:

    Sign me up :)

    I have one 2-legged child and 7 (yes seven) 4-legged kids. We call them all our kids and refer to the dogs cats as brothers/sisters to our daughter. When she gets old enough and starts telling people she has 7 siblings people are gonna think we are the Brangelina of Ohio. Or don't know how to use BC.

  76. @lolaluvs2snack: totally take that time for yourself. In my 20s I travelled overseas alone, had a ball. You don't answer to anybody else, you can do what you want when you want. Take that imaginary $1,000 and go for it.

    I would take my husband for a weekend away at the vineyards. They are very close to our home town, only about a 40 minute drive. I am very jealous of everyone in heat, still winter here in Australia.

  77. Oh Ida, you have me laughing again. Michael K's Aniston is one of my favorite things in the world!

  78. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Ms Snarky, thanks for the tips. Normally we just head down on Saturday, go to Carousel Mall, then the Outlet Mall, then head home on Sunday. It's a long weekend for us so we're driving down tomorrow and will spend two days. We definitely plan on going to Carousel Mall because everything is so much cheaper in your country :)

    But now I have something to suggest for Sunday. Trip Advisor had good things to say abot Asti Caffe, any good? Plus we'll do Dinosaur Ribs.

    Our weather is about the same. Bloody hot.

  79. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Oh, and we call it "the 'Cuse" cuz that's what the kids call it.

  80. I'd take each bill and spell "Go Out With Me Frieda Pinto." so that it would be seen from the sky and it would garner national coverage then she'd have to respond.

    Nah. I wouldn't do that.

    I'd invest in a new TV. My 32 inch HDTV isn't big enough. My female friend came over the other night to watch "St. Elmo's Fire" because we were going to laugh at what Demi Moore has done to her face since then, but the TV was pretty far from my couch. We had to move my couch closer to the screen. I'd get a 46 inch at least. Should I get a Plasma or LCD.

    And yes. We did still laugh at Demi Moore. Next up - we're going to watch "About Last Night." to make fun of her big hair.

  81. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Jason, get LED.

  82. Physical therapy for my darling puppy who has degenerative myelopathy. Otherwise, I'd take all my friends out to a really nice restaurant.

  83. And I also hope that you're okay, Enty, and if you're busy, I hope you get a weekend yourself.

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. I'd buy new dog leashes, beds, bowls, and tons of treats. Then get my nails done, a mini massage, my car washed, and buy a half oz of herb. That's $500 right there, so with the rest I would go to Organic Pasture's Hub in Glendale tomorrow for raw diary & beef, then my local Health Food store to buy all the things I pick up and then put down because it's too expensive. What's left goes into the wine fund!

  86. A hotel and hard liquor!

  87. @firebugDVM -- I always had at least one beloved cat or two growing up, but it was my childhood fantasy to grow up around a buttload of them. :-) Your kid is living my dream! And I'm living it now -- I've got one less furry child than you and no two-legged children of my own -- though all the kids in my family/life love animals too, thankfully.

    I'll bet your son or daughter becomes a responsible, kindhearted person having grown up with so many cat/dogsiblings. Seriously. My friends who have kids *and* pets have children who just seem more patient and gentle than their peers. Animals really can teach us things -- and not to turn this into some big gushfest, but thanks for working all day to make 'em feel better. :-)

    @JBE -- OMG, could you please toss The Seventh Sign in that mix? That's still my favorite Demi role to date! Her + The Apocalypse = a perfect combo.

    Digression: I nearly typed "Seal" instead of "Sign" up there -- which is absolutely understandable, because, uh, you *know* that Ingmar would have been totally stoked to work with Mrs. Kutcher.

  88. God damn it! He is off sunning in Mexico .. isn't he! Didn't take us - AGAIN! : /

    Okay .. in keeping with the new American Dream [Nefe Survey of June 2011] of retirement .. I would bank that dough. I am living on less than $700 a month. I need to bank that imaginary dough .. spend it on my future.

  89. @wil - yes he is and he somehow managed to convince Eva Mendes to cook up a big bacon feast for him.

    I saw her in a new shampoo commercial last night on E! and wondered if Enty was watching it too.

  90. Keith Urban concert tix and planning my anniversary which is about 6 weeks away (16 years).

  91. @Ida - Oh for sure Ingmar would have. He would have tweeted his excitement to everyone.

