Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I Thought Lindsay Did Not Have Any Money

You know what I want? I want Lindsay Lohan to go into court this morning and answer some questions from the judge. We all know that she basically lied to the judge about not having any money for therapy. I mean she was wearing a pair of $1200 shoes and unless she got a ten finger discount she did not get those for free. Louboutin rarely gives away free shoes and they sure as heck are not going to give them to her. That $1200 would buy you some therapy. Today, Cindy Adams is reporting that Lindsay Lohan is headed to St. Tropez for a week of partying. Umm, is she going for free? I have to say that an airline ticket in the high season to St. Tropez costs about the same as a few weeks of therapy. This of course does not include hotel, food, and the million dollars she will spend on drinking and other partying necessities. Someone is probably paying her way in return from some special favors. I just want her to have to go in front of a judge and say who and what the favors are.


  1. As much as I love me some Lindsay train wreck, I've lost my patience with this bitch. Instead of even attempting to show she wants to complete her community service, she's flying off for more booze and partying. With regards to the money, we all know she's a liar, so there's no mystery there.
    And Lindsay, you look ROUGH.

  2. I hope she falls of a yacht and no one notices, so over her.

  3. Lindsay equals Amy and soon. Enough said.

  4. I do not give a flying fuck about this girl anymore. To be quite honest, I used to care about the trainwreck I was rubber necking at, but now its just her tweeting denials. Stay in for a week if you don't want people "making up" these stories. Someone saw you, and your "friend" is being paid to tell TMZ she was there and you did not drink. Bullshiz.

  5. If Linday suffers the same fate as Amy, I will not be sad for her. As bad as it sounds, a little smile might even cross my face, that is how much I can't stand her.

  6. Enty just totally revealed a blind -- though I think we all knew the answer to it, anyway. Lilo's the one who's a whore when she travels overseas -- and I don't just toss that word around lightly. But if you give it up to businessmen in exchange for money and/or lodging, you are a WHORE. I don't give a shit if your shoes have red soles, you once worked with Meryl, and you're flying first class on an international flight. You're *still* a hooker if someone's paying you to put out.

    She'll be dead before she hits thirty. And she's terrible at learning lessons or even FAKING humility, so I really don't feel sorry for her at all anymore. Harsh, but true.

    She needs to spend a night in a homeless shelter; it would really change her definition of "poor."

  7. she is definitely going as a whore. That is the only way she can afford this trip.


  8. Every time she messes up bad, I think "surely, this has got to be it". But it never is.

  9. Well, it's not like the girl can make a living from acting.

  10. At least Amy knew she had a problem and didn't go on Twitter and TV interviews saying how it's everyone else that has the problem, not her. Amy didn't throw herself pity parties or do a "woe is me" act. Lindsay is not only an addict but a liar, a thief, a manipulator, etc. She's a despicable person, and while there was a point I wanted her to turn things around, I no longer care. I can't wish death on anyone, but I do wish she would just go the heck away. She is worthless.

  11. @Carrie
    Harsh, but completely true. Sad. What a waste of life she has become.

  12. Totally agree, Carrie. And I have huge compassion and empathy for Amy and her family. This one? Not so much. She's a self-absorbed, delusional thief and a narcissist. Her problems are bigger than drugs and alcohol.

  13. The only light about anything Lilo anymore is she is worn out her welcome with people caring about her antics anymore. Remember when PH star started to fade or people no longer wanted to see Tara Reid wasted? I know it will never be into oblivion, but I do see Lilo wandering around a Rite Aid parking lot with a grocery cart in about 2 years. I can live with that.

  14. Why can't the judge MAKE HER complete her community service before she goes anywhere? How is she allowed to leave the country? I just do not understand...

  15. Fact is, the LA County judges have been as harsh on her as they can be without risking being overruled on appeal. She can't be singled out for sentencing or violations unduly compared to others committing the same crimes. That would be unconstitutional.

  16. @Carrie~I agree.

    @Ida~I think you are right.

  17. From the interviews and video I've seen of Amy, she didn't seen to have a mean bone in her body, messed up yes....but Lindsay is in a class by herself when she's finally gone she will not be missed. In fact I bet there are a lot of people in L.A. who will breath a sigh of relief.

  18. Co-sign Rocket Queen, Carrie, and Ida. Looks like Enty's done with her too!

  19. Isn't that sort of the point? Hasn't he been hinting that she's deliberately dragging out the legal morass and letting herself be caught partying so as to stay in the headlines?

    If the only reason left that you're famous is being a trainwreck, don't stop being a trainwreck.

