Lindsay Lohan Is A Mess
When Lindsay Lohan pleaded poverty yesterday in court I think everyone was amused. It is tough to plead poverty when you live in a place that costs $7K a month to rent and are wearing about $3000 worth of clothes and shoes. Of course she could have stolen the clothes and shoes, so maybe that is not the best judge of her income.
What I saw yesterday was something else though. I saw someone who looks about 50 despite her age being half that. I saw someone who let her SAG insurance lapse because no one has hired her for anything in almost two years. I also can tell you that Lindsay will never complete her community service in one year. She just won't. At the pace she is going she has to average a little more than 8 hours a week every week for almost the next year. She won't do that. She could, but she will have excuses why she did not and the Judge, whoever it is a year from now will probably let it slide and give her another six months or a year.
If Lindsay really cared about getting off probation and getting serious, she could bust out that community service in two months of going everyday. What that would show is that she wanted to remove that albatross from around her neck and producers and casting people would see she is going everyday and serious about getting better and might take a chance on hiring her.