  92. A thousand bucks to spend this weekend??
    I'd go up to Monterey, find a great B&B overlooking the bay and chill. Do a little reading, shop in Carmel, enjoy the coastal view and have a few great meals.
    Total bliss to me.

  93. go out to eat a nice meal - take the rest & buy some food - all we have been able to afford has been Ramen noodles & rice

  94. Go see my kid who lives on the other coast.

  95. OK. If we can't be practical and say fix my money pit of a house. I would love to take my disabled sister who lives with me to see the ocean. If we could not go there, I would take her to Philly, so we can visit our Uncle who had heart surgery but is doing well.

  96. Enty, I hope you and your parents are doing OK.

  97. I would take the seven hour flight to the doorstep of the apple of my eye and finally tell him I'm in love with him.

  98. @Ida and firebugDVM~love reading your comments. Thank you both for all you do. I too am a huge animal lover. Last year my husband and I purchased a farmette and have been steadily adding to our pack, pride, flock and herd. we have 2 human children (3 and 7), and they consider all the animals to be their brothers and sisters. Our animals are either rescues or breeds on the endangered livestock list, yes their is one and you don't want to get me started on the monoculture of the corporate farming industry. We don't raise our animals for meat, only milk eggs and breed preservation. The $1000 would defiantly go to them, or at least making their daily care more efficient.

    @firebugDVM~ I have had the same vet since I was 13years I am 35. He is a large and small animal vet and makes house calls. Once an ex and I were hiking 4hours away with one of my dogs. We came across a tiber rattler and the snake struck at me. My dog got between me and the snake and took the bite. None of the vets in the area would see him. I called our Vet in tears and he had me give my dog some benadryl to slow down his heart rate and met us 1/2 way home with the anti-venom. When we met our dog was doing well and didn't need the drugs. Our Vet only charged me for a house call and sent us on our way.......I truly love that man.....

    sorry for the ramble I could tell stories and talk about them all day

  99. I as well hope that Enty is ok! Maybe he has his own $1,000 and is going to spend it as he pleases today for a day off

    I would use the money for a weekend trip with the boyfriend and dog to obviously a dog friendly hotel, probably in San Diego. Eat and drink great food as we please. Ahhhh if only it were true =/

  100. Easy - my last vacation was 1994, no joke. So cheapest plane tickets to the nearest beach for my daughter and I. The rest for hotel/food/jetski rental.

  101. Hmmm, I would likely spend it on something for the house.

  102. Dinner out at the french restaurant in town with some really good wine, ticket to Adele concert, a shopping trip to the discount store to stock the shelves of the local Salvation Army shelves and Humane Society.

  103. I'd pay someone to do my stats assignment this weekend, so I could join my man up north to fish.


    I just got back from Cooperstown. What a beautiful place upstane NY is. I had no idea.

  104. id go to a hotel on the beach. ON the beach. a snotty place so no one would bother me. and i'd do exactly nothing! take long baths in the giant soaking tub. order room service, sleep, watch the waves, order umbrella drinks, watch tv and relax.

  105. I should be practical & apply it towards a MAC but I love to travel so I'd apply it to that.

    Enty I hope you are ok!! :-(

  106. Hope Enty is okay!

    As for money to spend - a big pool party with lots of great drinks and food. Would invite lots of friends and close family.

  107. Easy. Hookers and blow.

  108. @Kathryn & @Ida: I always love to hear peoples stories of their pets. Ours all all rescues (humane society, strays or dumped at clinics) and I love the "unique" ways we got each one of them...

    When I lived/worked in Cinci I was on the Vet Board for the ASPCA and loved all the amazing things I got to do with them. I would NEVER buy a pet from a pet store or breeder for both ethical and health reasons :)

    Cheers to all the loyal pet parents :)

  109. Spanksy-hilarious!!!!!

  110. I would go to the beach, by fruits and veggies and take all my friends who have helped me out in the last few months to a VERY NICE Dinner and Helicopter ride of the Malibu scenery.

  111. Anonymous5:09 PM

    I'm retiring in three weeks and am going to have to live on 1/3 of what I spend now, and for months I've been buying "big" items that should last me for years, in December it was a new iMac and in January a car and last month a new printer and desk chair, in June a new CD player, and just this week a new DVD player and a bunch of movies I meant to watch, a bunch of new underwear and jammies and robes because I don't expect to wear much else, at least until I start taking those college courses or find a part-time job. The only thing I haven't gotten is the new recliner for relaxing while I watch those movies or read some of the 40 or 50 paperbacks I've been hoarding. I've been looking for a cheap one, but if I had that thousand I'd buy just what I want, and if there's a couple hundred left, I'd stow it away just in case the cretins in D.C. don't get things fixed and I really don't get a social security payment in August.

