Thursday, July 28, 2011

Kim Richards Does Meth?

I did not think Kim Richards was really a meth addict. She does not have the normal signs. Usually when you see a meth addict they can't stay still, their teeth (which they are losing) and fingers are stained and would be tough to go through an entire day of filming without going insane. Brandi Glanville says Kim does meth though and does it in the bathroom which would explain how she could at least make it through a day of filming.

Real Housewives has apparently become like SNL. You have cast members and then you have featured players. Once you become popular enough, you get to be a cast member and the way to do that in Real Housewives is to start a bunch of fights and be the person everyone talks about. With Camille getting along with everyone and not willing to have sex with her tennis pro on camera, there really was not going to be much drama. So, enter Brandi Glanville and Dana Wilkey, who seems to only be on the show to promote another show and is a friend of Taylor's.


  1. Enty, is it possible you could provide another clip? This one is saying "it's not available from your location."

  2. I am very proud to say that I've never seen a single second of any of this shit. So...this is basically about a bunch of haggard, botoxed, shrill, useless bitches with trout pouts passive aggressively duking it out while whining about their first world problems?

    Of COURSE it's a hit. *eyeroll*

  3. I don't agree from what we have seen unless she has picked it up after filming last season. Her sister thinks she is an alcoholic. She never mentioned drugs.

  4. I would not believe a thing out of Brandi's mouth! She is the new comer and she has to make waves. I think it was a mistake to cast her and I hope it does not last.

  5. Yeah, i don't know about Meth (seems a little 'low-rent' for Kim), but absolutely alcohol from the way the show went last season. I suppose there could be some drug use as well (I'd guess coke), Kyle's references to "you don't know what I've had to deal with" sounds like something a little more serious than alcohol.

  6. I don't know, but I cannot WAIT until this new season! The trailers look scrumptiously trashy.

  7. I can actually see Kim doing some meth. But I'd say she probably does more coke (I used to do both - just depending on who I was getting it from and how much money I had at the time). Plus the meth high lasts longer and is cheaper. Just sayin'.

  8. Sing it, Ida! The snippets of these shows that I get watching The Soup are more than I can bear.

  9. It's a low moment for me to admit this but I am freaking ADDICTED to Bravo and these shows. :(

    I dunno...wasn't there some blind about some actress that was a meth user, but you'd never know it b/c she didn't appear to look like the mugshots you see in your local newspaper in the crime section?

  10. Anonymous1:10 PM

    If you are secretly plotting to try out some meth...go google "meth mouth"...OMG.

  11. I watch this and the other Housewives parades o' plastic fairly regularly. I recognize it for what it is, but rarely miss an episode.

    Of course, I don't have Ida's high standards. *eyeroll*

  12. I don't really know who these people are, but perhaps she is confusing Meth with Speed? I seriously doubt a meth head could get through one day of shooting a tv show, let alone a season. It would be seriously obvious.

  13. There is a whole class of user called a casual or recreational user who are not addicts but may have used a particular drug for decades. It's possible for someone to use something on special occasions or a couple of times a month and not be an addict. It wouldn't surprise me to find out a few of these women are like that. Kim seems loopy enough to have gotten caught in a bathroom in public place. That's how it usually happens.

  14. Ida- how dare you make so much sense that I am hanging my head in shame that I DO love this Real Housewives show, but only this one, I swear!

    I haveta admit when I saw this clip yesterday on Dlisted I squirmed in excitment for the new season! I love when Michael K. called Brandi the shell that Leann Rhimes wants to hollow out , crawl into, and wear or something, its was SO funny!

    As for the meth use, hmmm, I dunno. I DO think that at least half are booze hounds and FOR SURE almost all are absolutely for real addicted to plastic surgery.

    The Housewife toward the end, um forgot her name but her family runs the Casino in Las Vegas, well she looks positively leonine like, yikes.

  15. The only thing worse than a skank is an over-the-hill skank.

  16. These shows are my guilty pleasures. Bring on the drama, cos I see nothing like that in my own life, thank God!

  17. @Mango -- I've never, ever said that I have high standards when it comes to television. I watch my fair share of trash, too, but if I wanted to watch a bunch of bitches yowl and pull hair, I'd go to a Neiman Marcus the day after Thanksgiving.

    As always, your passive aggressive comments are just darling, though. And an eyeroll right backatcha. You and I are hardly fans of each other, and that's *perfectly* cool with me.

  18. This looks like an remake of Dynasty. I am serious. I am waiting for someone to be thrown in the fountain.
    And ladies, all that "work", in HD, makes yall look like the Crypt Keepers harem!

  19. No. I think it's just a made up rumor. Kim is an alcoholic, not a Meth addict. Brandi Glanville is nothing but a liar and troublemaker. She's looking for attention...and they're Taylor's friend. Taylor and Kim don't like each other at all. Taylor is not a nice person.

  20. after watching the lastes episodes it is utterly OBVIOUS that Kim is using meth. She has clasic meth "motor mouth" talking and talking while no one is listening and not making much sense. Kyle stated on the trip to Colorado that Kim was up all night talking to her about strange things.

    Tonights episode is the icing on the cake for me. While on the phone with Adrienne she was making up all sorts of weird excuses for being late and sounded HIGH as a kite! She was blabbing nonstop to Paul and Adrienne on the flight to the game, all the while Paul and the bodyguard are giving her WTF looks, and she continues jabbering on like a tweaker. I have been a casual meth user in the past, and i have all my teeth, I am fairly sane and my life is not destroyed. I think Kim is most likely a poly drug addict, meaning she has her favorite (probably alcohol) but she will also use other things to get high like meth, or coke, or whatever.

    Just because she is "rich"doesnt mean she wouldnt do meth. It gives you a high similar to coke, if not better, and lasts longer. There is high grade meth that is manufactured in industrial sized labs that is very pure, its not just trailer park trash using it and i know that for a fact.

    Very sad, i hope she comes clean about it and gets her shit straight for herself and her family. One hell of a trainwreck psycotic meltdown!

  21. I Agree with Bradi, I am a 50 yr old professional female that was a functional meth addict, which means I went to work, took care of my family and few knew what was going on. I know of doctor's, lawyer's, police official's and many others in high profile careers that are the same. Kim Richards is a meth user IMO! I understand she is a tv personality and her family and friends would do what they could to downplay this. Alcohol is not illegal, meth and cocaine are. Any professional or not would lose their job and/or career. Its great she went for treatment, but I'm afraid its the wrong kind and more than likely she will be back....though I hope not. Brandi Glanville is a smart lady and was right on and she knows it.
