Wednesday, July 27, 2011

John Ramsey Gets Married Again

John Ramsey gave an interview to The Enquirer and says that he just got married, five years after his wife died from cancer. That in itself is probably not worthy of a post, or all that interesting to me, but in the article they talked about how Jon Benet would be turning 21 next week. Can you believe it has been that long since she was found dead? Oh, and the other thing I found interesting was that he admitted that he did hook up with Natalee Holloway's mom. How strange is that? Two people who both lost their daughters in really mysterious circumstances hook up.


  1. I'd imagine the shared loss of something like that would draw them together. Makes sense to me.

    Also, I can't believe she'd be that old now.

  2. What Sue Ellen said.

    It really does seem like yesterday that her story broke. And now it's been 15-16 yrs?? RIP.

  3. Huh. I didn't even know the first Mrs. Ramsay died.

    Having now seen Toddlers and Tiaras a few times, I'm even more creeped out by this whole family. I know it's still controversial, but I still think that family knows/knew what happened.

  4. It's not that weird. Here are two people who lost children in horrifying and unexplained ways. Meeting one of the few people on earth for whom it is possible to have even a tangetial understanding of the hardest moment in your life can draw two people together.

    It makes sense to me.

  5. When I saw the headline I assumed it was to Ms. Holloway.

    He's had some terrible tragedy in his life (one child dead in car accident, another murdered, wife dies of cancer), but I don't know what to think of some of his interviews.

    I hope he's innocent of anything connected to his daughter, but there's too much weirdness to be sure.

  6. Tragedy makes for strange bedfellows, so I'm not surprised.

    A lot of things about her death just never made sense.

    The police wanted to re-interview brother Burke now that he's older (over 18 and doesn't need parent approval) and he refused.

  7. Not a fan of Beth Twitty. I feel her loss with Natalee disappearing and Van Der whore being obviously involved, I just get a creepy feeling about how she has used it to her own advantage. Won't even watch that vanished show.
    His daughter Elizabeth died in a car accident in 92, 4 years before Jon Benet.
    Still think the killer of that little one was living in that house.

  8. Me too feisty, I had read before they were dating. I always thought that was weird because of her loss and the suspicion surrounding him.

  9. DNA evidence cleared John, Patsy and the brother.

    The police bungled the case from the start. I don't think we will ever know what happend. Unless the real killer comes forward and DNA links him to it.

  10. I still think the brother did something and they protected him. Much like Casey Anthony's parents.

  11. I still think the brother did something and they protected him. Much like Casey Anthony's parents.

  12. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Why is is weird? Two parents of high-profile children who met tragic ends...they have dealt with God knows what. They have a lot in common; I think it's only natural honestly.

  13. Dulcinea is right. It isn't weird. They both went through a unbearable loss and sought comfort in each other.

  14. They were the only ones who got where the other was coming from. And John has lost so much more. They cleared the whole family as being involved. They have DNA. I just have to have faith the killer will be caught. And yes, the Colorado Police screwed up this case big time.

  15. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Poor baby. Her hair was bigger than she was.

  16. @Ashlea: This poor girl was the Caylee Anthony of 1996.

  17. Ditto @timebob and @bluebonnetmom,

    The local police screwed it up from the very start. They really had no/ little experience with this type of investigation.

  18. It was pretty public when he was with Holloway. Terrible about her daughter but she seems like such a shrew.

  19. yes, agree that the local police screwed it up from the start. I don't believe that he had anything to do with it, and I believe that the stress of it all killed his wife. hopefully the son is ok.

    I know someone who met one of the investigators of the case a year or two ago. apparently the investigators know who did it but don't have the evidence to bring charges. its not the parents or the brother.

  20. annabella,if they have DNA why can't the suspect be tested?

  21. gotta read "My Sister, My Love" by Joyce Carol Oates...totally had me thinking about this case, again...

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Awww, I havent seen her little face in so long, what a little angelface.

    Whats actually sorta scary is that on Toddlers and Tiaras the little girls get WAY more made up than this now. Like full on spray tan, heavy make up, and darker lipstick and much more revealing outfits than this one.
    One time I even saw a judge and several men in the audience who looked ick nast...sometimes I feel as though no one learned anything from the mistake of parading your baby girl around like a trampy day shift hooker. Sigh.
    RIP Jon Benet

  24. @Jasmine - Toddlers & Tiaras is one of the most disturbing reality shows, I think. And think of ALL the SHIT that is on TV. Same reasons as you listed.

    I thought maybe he'd married Beth too! I agree w/ others that it was not at all odd they'd hooked up. She may come across as a "shrew" but I feel for her. You'll never know how something like that affects your life until it happens to you.
