Monday, July 25, 2011

I Must Get The Pool Inside

When it is just too hot outside for the kiddie pool, let Gus try and move it inside for you.


  1. Oh, a warm day... I havent had one of those in, say, forever. Most of the US might have a heatwave but we are COLD up here!

  2. I just watched 3 more "gus" videos - I am in LOVE!

  3. Hahaha, I love dogs.

  4. Lol I was really rooting for him to get it in there ;)

    Also: that's what she said.

  5. OMG I LOOOVE HIM, too cute lol

  6. I love bull dogs! except bull dog farting, that not so much.

  7. Hahaha! Gus is smarter than some people I know *L*

  8. Bless his heart. I bought my dogs one a few summers ago. My lab mix thought it was much more fun to destroy the pool than get in it.

  9. Anonymous12:00 PM

    That's just too adorable. And Gus is right--it's too hot to be outside. Bring the fun inside!

  10. oooo Linnea, you must live somewhere near me. i keep hearing about heat waves as i turn my heater on :(

  11. As I was sitting here watching Gus try and bring his pool inside I realized the terrible mistake I made - MY dogs were watching too! We've had a long talk about how pools are not to come into the house. I'll keep you posted how well the talk worked.

  12. Linnea and Chrissy Buns, are you by any chance in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan? That's where I am and it's been damned chilly here. I keep hearing rumors of heat waves...not here.

    oh, and I LOVE dogs, geez, they are hilarious!

  13. It has been cold up here in Washington state, too. I can't wait for summer to show up!

  14. Figgy, I just got back from the Munising and Marquette area and it was hot.

  15. Ent, I wish you would post the video directly in the blog instead of embedding via YouTube, they block YouTube at my office!! I always have to wait til I get home to see what's going on. Wah. : (

  16. Gus has the right idea..

  17. That was very cute! "Gus you are not taking that into the house!" Guess we know who the boss is there.

    @ maggiemei, I recognize the thumbnail of Mei from "My neighbor Totoro"! I have the DVD and every child I have shown it to becomes obsessed with it. My brother's girlfriend is half-Japanese and knows I'm a fan of the movie (played it for her and she loved it) and she has sent me many Totoro items from Japan that my two little nephews are dying to get their hands on.

  18. I just got back from California, Pennsylvania (yes, there is a town called California), and it was HOT. And HUMID. I thought Calgary was pretty warm last week but that was nothing. NOTHING. I don't do well in very hot weather so it was a bit traumatic for me. Luckily the universiity the seminar was held at had air conditioning so I just stayed inside...*L*

  19. I LOVE THIS DOG!!!!!!

  20. Loved the dog.
    It is winter here in Australia, I miss heat and humidity.

  21. @Goodgrief, we had a couple of hot days, then back to our normal shivery coldness. Sigh.

  22. Yeah, I am in WA state and it is FREEZING! I keep going in to my closet to get more blankets and warm, woolly sweaters... Unacceptable!

  23. I too love Gus but, who is she fooling when she says "Gus No!"

  24. @Figgy, i'm in Wa state on the coast. it was raining on my precious lil head today when i went out to take care of my donkeys and my pony!

  25. Yes, here north of Pittsburgh today is a "chilly" 83 degrees, compared to Friday when it was 106 and you could slice the air with a knife.

  26. i feel horrible for everyone stuck in the heatwave, though. up here, i'm sad because the sun is hiding, but i can turn the lights on, and if i'm cold, i can get warm. it's a lot harder to cool down!

  27. Oh enty thank you for this one. Have you all seen when gus first gets his pool? Laura - I too am in love!

  28. I gotta hand it to him; he may gave lost all the water doing it, but he got that pool in the house. While totally ignoring his human.

  29. I am totally in love with Gus. What a doll.

    Best non- gossip thing you have posted ever.
