Thursday, July 28, 2011

Jenny McCarthy Says Buh Bye To Oprah

Do you know how bad things must be at OWN that Oprah cannot even keep Jenny McCarthy on her network. It is not like the world is all clamoring for a Jenny McCarthy talk show, but apparently in the year since Jenny signed on with Oprah and OWN, things have got out of control and Jenny hated the direction the producers and OWN were taking the show so she jumped ship to NBC. Do you hear that Kirstie Alley? There is a time slot available now on OWN for a talk show. According to FOX News, Jenny and OWN just did not agree on anything. How hard is it to do a talk show? Line up some guests and let Jenny go out there and do her thing. I would get frustrated if the entire process took a year too.


  1. It's hard to do hard things and most people just don't do it. I can't fault O for anything on her startup network. She's an inspiration and that's a good thing. Good luck to her and to Jenny on NBC. Wouldn't be surprised to see Kirstie on Own next at all.

  2. I couldn't work for a control freak like Oprah either, honestly. I actually admire Oprah tremendously (THE most powerful person in American media is a black woman. I LOVE that!), but she's scary as shit.

    It's Jenny's show, her vision, and she can do whatever she desires. Obviously, she's in demand if NBC wants her.

    I just hope she doesn't run around in a bikini and squirt mustard or whatever all over people. I NEVER got the appeal of Singled Out -- then again, I am not a heterosexual man.

  3. I am so happy she is gone. Hopefully, she will start fighting with the people over at NBC too and we wont have to be exposed to the dangerous ramblings of this ignorant woman.

  4. What Linnea said!

  5. Did she do something to her face? She looks like Donna Mills in this picture. Not good considering Donna could be her mother.

  6. I love that OWN is crashing and burning. That said, I'm not a fan of Jenny's, either.

  7. I'm with linnea. I saw a website once called something like "kids Jenny Mccarthy killed" reference her ignorance about immunizations.

  8. I'm not sure Jenny McCarthy gets all the blame Susan. Do parents get any if they don't immunize and they get sick?

    I, however wasn't along with my siblings and managed to make it to my thirties disease free.

  9. Why is it that Oprah can't seem to get a good team together? That school of hers, the OWN channel....the woman does not seem to be able to spot a person with managerial talent.

  10. I'd laugh and wonder what there is to disagree with about a talk show production, but there's been quite a bit written about the problems surrounding Nate Berkus' deal with Oprah. He had a hard time getting her to agree to let him film in NYC and then there were some creative disagreements and stuff that's still happening. Sounds like McCarthy made the right decision (I've beena huge fan of hers for a long time, btw.)

  11. Bah! Fuck Oprah! 'Gives a shit??? (sorry, I know a lot of people do...just not me).

  12. What Linnea said. I could live the rest of my life without ever seeing Jenny's face again.

  13. Holy shit, chopchop, she really does look like Donna Mills!

    Count me in as another huge admirer of the Empire that Oprah built. Her network, her decisions.

  14. Rose, I'm sure your good health will be of great comfort to the moms of babies who died because they were exposed to kids who weren't immunized and spread measles around.

  15. I'm sure Jenny McCarthy left for NBC because it was the opportunity to be on a network, not because Oprah was hard to work with. Who wouldn't jump ship to work at a major network?!

    And yes, yes, yes, to those who hope that JM fails over at NBC, so we never have to hear her midguided opinions again.

  16. Just like autisim doesn't exist for the Scis. (except John admitted it in court or to the police after the blackmail attempt didn't he?)

    Not particularly a Jenny fan except she has come a long way. I don't agree but I think people can make themselves believe anything when it comes to their childrens health, not aiways a good thing though.

    I'm no O fan. She needs to learn some humility.

  17. Atichica, that hadn't even occurred to me -- maybe NBC was able to offer her a series production deal in addition to the talk show and OWN couldn't match that.

    And *wow* does she look like Donna Mills from 20 years ago!

  18. Um, guys, if you read the immunization interviews with Jenny (at least the most recent ones) she explains that she doesn't recommend against every shot. She wants people to know about mercury-laced ones and that, even though the newly manufactured ones don't have it, medical offices all over still use them up before giving out the ones without mercury.

    At least, that's what I got from reading her interviews. I'm amazed at how many simply assume she said, "Don't ever immunize your kids," when she really wanted to let parents know that they don't have to inject their children with mercury. She said to them that we can request newly manufactured vaccines.

  19. I am also a big fan of what Oprah has done. I'm a big fan of any woman who is able to reach that level of sucess. Hilary is another one.

  20. Yey powerful women!

    But Jenny McCarthy does still claim that vaccines are responsible for autism, and that she would rather see a return of polio than have one more kids with autism.

    A recent quote:

    "Jenny McCarthy still isn't convinced. The actress still firmly believes that vaccines are to blame for development of autism in children, despite last week's British Medical Journal article about a discredited study linking childhood shots to the developmental disorder."

    Granted, I haven't read every single interview with her. But when she keeps claiming there is a link when there isnt, she is scaring parents.

  21. Jenny M is irrelevant and has absolutely nothing to say that could possibly be of interest to any thinking person.

  22. Since they stopped using thimerosal in vaccines around 1999, I highly doubt medical offices are still using expired doses.

    So if thimerosal (mercury) hasn't been used in over 10 years, why are the autism rates still so high? And if the doctor who originally blamed autism on mercury/thimerosal in vaccines has ADMITTED he lied about his results, why are people still believing this bunk study?

  23. I waited till my son was 3years old to get the triple dose that is generally blamed for the onset of autism at 18months. So far so good!!

  24. Am I going to some sort of Hell for thinking its funny that people seem to be jumping ship from OWN? (obnoxious ass name btw)

    And for the record I am pro- vaccines and pro circumcision. I know the two seem oddly placed together but I've noticed nowadays that many people (who I meanly call Hippies) seem to view anything alternating a child's 'natural state' as wrong. Umm, we evolve because we are better able to, as the years go on, have greater blockaids against disease and illness. Helloooo

  25. Jenny is a self-centered sociopath who uses her kid at every opportunity to make herself relevant. bye-bye.

  26. Not a big JM fan, and her stance on autism is only one reason. As a speech therapist I work with autistic kids, in fact, I do a lot of assessment of kids in our school district who are suspected of having autism. You can bet we do a lot of training throughout the year on autism spectrum disorders, and there's some really interesting information out there. For example, the number of kids who have been diagnosed with autism has been rising steeply over the last 10 years, and the increase of reported cases is pretty much the same statistically across populations and cultures. One thing one of the speakers said that really got to me was that if autism was a virus the CDC would have declared a pandemic the numbers are increasing so rapidly.

    Sorry....I guess I've blithered on a bit.

  27. It is really interesting. Have you seen the studies done on Somali women in Sweden? They have an insane amount of autism in their children now, not even close to what other Swedish children or what they experienced in Somalia. I read somewhere that scientist think it is because of a lack of vitamin D. There is so little sunlight in Sweden, and women who wear a veil gets exposed to so little of it.

  28. Here is a short radio story about it

  29. I also loath Jenny McCarthy and have heard her say outright stupid stuff about autism. Does anyone remember her famous Larry King interview. She did her research at the "University of Google." She is an idiot.

    As far as OWN goes, it does not look good for the Big O.

  30. I generally like Oprah, particularly her magazine, and as a woman with a young child I suppose I would be in the target group for Jenny's show.

    But I would NEVER watch it because of her repellant views on immunization and autism.

    I'm of the view that you should never judge someone by their ethnic background, sexuality etc. But I'm quite happy to judge them by actions and beliefs they have personally chosen. She's a bad egg.