  20. I love this pic of her, it says it all.

  21. I have HUGE compassion for Amy & her family - she truly seemed like a lost soul who wouldn't hurt a fly. I never heard anything about her stealing or committing other crimes (other than illegal drugs). Lilo? She's had every chance. She's a common thief and whore. I agree with goodgrief - I won't feel sorry at all when she goes - unlike Amy whom I truly mourn.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Gah..I feel sick. At this point I don't have any sympathy or ounce of feeling for her. I don't expect a whole lot from actresses in the industry - just show up to your job, do it to the best of your ability, show graciousness when it's warranted and don't be a bitch. Do that and I'll gladly hand over my 10 or 11 dollars to see your movie.

    Lindsay is the exact opposite of all that. Nobody in the industry even likes her. There are many actresses with issues but they're probably decent people to be around. Not Lindsay. I just hear what a pain she used to be on set and that most productions are glad she's not around to make their life miserable. I remember years ago photographers would say what a nice girl Lindsay was. It was her mother that was unbearable to everyone. Now Lindsay has become Dina. Nobody has a kind word to say about her. She has become her mother and this is why nobody wants anything to do with her. Should Lindsay ever again miraculously wind up in a movie I'm not paying to see it. I'm done. Nothing that has this girl's name attached to it will get another cent from me. Right now her only use as far as I'm concerned is to provide material to gossip blogs and sites. And for that I'm thankful to her. Because she is a never-ending stream of riches in that respect.

    Ok. Rant over. La-La-La

  24. Didn't Amy Winehouse have a slight reputation for attacking people at her concerts and in the streets? I'm not saying people shouldn't have compassion for the loss of an individiual, but let's keep it real, you know?

  25. I feel very little compassion for Lohan, but I feel horrible for the person who will have to be her therapist.

  26. You know, I will feel pretty bad for Lohan if she goes the Amy Winehouse et al route. I feel really bad for people who have issues with addiction and can't learn to control/live with them while others can. It must be a pretty sad life living like that. If that's what you want to call it.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Another day, another Lindsay lawsuit,


    Shit never ends.

  29. Amy Winehouse had a genuine gift, made a couple genuine attempts to get sober, but I don't think she truly believed she ever could be. That was a child in a world of pain and had been for a long time (was cutting as a young teen) whose exposure to fame (and the public's ridicule of her problem) only made things worse.

    Lindsay, on the other hand, is a fame addict. She is as addicted to attention and her own glorious entitlement as she is to booze and drugs. Being drunk/drugged keeps her in her own delusion of her greatness. She feels the world owes her and she is not going to let go of that delusion (or belief system.)

    Someone in recovery once told me, "Sometimes when a drunk asshole gets sober, all you get is a sober asshole" Even if she quit drugs and drink forever tomorrow, I can't imagine Lindsay ever embracing a 12-step program, whose prime tenants are gratitude and humility.

  30. Jesus, Jason. Why anyone actually believes she will pay them is beyond me.

  31. Ida Blankenship --- Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh. *That's* how she does it. Probably a bunch of Russian oligarchs.

    Anyone else wondering if her parents have a contingency plan (as in: cashing in) if the worst happens to Lilo? Think about it for a moment: all the money Anna Strasberg has generated out of Marilyn Monroe's estate?

  32. Anonymous2:39 PM

    I can't believe you people wishing Lindsay would die. All addicts/alcoholics are narcissistic. And calling her a whore? Like you people are all perfect or something? You put her down but you are worse...just armchair gossip mongers waiting to eat popcorn at a fallen star's funeral. Gross.

  33. @sussique -- Oh, PLEASE. NO ONE in this thread typed the words "I wish she would die." But many of us find it terribly hard to garner any sympathy for Lohan, given how she's squandered all the goodwill and second chances that have been flung her way OVER and OVER again.

    As others have noted, there was something sadly pathetic about Amy Winehouse -- a woman who sung about her demons in her own songs, and never denied her addictions to the public. The end of her brilliant career, as well as her failure to escape chemical dependency, is something to truly mourn. And SHE didn't die because she was a spoiled, thankless, graceless, selfish, narcissistic brat -- which are probably the qualities that will help speed Lohan along in her demise. Along with the fact that she'll injest *anything* as long as it gives her a buzz, of course.

    And if she's spreading her legs for some foreigner in an Italian suit -- and picking up a paycheck right afterward -- then she is, indeed, a whore.

  34. I'm not wishing death on her, but (a) she's living a physically destructive life that points that way and (b) her parents have done *nothing* to slow her down/steer her in a different way - and have done everything to enable her, while making money off of her. There's clearly some money there; criminal lawyers get paid *up* front, *every* time, and her rent is $7K a month.

  35. Amy was known for attacking people, headbutting them and spitting on them, a few bites too I think. Quite notorious for violence in Camden in fact so as for harmless, totally disagree.

