Thursday, July 07, 2011

I'm Disappointed In Kate And William

I will admit that I like Kate Middleton and Prince William. I am a fan. I would hang out with them if invited and half of Hollywood would do the same. The thing is, it is not up to you or me who gets invited to some shindig honoring the pair, it should be up to them and this is why I am a little disappointed in them.

Lets say you can have any celebrity you want to come to your party. You don't even have to choose one, you can have as many as you like. Who are you going to pick? Feel free to share in the comments. I will tell you who I would never pick and that is Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony. Those are two of the guests that Kate and William wanted? Why? Come on. You can do better than that. Tom Hanks is coming and I can see that. Victoria and David Beckham because it would kind of be insulting to not have them be there after they just showed up at your wedding and bought you that coffee maker. Can't come into town and not see them. At least there are no Kardashians on the list. I guess they could buy their way in to the cocktail party because it is only $4000 a person for that and Kim makes about triple that for each Tweet she sends out. "Tweet Tweet Tweet. OK, I just paid for the entire family, lets go. Oh wait Bruce wants to come? Tweet."

Oh, and will someone please take Kate to In-N-Out and get her some food. Please.


  1. If I were the Duke & Duchess, I'd invite Jennifer, but leave Marc at home ;-)

  2. Maybe their "advisors" are counselling them to invite JLo and Skeletor based on publicity.
    How much input to they really have on most of the day-to-day tour itinerary?
    Probably the same story for most of the guest lists at royal functions.

  3. Awesome pic you posted Enty. My hubby is a Canadian soldier & I'm proud of him. The Royals have showcased Canada in a wonderful light ...

  4. marc's a ho, but he's actually pretty cool. regardless of what you think of him, he's got serious talent. not to mention the guy consistently sells out stadium and arena tours time and again for the greater part of his career, so i can see it. jho tho, not so much. but i guess she comes w/ the territory.

    so long as there are no kardashians or hiltons involved, i'm good.

  5. Enty they have to have their token from every ethnicity and unfortunately Jho and Skeletor fit the Latino contingency. I am sure Will and Jada will be invited as the token Black couple UNLESS Michelle and Barack or Jay Z and Beyonce are invited.

  6. ^just have to add, kate looks freakin' FANTASTIC in those jeans.

  7. Yes Kate seems to be getting thinner by the day.
    Didn't this happen with Diana also ?

  8. I too, am focusing on the lack of Kardashians ;)

  9. I think since it is considered rude to tell an overweight person to skip a meal, we should grant slim people the same courtesy and stop telling them to eat a sandwich or go to Burger King.

  10. Come on Ent, they need comedy relief. Every future king needs a fool.

    And I agree with Diane - they have showcased Canada wonderfully and they're very *involved*. Will sure ain't stuffy like Dad.

  11. @Pookie -- I agree with your first and second comments. :-)

    Ugh. I feel as if the whole world wants this girl to struggle with the same disorders which plaqued Diana. Kate's an athletic girl who'll be bugged about her build forever, probably. If she were built like Fergie, people would be calling her Kankle Katie. She can't win, honestly. I just appreciate the fact that she's wearing jeans on a Canadian camping trip instead of Manolo Blahniks and a Marc Jacobs powersuit or something similarly ridiculous.

    I caught Marc performing on Idol a few weeks ago, and I was honestly pretty impressed with his performance. Dude DOES have stage presence, and Kate might love Latin music. Who knows what she's got in her iTunes library? And who cares about which celebrities she and William want to meet? It's their decision. We all have our guilty pleasures.

    @Montana -- I think it's unfair to accuse these two young people as trying to fill some sort of race quota when they haven't yet demonstrated any racist tendencies towards anybody. They've shown equal class towards the Obamas, the Beckhams, as well as non-famous/titled people, and I personally think they should be commended for it. Let them actually *do* something racist before you call them on it, please!

  12. Kate did the Dukan Diet to slim down before her wedding. Based on how good she and her sister looked, I researched it - Internet only, didn't buy the book. I had gained 20 lbs over the course of a couple of years leading up to an operation I had to have last year.
    Operation success! But still 20 lbs too heavy. So I did Dukan.

    And I lost 10 pounds in 10 days (the 'attack phase'). Yay. I've lost another 5 in the last two weeks, and it's not even all that difficult. I even went back to drinking wine right after the initial 10 days. It's pretty flexible, and keeps you slim. Love it. My clothes fit again!

    And if you gain a few back for some reason, you can just go on the attack phase again and drop it. Best thing I've ever done.

  13. @Mina -- "I think since it is considered rude to tell an overweight person to skip a meal, we should grant slim people the same courtesy and stop telling them to eat a sandwich or go to Burger King."


