Earlier this week, Lamar Odom and Khloe Kardashian were in NY so Lamar could attend the funeral of a family member. Last Thursday, Lamar was a passenger in a car that hit a motorcycle which hit a 15 year old boy who was a pedestrian. The boy died yesterday. This all so tragic and Lamar was classy about the whole thing on Twitter and said the thoughts should not be with him, but with the family of the boy. The next thing you know Khloe is quoting Bible verses and Tweeting like she never has before. I am all for using a Bible verse to help someone get through a tough time but considering she has never uttered one before, I found it to be kind of fake. Like maybe when this whole reality tv thing ends she is going to try being a co-host on the 700 Club.
Anyway, maybe, maybe I would buy into the whole quoting from scripture thing if she did not go off on any one who ever says anything about her. She will go from quoting verses to yelling at people on Twitter who disagree with her all within a couple of minutes or even worse.
There was the whole horrible car accident thing and in one Tweet, Khloe says that she and Lamar are protected by angels. More like Kim selling her soul, but whatever. Tomatoes, tomatos. Then six hours later she says, "Sometimes I feel like smacking a bitch." I know. Nice change isn't it. Shortly after that she has an ad for lipstick, then gets back into the Bible quotes, then goes back to trashing people who got angry at her for talking about smacking someone. You can tell it is all fake concern. But, if she gets caught drinking again or another customer leaves coke behind which she puts in her purse for safekeeping, you can bet she will blame it all on this.
You know who else quotes a lot from the bible on Twitter? Michael Lohan.
ReplyDeleteHow come the Kardashians 15 minutes of fame lasted so long?Can for just one day the media refuse to do them them, the Hiltons, Lohans and everyone like them?Forever would be better, but I will settle on one day.
ReplyDeleteOMG the 15 year old died?! Oh how awful. (And there were people commenting on TMZ the other day that it wasn't news because the celebrities didn't get hurt. Meanwhile, not one but two people were seriously injured -- )
ReplyDeleteSo many people say they like Khloe, she seems genuine. I personally feel she is a genuine piece of shit, just like the rest of her family.
ReplyDelete(a) there's something wrong with this girl....seriously, and
ReplyDelete(b) does this family have a staffer at their PR firm who posts these tweets for them? That would explain the odd topic back-and-forth thing.
I have found that people who do things like quote directly from the bible or spout indoctrinated religious hyperbole are usually not super duper genuine (as in feeling that way about every one) people.
ReplyDeleteHow shocking that I can include Michael Lohan and a Kardashian amongst that group now~
It would be nice if for one day people would stop and ignore these idiots (Parasite, Kim, Khloe, etc...)
ReplyDeleteI have no issues with bible quotes but you can't just pull 'em out whenever it suits your needs *L*. If Khloe had appeared to be a person of faith before this, fine. But I've never heard her mention god before, other than "oh my gaaaawd! Ki-uhm! That's gross!"
ReplyDeleteIt's attention-whoring at its finest. Ignore them and they'll go away. Whenever anything newsworthy happens, they will comment (read: tweet) and it gets picked up and their 15 minutes is extended.
ReplyDeleteLindsay does the same shit. Every time a catastrophic event occours it's all God This and God that. She ends every tweet with "God Bless." Ugh. Every times she gets arrested are threatened with jail it's "God will see me through it."
Ugh, I can't believe I clicked on the link to her Twitter feed. It's nonsensical, narcissistic garbage and it's updated at least once an hour and at one point she tweets, "makes me think twice about social media," but then goes on to tweet incessantly.
ReplyDeleteI hate twitter.
Seven Hundred Club? Sounds like a show for Paris Hilton to host.
ReplyDeleteUgh. She constantly sucks up to Perez. Figures.
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ReplyDeleteI can't believe she quotes the Bible. Can she even read?
ReplyDeletelol @snakeoiler- 700 club is actually this psycho religious show on tv here in the U.S.
ReplyDeleteI just lost a friend this past weekend over religion. He's very religious - one of those hypocritical "You're going to Hell, You're a pagan. You're blind. You're lost. I'll pray for you." Types. It was too much. I had to cut the crazy out of my life. This was a guy I've known for 17 years but what can you do? He was actually my best friend. It offended him deeply that I wasn't religious. He thought I was sent from the devil to mock him. Claimed he had "Big problems." with evolution. To which I told him talk to some scientists or geologists - they'll answer your questions. I told him there are people he can talk to regarding his questions At which point he just hung up the phone on me. First time he's ever done that. He doesn't want to hear any evidence to the contrary regarding his way of thinking. He does the same thing when ANYBODY expresses any sort of liberal viewpoint on the news. He just *click* shuts the television off. And Yes, I am VERY liberal. So, he hates that too. I've been apologetic in a text and email I sent him but I don't think he'll speak to me again. I felt bad about that for a few days - but at this point I feel it might be for the best. It's no fun being told I'm going to Hell every time I talk to him. Maybe I should just wipe my hand clean of him and wish him happiness with just him and his bible.
ReplyDeleteJason- Im so sorry to hear about your loss of a friend. I too am VERY liberal and I have one friend who is a christian who actually slaps my arm anytime I take 'the lords' name in vein. *Sigh
ReplyDeleteI've found that despite my attempt to be open minded and just focus on the thread of friendship we do have, that the reality is to be friends or really have anyone in whatever capacity in your life there are so many different threads connecting you together, and those include respect and more so respect for their opinions. I've tended to find people who are relgious have a hard time being around an outspoken liberal science pushing person. I've seen these types of people grow visably uncomfortable when I express ideas that really do challenge what has been taught via the church/bible to them. I remember the last time I was close to ending a friendship with the girl I mentioned above: it was during Prop 8 here in Cali (you know, the prop to oppose the legalization of gay marriage that had already passed), anyway, my friend was voting to oppose gay marriage because she literally believes in the bible. I asked her how she thought that would make my best friend who is gay, feel. She had hung out with him several times and really liked him. She sorta paused and clearly grew uncomfortable and just repeated what she had been told in the christian religion that it was wrong. I think the fact that david, my gay friend, put a real face to gay marriage/rights really threw her for a moment. We almost stopped being friends after that.
I've found that the theory 'to each his/her own' is well and good but I have a hard time allowing people into my life that would, if given a choice, purposelly vote down the happiness of others and the rights to that happiness.
I say good for you for ending a friendship with someone who is both intolerant and clearly afraid of whats really out there.
Well my first thought was the quote:
ReplyDelete"Even the devil can site scripture to serve his own purpose."
Not that I think any of the Kartrashians are the devil...I just think they made a deal with one.
I always get a little uncomfy w/ social media + death. Especially Twitter since it's limited to 140 characters and all. Khloe should have kept it to one tweet like Lamar & just STFU after that. Horrible story...:-(
ReplyDeleteEnty missed last week's episode where Kris Jenner and Kim K were all over Khourtney to marry Scott because God wanted her to and it was their belief system.