Thursday, July 14, 2011

No Fighting At Foo Fighters Shows

If you are planning on attending a Foo Fighters show at any time in the future you really need to make sure you do not fight and do not bring Courtney Love. Do bring lots of Mentos though.


  1. "You don't come to my show and fight. You come to my show and dance, mother F*****."

    GOLD. Rock on, Dave.

  2. i think i just popped a ladyboner.

  3. How cool is that theater?

  4. He is quite possibly the sexiest man (aside from my hubby) I know!

    Seeing them in September, can't wait!!

  5. Anonymous11:36 AM

    I thought the same thing Mooshki? Dave was awesome kicking the dude out.

  6. now, see, this is more like it! yesterday on dlisted the comment section had nothing but hate to throw at my beloved Foo. i am glad i can come over here and find some like minded individuals ;)

  7. What were they saying Chrissy Buns??

  8. that he is a wimpy whiny douche who rides on the fame of Nirvana, etc, i liked Nirvana, mostly because i was born and raised in Aberdeen, Wa, but i LOVE Foo Fighters based on their talent alone! so there, hhmmpphh!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I like Foo Fighters FAR more than I ever liked Nirvana. I was more of an STP gal myself ;)

  11. aaahhh the 90's and our delightful music choices *sigh*

  12. I got the same ladyboner! I love Dave & FF and hated what some people were saying also; ITA with him throwing out the dude. I'd want to have his babies if I weren't already "spayed". Most Sexy is right!!!!

  13. Reason #5051 to love Dave Grohl.

  14. Chrissybuns - I had lunch in Aberdeen on Sunday! Lovely little town. We were camping at Kalaloch.

  15. Oh Dave!!! God love that man.

  16. oooh! i LOVE Kalaloch! to bad the weather is not so lovely this week :( where did you eat?

  17. More proof that Dave Grohl is a GOD.

  18. OK - I'm saying it... this is some PR stunt. It's a professional video that will be shown on some t.v. show and DG is just being a poser.

    There. I said it. Hated him for wanting to be the drummer for the Led Zep reunion in 2007 at the O2 arena in London. Like, back the f off, David.

    Sorry. I feel better now.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. @Chrissy - at a cute little Italian place? Sorry, can't remember the name. We also went into Forks (one of my friends is a huge Twilight fan) and grabbed a pizza at one of their local joints, too :)

  21. i know the place you mean, they just changed owners s i can't remember the name either ;) there is only one in town, Aberdeen isn't exactly a booming metropolis filled with fine foreign cuisine. my hubby took me there for our anniversary.

  22. @ Jax - lololol! Nice one!
    This is just one more reason to live him. I'm seeing them in September and I can't wait!

  23. Anonymous1:02 PM

    How did Dave know the guy wasn't just defending himself? Doesn't it take 2 people to fight? Something is fishy...

  24. @maidstone - no, it wasn't. Dave has kicked out assholes at smaller shows previously. He doesn"t take kindly to douchebags.

    Not a stunt. This is Dave.



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