  14. @Mina- while I get your point I still think Kate isnt just 'slim', she legitimately looks like she's lost like 20lbs that she did not need to or something. While I really like the couple I think this pic made me a bit disturbed and sad- it's DEF giving me Diana flashbacks.

    And Enty- LOL about the tweets! Cant WAIT for twitter to finally die a slow death (which I predict it will in but a few years).
    I will admit I have one but never use it, I'd erase my account but Yoko Ono is following me on there and I can't lose that awesome connection.

  15. sorry,that girl is WAY too thin.

    i could give a toss about Diana and her food issues. all these same arguments were made about Lilo, Nicole Richie and Kate Bosworth...why? because they were too thin. you can't tell me this knock kneed bobblehead looks healthier like that than she did a few years ago or even a few months before her wedding??

    sorry the public isn't buying this "too rich or too thin" BS anymore.

    we know.

  16. If I were they, I would invite people who I think are interesting (based on interviews I saw.) Some of these folks are: W Allen (he'll never come), Larry David (he wouldnt either :-), Diane Keaton (she's an Americsn original), David Letterman, Johny Deep, Alec Balwin, John Hamm (he's gorgeous, funny, educated and smart), Jolie Anjolini (she's smart, honest, strange and lovely), Sharon Stone, Kelly Rippa, Joan River, Ann Hathaway, Anderson Cooper, Kathy Griffin, Sally Field (she gave one of best interviews on inside actor studio; the worst - probably Jay Leno n T Hanks!), Chaie Rose and Sarah Jessica Parker.

  17. @Mina - great post. Hey peeps, you think Kate might be really stressed and exhausted and maybe just maybe a bit overwhelmed at her new, exciting life and maybe just maybe not hungry? She might be leaving some food on her plate due to all of the smiling and talking she has to do at all of these eating functions.

    Give her a break.

  18. @Mina - I TOTALLY agree with you, thank you! I'm thin and want to punch everyone in the face who feels they have a right to grill me about what I eat or what I choose not to eat. I'm healthy, eat 3 healthy meals a day, exercise and have a good metabolism. All that aside no one would ever give someone 20lbs overweight the side eye and ask if they really needed that burger. (ironically, it wouldn't cross my mind!) The double standard drives me nuts.

  19. MontanaMarriott is right -- having JLo/Skeletor on deck ensures major Latin American market coverage (Thalia just had a baby 10 days ago.) Isn't the JLo empire somehow hooked up with Simon Cowell and that other Brit guy for a Latin American version of AI?

  20. I love Wills and Kate so will always defend them. In my opinion, they are choosing to meet with those who will provide the most publicity and photo ops to introduce the new duchess to the world. The more publicity she gets, the more good she can bring to her causes. Look who Diana hung out with-probably not always the best choices, but I believe she chose a lot of her friends whose fame could help her causes.

  21. You have a great point, Mina. But the difference for me is that way too many people think starvation skinny is some kind of ideal to work towards. The Duchess has lost a lot of weight from what seems to be "natural" for her, and I think that's clearly because it's what the public expects from her. It isn't her weight that's the problem, it's that she seems to have changed her weight because of societal pressures, and that's just wrong.

  22. Skinny girls trying to gain weight don't elicit a lot of sympathy from other people -- I should know. I've been there. Kate Middleton and I have VERY similar builds, and I assure you that I eat rampantly, and with great gusto. I'd never touch a burger in a billion years, but carbs and chocolate and fried foods? Yes, please. And I guarantee you that I could eat a table full of that stuff and *never* hit 140. Some people have lightning-quick metabolisms -- I've heard that will change, and I'm just waiting for it. Personally, I wouldn't mind being a little more voluptuous!

    Her clavicle isn't protruding grotesquely (like Nicole Richie way back when), and her kneecaps aren't poking out of her legs (like Leann, for instance). I definitely think that she could stand to put on up to twenty pounds, but she's not nearly as alarming as Diana was during the height of her bulimia.

    It saddens me to hear that she actually dieted before her wedding, though. If there's ONE thing Kate Middleton does NOT need to worry about, it's her freakin' weight.

    I'm with Maidstone. She's probably just STRESSED OUT, and has been since she became a Princess. Some people eat their feelings, and other people completely lose their appetite.

    I don't know. I feel weirdly protective of Kate. I just want her to be happy. Cheesy, but true.

  23. Hopefully Wills will make sure she is OK so its not Diana part 2. She is way too skinny.

  24. She dieted before her wedding? Sorry, that's messed up.
    I just looked up that Dukan diet - reads like Atkins to me. This vegetarian will just keep eating her carbs and soy quite happily ;)

  25. @RocketQueen-
    it is like Atkins, except its low fat, and they stress daily oat bran, and lead you in stages toward a normal diet, carbs and all. It's really the only thing that's ever worked for me, so I'm a big fan. But to each their own! : )

  26. I usually keep my mouth shut when *we* start chatting about weight and Kate. I don't know if it's because I danced in the early 80's, when skinny was never skinny enough, but I think she looks great. No bones sticking out. She seems to have a slight frame.

