Monday, July 25, 2011

Now Everyone From Glee Will Be Flunked And Stay

Perhaps this will be the never ending school year or everyone in the Glee club will be forced to repeat their senior year, but what was a great move on the part of the Exec Producers of Glee a few weeks ago has turned into no one from Glee leaving. Ever. Yesterday morning, the co-creator of Glee, Brad Falchuk said everyone who had been announced as leaving by other co-creator Ryan Murphy are actually staying. Just because they are graduating does not mean they have to leave the show. No, I guess they could be the people who you always saw when you were in high school who would pop in every week or so to wander their former hallways and relive their glory days and to hit on the incoming freshman girls because no one else would listen to anything they said. So, yes I guess Lea Michele, Chris Colfer and Cory Monteith could stay on forever doing that. There is also talk of a spin off show. You know, the three going to college, because we all know how well Saved By The Bell, The College Years worked out.


RocketQueen said...

Like Wooderson from Dazed and Confused ;)

Anonymous said...

Without a doubt, the best character in that whole overrated movie!

"That's what I like about high school girls. I get older, they stay the same age."

ForSure said...

I think this might be another pile of BS being put out there to get ink. Kurt was obviously younger in the pilot episode, and Puck and Quinn are obviously seniors. I don't believe anything Murphy and Falchuk say anymore, I just watch the episodes to see what mess develops next.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Uh, from what I've seen, the writers for Glee don't exactly care about logic or continuity, so why not just keep the whole entire cast around until this junkshow is mercifully canceled?

Linnea said...

Maybe it is just a smart way to get rid of some of the talent that might be harder to work with than others...

mikey said...

Please let Lea go to college far away so she can only visit once a year. Everyone else can go to community college and visit regularly.

RocketQueen said...

For sure, Texshan.

Wooderson: Cynthia, man. I Liiiike it.
Pink: Red's a good color for you!
Wooderson: My faaaavouriiitee color...

Lelaina Pierce said...

That article says Chord chose to leave... I thought it was the other way around?

So, what are they going to do, jump around from college to high school scenes? I just don't see how that is going to work.

Jasmine said...

Well, say what you will about Saved by the Bell, the College Years (and believe me there is a lot to say), they still had a few seasons which garnered a few yrs of steady paychecks to the actors.
Maybe Chris and Lea dont necessarily need those steady checks and can go on to bigger things but Cory Monteith definitely doesnt stand a chance out there.
And now that I think about it, with Twilight ending, there seems to be a lot of young fresh early 20 somethings who are roaming LA, looking for work. I think there can only be so many slots for the troubled 22 y/o rom com dude.

I saw a new movie poster starring Taylor Lautner with some abduction plot and he is staring smoulderingly into the camera and it just looks horrible. This is Cory Monteith's future...if he's lucky.

Mango said...

Obviously they want to milk this for all it's worth and refuse to let Glee die a natural death.

Unknown said...

Reminds me of a cheerleader from my school that just couldn't let cheerleading go and opened her own cheerleading SCHOOL.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

This is a show where people burst into pitch-perfect singing at any moment, where a piano becomes a full-on rock band and people in the halls just walk by without even glancing in on the noise continually coming from that room. I think the "realism" aspect the show shouldn't be a big priority at this point.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

@jasmine - Hollywood is trying to make a big action star out of Taylor Lautner but the kid is just too damn short.

elspeth said...

Ummmm, not so sure there, JBE. How tall is Tom C.? Although i can see TL not making it for other reasons.

Jeri said...

Hey this is TV. Let's not confuse it with reality. 4 yrs is no biggie.


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