  36. I think her parents enable her as it is the only way they make money, sad, but true. I don't think she can act anymore or anyone will hire her to find out.

  37. I wonder if she's caught the attention of the IRS yet. She may be greasing part of her lifestyle by exchanging "hospitality" for all her freebies, but she has to have some hard cash coming in. If she's getting paid for discreet pay-dates overseas, is she declaring the income? Methinks not.

    A tax evasion bust could be real trouble and highly embarrassing.

  38. How old is she now, anyway? She is looking BEAT!

  39. She's 25 and looks 40--a rode-hard, put-up-wet 40 at that. Her skin is just awful, and the way her eyes are bugged out...honestly, I'm trying to see what would really be worth it for a paying customer, unless it was simply being able to say one had been blown by a former child star. It's just...argh, don't want to think about it too much. And yes, tax evasion would be a big problem, and the IRS isn't L.A. County, not by a long shot. (Remember, tax evasion was how they finally took down Al Capone.)

    As for the Amy/Lilo comparisons: Amy could definitely be a mean drunk, but I do get the impression she knew she had a problem and didn't blame all her troubles on everyone else. Lilo, on the other hand, doesn't have a problem; it's everyone else who has problems, because she's the persecuted innocent. Amy also hadn't completed frittered away her talent, and had she been able to stay clean & sober, she probably would have gone on to a long and illustrious career. Lilo, though...not so much. Even if she cleans up, I don't think she'd be a working actress, partially because I doubt she can act anymore, but largely because she's burned all her bridges in the business, and no one with any brains who isn't getting blown on the side won't put up w/her. (Cue the obligatory RDJ comment: the difference was that he did actually show up & do his job, even when he was messed up, and was decent to people; consequently, people actually liked him and wanted him to get better and do well.) I don't wish her dead, not at all, but if she's not going to take any responsibility for her life and actions, then she needs to just crawl away and not be seen again.

  40. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Have you ever seen LL with the same purse twice? Don't tell me you're poor.

  41. Anonymous8:57 PM

    @IdaB reread the comments carefully and indeed people are intimating they hope for her to die.

  42. @sussique -- I know how to carefully read, thanks. And no, they are not.

  43. I re-read the comments, too. Nope, no one's hoping she'll die.

  44. No, they're just predicting it and implying that they don't care and might even crack a smile about it.

  45. someone should natalie wood her why she's out there.

  46. Big difference, Sue Ellen.

  47. I've thought for a long time that Lilo would die before her 30th birthday. Now with this whole Amy Winehouse death thing, I have a prediction. If Lilo doesn't OD by the time she is 27, she'll kill herself. Just for the notoriety of being in the "27 club". Not that I think her talent is at that level, but we all know she's delusional. God help us all when she is gone. If you think her family is bad now, just wait until she dies.

  48. Anonymous5:33 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Anonymous5:41 PM


    Misch:I hope she falls of a yacht and no one notices, so over her.

    Goodgrief; If Linday suffers the same fate as Amy, I will not be sad for her. As bad as it sounds, a little smile might even cross my face, that is how much I can't stand her.

    Mish; (again) but Lindsay is in a class by herself when she's finally gone she will not be missed. In fact I bet there are a lot of people in L.A. who will breath a sigh of relief.

    SusanB; I won't feel sorry at all when she goes - unlike Amy whom I truly mourn.

    Guess you cant read afterall.

  50. I see this devolving into an argument based on semantics.

    That said, RQ I don't disagree with you, I just think there were some shitty things said especially since we're comparing her to Amy Winehouse, who was no saint in her addiction to be sure.

  51. Joke's on Lilo; the San Tropez weather is so bad (torrential rain) that parties are being cancelled right and left.

  52. Something else -- the small-claims-court ($1100) case against her for unpaid audio speaker installation at her rental house has *suddenly* gone away. The guy said it was "his mistake", and he's very happy. Sounds he she came into some money and paid him off with extra to shut up. Advance payment for the St. Tropez gig?

  53. @sussique -- there's a bigass difference between 1) wishing death on a person, and 2) knowing how that same person's death won't prompt any personal sorrow.

    Lindsay WILL die young, and I will NOT mourn her. Not only do I not KNOW her, but she hasn't earned my sympathy. That's kind of a prerequisite when it comes to feeling sorry for a person's demise.

    I can read just fine. In fact, if you'd like me to edit your last comment for you, I'd be happy to do so, but I think there's already another CDAN poster who's taken on that task.

  54. Anonymous2:00 PM

    @ Ida you are just bitter. Enjoy yourself. I could care less what you think about Lindsay.
