Monday, July 25, 2011

The Quaids Speak

After all the trouble Randy and Evi Quaid went through to remain in Canada and avoid having to face charges in the United States, Randy now says he wishes he could go back to the United States. He also blames this entire episode on lies from the Santa Barbara prosecutor and NY Post reporters he claims of hacking his phone. Considering The Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch, that last part could be true. The Post says they never hacked Randy's phone so his allegation that information they wrote about which he only discussed on his phone is not true. Well, actually they said that Randy has provided no proof that his phone was hacked. I say with The Post and all the other Murdoch tabloids that it should be assumed you were hacked and it is up to them to prove that you were not hacked.

I think Randy has also realized that despite the many television and movie productions shot in Canada it is going to be hard for him to make a living up there and that his choices will be much fewer. The thing is, he is probably much more likely to get a part than Lindsay or someone like that. AT least with Randy you know what you are getting. Maybe they could film Canadian Vacation.


  1. Star whackers seem much more plausible after the hacking scandal and the killing of the whistleblower.

  2. lol how convenient to pin it on Murdoch now. Think I could use Murdoch as an excuse for taking an extra long lunch today? Say my phone and info was hacked and I need to sort it out?

  3. Even if he's resident in Canada, does he need a Canadian work permit to film there?

  4. @weezy - no, not if they've been granted refugee status, which I believe they have been.

  5. Evi was deemed a Canadian since her father is Canadian. So She can sponsor Randy ad get him a landed immigrant status (equivalent to a USA Green Card).
    From what I know of filming in Vancouver is most of the casting is done from Hollywood agencies, usually local casting here in Vancouver is mostly for extra's & established actors, Randy established??? besides what possible roles would there be for him in any movies being filmed up here? He should've stayed in California or moved to the UK.
    Randy & Evi are in Canada now and need to work to become taxpaying citizens and contribute to the local economy or payback all the taxpayers money they've wasted on their bogus refugee claims. But then again they've now put Vancouver on the map for Hollywood refugees, so if your worried that star whackers are coming for you then Vancouver, BC, Canada is the place to come, as you know the Canadian Border & Customs agents will arrest and fine any of those whackers trying to cross the border with their guns. Not even US Secret Service Agents are allowed to carrying Firearms when a US President has a spot of Tea with the Prime Minister of Canada, or in Obama's situation a beer with the President of Canada.
    And now Randy's phone has been hacked??? Really???, what dumb piece of shit @News corp is going to waste valuable phone hacking time hacking Randy Fucking Quaid's cell phone!

  6. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I highly doubt his phone was hacked. Why? They would have to care and I don't think anyone does.

  7. ^^ What are you talking about?
    First, Canadian border guards don't have guns.
    Second, we have a prime minister, not a President.

  8. RocketQueen - Extra long lunch? I'm taking tomorrow off to sort out my phone because I think it may have been hacked!! I might even need a day after that. I won't be in Canada but I think if I take my phone to a pool it will help me figure out exactly what happened. And a mojito might help even more!!

  9. ^lol! Why not? Have a mojito for me!

  10. It's kind of amazing when you think about it. There are over six billion people on this planet and these two whack jobs found each other.

  11. RQ, that star whackers can't cross the border with their how I interpreted it. And I think the president thing may have been a dig at Harper, which I have no issues with...*L*

  12. ^hee! a mojito helps everything. ;)

    i'm sort of developing a soft spot for these two...they may be onto something. (and i REALLY want to take evie for a proper bra fitting).

  13. Ah..could be Maja. Thoroughly confused by the whole thing.

  14. They both seem completely obnoxious, but I must say that Evi is lovely in that photo -- I'd never seen a picture that didn't make me want to smack the smirk off her face.

  15. This is more of Evi making wild paranoid claims to cover for the fact she's robbed him blind because he trusted her, sold his property and used most of his assets to purchase one of the best wardrobes in Hollywood. She's crazy but very manipulative, especially because he wants to believe her crazy stories rather than the truth which is she robbed him into poverty and now his homeland with her lies.

    People who have dealt with Evi and it's gone bad are genuinely afraid of her.

  16. Is Randy still insurable or is sanity not a criteria.

  17. As long as no-one expects Randy to pay rent or a bill he might stick around long enough to film something, if Evie says it is ok.

  18. "it is up to them to prove that you were not hacked": Real lawyers know you can't prove a negative. Hell, logical non-lawyers know that. Who the hell wrote this nonsense? Between this and the recent spate of posts immediately assuming the guilt of various people without even having any details yet, it's starting to feel as if a cashier who doesn't even watch Nancy Grace is writing these posts.
