Apparently that whole sex rehab thing Anthony Weiner went to was just a weekend thing because it sure did not last long. I also thought that once the whole glare of the spotlight turned away from the guy that Huma would basically kick him into the next county and move on with her life. Nope. Apparently she is fine with the whole sexting thing. Over the weekend the couple took a trip down to Miami and celebrated their first anniversary. Yep, all of this was prior to year one anniversary. Just think what things will be like after the fun parts of the marriage. According to the NY Post, the couple had a dinner with friends in Miami and then were seen taking a stroll down the beach. At some point during the walk, Weiner took out his wiener to passers by and asked them how it looked. You know, just to keep in practice.
with re-districting he was going to loose his seat anyway. We think he's going to run for mayor in New York...
ReplyDeleteThey still think Weiner has a chance to be elected again. As soon as she's sure he won't be she'll walk.
ReplyDeleteShould have said - elected to ANY office - I agree, he'll run for mayor of NYC
ReplyDeleteWhy did the phrase "Weasel Face" pop into my head?!?!? It's not like I'm 12!
ReplyDeleteIf the wifey doesn't give an eff, then why should I?
ReplyDeleteHe'll run for Mayor, with her by his side. I bet it was the vacation for hell.
ReplyDeletePerhaps she knew about his tomfollery and didn't care?
ReplyDeleteThe mayoral race is out. A key sector of his base for a run would have been conservative Jews, and he just hosed himself with them.
ReplyDeleteIt is theoretically possible that they are just an accomplished political couple and Weiner is hugely lucky that Huma found it in her heart to forgive him. It is also possible that radioactive sasquatches from Pluto rule the world and we are all but their unwitting puppets. I'm not wasting much of my time checking under the bed for hairy, glowing Chewbaccas though.
Bottom line: what we know about Weiner's scandal is just the manufactured facade of a deeply cynical political operation.
meh. he was naver a baller in the senate or even in the party. he'll never be mayor unless it's of some podunky town--but of freakin' nyc? not gonna happen.
ReplyDeleteas for miami...well strolls along those caribbean waters on sobe tend to cure many an ill...so who knows...maybe they're trying to get back on track (assuming they were ever on one).
I think she is beautiful! And I really love her dress in this picture!
ReplyDeleteI always thought she must know. In fact, they might be into some kink and she was in on the texting. It is highly possible she stayed with him because he didn't disclose that she was into it too.
ReplyDeleteMaybe she is into Hillary, so there is no reason for her to leave him. They each get to do their thing on the side.
ReplyDelete@BigMama -- Believing that his sexting was a product of shared hetero kink requires him to be insanely inept and her to be incredibly forgiving. Both are seasoned political insiders from long back, which makes that unlikely. Conversely, this "scandal" is perfect bearding cover for quelling those persistent rumors that Huma is Hillary's secret lover.
ReplyDeleteWell stated B. Prifane! My thoughts exactly.
ReplyDeleteI'm still betting on the Weiner. If he had actually HAD sex with these girls, then I can see his career down the tubes. But he didn't and I think it's a lot easier to forgive. I would have forgiven him.
ReplyDelete@B Profane - what do you mean that it requires her to be forgiving? If she knew about it, perhaps was in on it and liked it, what is there to forgive?
ReplyDeleteCindy, did you read the text exchanges? http://www.radaronline.com/sites/radaronline.com/files/Wiener-Facebook-Transcript-Watermarked.pdf
ReplyDeleteI would much rather forgive a sexual encounter that did not pertain to the emotional aspect of infidelity.
Than forgive a conniving manipulative lying azz that constantly thinks about his bulge and getting his damned ego stroked!
Ah yes, one of my favorites quotes
ReplyDelete"I was hoping my fat c*** would be a selling point too."
and this one
"ridiculous bulge in my shorts now. wanna see?"
@linnea -- You're right, my kibbitz should have read "shared his like for hetero kink but didn't know about his sexting fetish until afterwards." Which seems at least slightly plausible to me. The day that I believe that a highly accomplished, polished and beautiful Washington woman politico would be into her newlywed husband sexting strangers whilst pregnant with her first child...well, when I meet a coruscating yeti in an Ungaro spring frock who introduces itself as Michelle Bachmann, that'll be the day.
ReplyDeleteGiven the rumors about her and Hillary, I have always thought that had an open marriage, or t the very least the "understanding" not to ask each other too many questions.
ReplyDeleteWhy the outrage, Enty? You can't possibly imagine that his wife didn't know what he was doing. Just like celebrity wives, political wives are perfectly aware of what their spouses are doing, and have a choice: accept it as part of the marriage, or not marry. There's absolutely no way a political spouse can't be unaware of a partner's cheating - not when half of the people on their side and all of the opposition are ready and eager to fill her or him in.
ReplyDeleteThey had an understanding. It only became a problem when it became a media sensation, because then people like you expect her to play the role of the outraged wife - and you know what? She probably doesn't care. If anything, she only cared about it becoming public. But now she's expected to leave him, or punish him in some way, when the truth of it is: they had an understanding.
You might not get it, heck, a lot of people might not get it, but when a marriage isn't primarily based on love, but on other practical considerations such as money, career aspirations, and social status, one can more readily tolerate one's spouse's habit of straying. Or worse.
You make a good point, although I've moved in political circles where spouses at home were in the dark about what was going on at the capitol. Cheating to the extent of children out of wedlock, etc.
ReplyDeleteI do think that she knew, but I think it went beyond her having knowing tolerance that he was fooling around. There are too many signs this was a staged scandal: certain of the texts seemed almost deliberately self-incriminating; the recipients were scattered all across the country, yet were all liberal-leaning single women who had never met Weiner; the timing and manner that Breitbart revealed the texts suggested that they were being fed to him as if the original source wanted to control how the story unfolded; Huma was conveniently out of the country when the scandal broke (although, of course, she travels a lot).
It's all too perfect. Cover for a mutual bearding relationship is the obvious guess, but with the Clintons involved I'm suspecting a larger purpose.
Apparently she is fine with the whole sexting thing.
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking that Huma is getting some major mileage out of this. Like SERIOUSLY guilt-tripping Weiner because she is standing by him. "Can you please pass me the salt... you cheating FUCKER?!" or "I'm running out to check on paint swatches for the nursery. Can you please not email some fucking BIMBO pics of your schlong while I'm gone?"
Yeah, she is fine with it.