  112. jetski jetski jetski jetski jetski jetski jetski

    (And a plane ticket for my sister so she could get her ass up here and jetski with me!)

  113. I owuld have to be a bit frivolous and do a road trip to Wisconsin Dells, thrill ride and waterpark capitol of the world! If I had anything left, then I'd get that new EVP phone I've been eyeing.

  114. I <3 all the animal love too! My baby cat is getting older, but she's still as perfect as ever and she fully intends to live with me until she is 75 (yes, we have discussed this). I have two really good vets--in OH too, like firebugDVM--but we are glad that my kitty does not have to go all that often!

  115. A laptop! I've only ever used desktops and I'm craving the mobility a laptop would allow.

  116. Visit the Spa at the Hotel Hershey, where they put the really good chocolate on your skin.

  117. i would go to Seaside and stay in a hotel all myself for a few nights and order room service and movies and eat and drink myself silly. and the room would have to be ocean view. sounds good to me!

  118. pay my kids' tuition fund and anything left over, pay off bills

  119. Take 3 of my closest friends on a wine tasting tour in Central Coast, CA. My brother lives there and his buddy actually makes wine and says he'll throw us a party if we come out. Apparently this dude has some sort of wine fountain thingie in his house that he uses to dispense the vino at his parties. Weeeeeeeee!

  120. @Lainey-- very thoughtful idea. People are just sick sometimes. How is the dog doing? Hadn't heard anything about it.

  121. New laptop! I know not very exciting-miss you Enty!

  122. Anonymous9:28 PM

    @Mango, can I be a closest friend for that? I love California wine.

  123. There's an art fair this weekend, so I might treat myself if I could find the right thing.

  124. Buy a new camera. I've got an old Nikon N50 film camera that takes excellent pictures. $1000.00 would come close to getting me the digital Nikon I want to replace it with.

  125. For anyone interested, here's the L.A. Times link to the article about that poor dog that was shot with an arrow:

  126. JEWELRY! I'm surprised no one considered that. I would find the biggest emerald in a gold setting surrounded by clear diamonds. But for $1,000 it wouldn't be that big. Yes that's what I would buy.

  127. Things other than bills and tuition exist?

    I would get my hair colored, a few dresses, and pair or two of shoes (on sale). And a bottle of Jameson!

  128. I'd give it all to my daughter who is getting married next month so she and her hub could have an actual honeymoon for a week. That way, I'd get to take care of my grandson :) Method to the madness. Heh.

    Hope Enty and his family are okay.

  129. The Casey Anthony mask on EBay. Not!!

    Some laser hair removal!! I won't elaborate on what parts ;)

  130. Thanks @Lainey. So sad... Anyone that lives in the area know if we can contribute to the reward fund? Maybe they would catch that jacka** easier if the reward amount was higher....

  131. Entry fees to several trail running events through the end of the year. Of course I would buy new athletic gear too. :D

  132. anyone see the news on Melissa George and Russell Simmons?

  133. @F00bby

    wow that is interesting. Also, I don't think I realized she was Australian (not that it matters, I just didn't know).

    I would be extremely selfish and go away somewhere for the weekend. Without my husband, two kids, or two dogs. Just alone. With no one talking to me or needing my opinion or my attention. I feel bad typing that but sometimes, a girl needs a break. Actually, I would probably visit my friends in Cali (again, all alone). Ahhhhhh quiet.

    Enty! I hope all is well, we all missed you Friday and hope to see you back on Monday!

  134. @clayton - yeah shes from one of the dodgy suburbs in the city where I live/grew up :)

  135. My Sheltie and i would go to a beach within driving distance for the weekend [don't want to fly her anywhere] to a pet friendly spa. Since this is an imaginary $1000, this beach would also have imaginery fall weather so that we could walk and run w/o passing out from the heat. Then some spa treatments for both of us. Alternate those activities w/some lovely spa meals until it was time to go home.

  136. This comment has been removed by the author.

  137. I'd give it charity- Doctors Without Borders especially.

  138. Fly to Ft. Hood, Texas to see my kid, haven't seen him in 8 months. Boo!

  139. two words

    chocolate and tequila
