I Thought Lindsay Did Not Have Any Money
You know what I want? I want Lindsay Lohan to go into court this morning and answer some questions from the judge. We all know that she basically lied to the judge about not having any money for therapy. I mean she was wearing a pair of $1200 shoes and unless she got a ten finger discount she did not get those for free. Louboutin rarely gives away free shoes and they sure as heck are not going to give them to her. That $1200 would buy you some therapy. Today, Cindy Adams is reporting that Lindsay Lohan is headed to St. Tropez for a week of partying. Umm, is she going for free? I have to say that an airline ticket in the high season to St. Tropez costs about the same as a few weeks of therapy. This of course does not include hotel, food, and the million dollars she will spend on drinking and other partying necessities. Someone is probably paying her way in return from some special favors. I just want her to have to go in front of a judge and say who and what the favors are.