  27. This is my big problem with atkins/dukan. If you go off it, like go on a pigfest of even fruit you gain like four pounds back in one day. It's not a liveable lifestyle for the real world. you can never slip on it.

  28. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Nigel Lythgoe (Probably spelled wrong - sorry) had a big part in this event they are attending. He is tied to AI, a producer or something. That probably explains JHo and Skeletor. I am sure that William will never let Kate go down hill like he watched his Mom do. I bet he is very protective of Kate. He seems to like being one of the people like his Mom. Diana is smiling down on him I am sure.

  29. @Naomi-
    I haven't had that experience. I gained due to a small health issue, and after that was solved, the extra pounds were coming off too slowly for me, since I had a very healthy diet. So I chose an interventionist diet to lose what I wanted. After I hit my goal, I went back to my normal diet, wine, and some carbs and fruit, and haven't gained any back. I'm back to dropping about a pound a week. On Dukan, they do want you to forevermore eat one day a week on the attack phase of the plan, which is very easy to do. And it sort of keeps you in the mode of healthy eating.

  30. @bluebonnet
    I agree, I think William is highly protective of Kate. He knows what pressure can be put on a person in that position, and I think has carefully guarded her. They look nice together.

  31. Plus if all goes well Kate will be expecting shortly and she'll put on weight then.

  32. must it be a celebrity?

  33. Anonymous3:09 PM

    I think JLo is stunning and sure, she's probably a crazy person but they don't have to be roommates. I'd want to see what she was wearing and look at her up close. See how she compares to how she looks in that Pantene (or L'Oreal?) hair commercial.

  34. Why has no one thought that Kate "might" have lost weight because of NERVES? Her life has totally changed in the last couple of months, so I think it is only natural to be a little anxious. She basically got a new high profile job that puts a lot of pressure on her, so I can easily imagine she probably all that hungry most of the time.

    But I must say though, I have been following their Canadian trip, and she does actually seem to really be liking what she is doing. She looks very happy.

  35. Ida, we're all conditioned to be judge-y about weight. It makes me squirm to read slams on Kate's weight too. I last saw 140 in high school, and I've looked at skinny people with jealousy my whole life. It's so relieving to hear someone bashing a skinny person that it's easy to overcompensate and pile on.

    That doesn't make it ok, though.

    I hope Kate is healthy, and realizes that it's ok for her to enjoy life.

  36. I think that Kate and Will are essentially dorks, hence the invitation to Jlo and Marc Anthony.

  37. Anonymous8:16 PM

    with all assurances, i can tell you that the couple was probably not involved in the guest list, at all (though they may have had a small short list of invitees).

    this invitation was sent around last week to every agency & management company of every high profile artist &/or actor in los angeles. this is nothing more than a red carpet publicity cocktail party & dinner, like every other saturday night dinner in los angeles.

    trust me.

  38. Thanks for the info, LD. I had a feeling at least one part of their LA trip would be a managed hollywood style event and you've confirmed it for me.

    RQ, would you please do a little bit of research on your own and possibly re-consider your consumption of soy. Or at least some of it. And that is the end of my Monsanto hating rant (and concern about soy mimicing female hormones).

  39. I know that some people lose weight when they're stressed out and sad.
    I never understood that. I can ALWAYS find a reason to eat! *L*

    I think very skinny girls can be pretty, but there is a BIG difference between being skinny because you naturally look that way, and dieting to be that thin. You can see it in the person's face. And Kate's face is becoming harder and harder by the week - now, I agree that maybe she's just stressed out, and not necessarily trying to lose more weight. But if she is already prone to "forgetting to eat" and on top of that, decided to go on a diet before her wedding...that's treacherous ground. If that is the case, she's just half an apple and a rice cracker away from full blown eating disorder.

  40. Sorry FS, I've done a lot of research already. Everything in moderation. Monsanto isn't such an issue here in Canada, and I eat only organic soy products, and not a lot of them. I'm an incredibly healthy eater, actually, my veggie blog will attest to that :)

  41. RQ, that's fine, that's all I wanted, and I kind of already figured you were smart enough to be on top of it. :) So many people here in the US seem to be oblivious to the issues and I'm convinced Monsanto has completely ruined the supply. They'll screw up corn next.

  42. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Bless her heart, she has gotten soooo thin. If she comes to Baltimore I'll take her out for crabcakes and Black Eyed Susans.

  43. Anonymous4:09 PM

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