Thursday, July 07, 2011

Four Years In Jail

I will have another post later this morning about Casey Anthony, but wanted to leave you space to comment about the four year sentence and $4000 fine that was handed down this morning. Casey has already served close to three years so she could walk today. Maybe she will do something on parole and get sent back to jail. Look at her appearance today and how different it is compared to the trial and her mom looks absolutely ecstatic. That is one messed up family dynamic.


  1. UN-FRICKIN-BELIEVABLE!!!!! Repulsed beyond belief.

  2. i can't wrap my head around this...the mother looks absolutely delighted that her daughter just got away w/ murder.

  3. Ok, they are saying that she could be released either at the end of this month or the beginning of next month. That sickens me.

    Beyond that, I do not blame the jurors for this clusterfuck. I blame the prosecutors/State of Florida and her Mother. They had three years to get their ducks in a row to make sure she at least spent the rest of her life in jail. They didn't. However, I do hope they go after Mama Anthony for perjury and get SOMETHING right.

    Team Where's Justice for Caylee

  4. What the.princess.Lela said!!! on point.

  5. I hope the grandmother rots in hell for what she did...its almost worse than Casey actually murdering her daughter. She knows her daughter killed her, and instead of letting Caley be avenged in any way, she lies to keep her daughter out of jail! That poor baby girl... maybe she really is better off than living with a family like this:( Can you imagine what her life was like up until the murder?? I pray that Casey serves at least a little time, and that one of the guards just looks the other way....

  6. I absolutely blame the jury. Haven't you seen/read the interviews they have given? These 'peers' clearly did not understand the conditions and terms given to them by the judge. Juror 3 keeps running her mouth about how they kept discussing how she shouldn't get the DP or even life in prison.
    Yeah idiot, it was your duty to determine guilt, not decide sentencing. The penalty phase comes AFTER the verdict. Also juror 2 said that they were locked 6-6 for manslaughter and started yelling and talking over one another until the 6 for it caved. That's justice? Being bullied?? If I were on that jury I would have stood my ground. The more they run their mouths the more obvious it is that this whole thing was a farce.
    I hope that Tim Miller (TES) sues the hell out of her for the 100K his organization spent searching for a little girl that was never missing.

  7. I, for one, am happy that we live in a country where criminal juries demand more than speculation and theories.

  8. PM - I truly want to know - do you really not believe that she is innocent?

  9. it is sooo sad~ Casey is in charge in that family and she isn't out of prison yet. She will totally move home, George and Cindy will support her and cater to her and she will be back out at the bars trolling for the next boyfriend within 48 hrs of being released from jail. All she ever said about Caylee's father(after it was proven the guy who she became engaged to wasnt the father) was that he died in a car accident another lie, I am pretty sure she has no clue who the father of Caylee is. She will get pregnant again and Cindy will have another baby to raise. Casey is one sick, twisted fuck~

    And I still dont get if they convicted her of lying and the lie was that she didn't kill Caylee, then how could they not convict her???

  10. She gets out July 13. And yeah, she looks ecstatic--no one accused her of sexual molestation. I keep thinking about what Leonard Padilla said: Cindy and Casey think they are smarter than everyone else. Cindy's probably redecorating Casey's bedroom in anticipation of welcoming her chaste, honest, poor lil daughter.
    Rot in hell, both of you.

  11. I'm not gonna rant on guilt or innocence, but I do think the jury wasn't informed on how to decimate the evidence for a verdict.

    Also, the fact that some jury members were "smart" enough to get in front of cameras for interviews shows that they weren't exactly the brightest...don't these jurors know they could be shot after their verdict? (stating fact, not opinion btw) The court must of have done a hell of a job sequestering the jury if they were that tone-deaf to what the nation believed the verdict should have been.

  12. linnea - I have NO CLUE what happened. But I think she's acting very guilty, and so is her father. Now that she's off the hook maybe we'll actually start hearing some of the truth??

  13. Anonymous9:06 AM

    This whole family is one twisted, f'd up mess. They did this together, lied and did whatever they could to get Casey out of jail. I am repulsed by all of them. Caylee is at least free from this mess. Just awful.

  14. I can't imagine she'll have a good life, in fact I'm praying she doesn't .

  15. She won't have to lie about having a fake job at Disney, in fact won't have to get a job at all because she's going to be making TONS of money off this. The whole family probably will. Sickening.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. She's a sociopath. She never thought what she did was wrong, and the jury verdict confirmed that in her mind. God help the next person who gets in the way of what she wants.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I wish a condition of her parole/release could be sterilization. I have no doubt that she'll be pregnant within months. She might have gotten away with murder but I don't think she has sense enough to keep from getting knocked up, I really don't.

  20. Focusing on karma right now.

  21. so... if someones child dies, say by accident, and decides not to report it for 31 days, and tosses the child in the woods to rot... they wont get punished ??? un.. freakin .. believable.

  22. I bet when she starts doing interviews, she's going to claim she never said anything about her father or brother and it was all Baez's idea (which will get him disbarred at minimum).

    Watch out, Jose, that sound you hear is an approaching bus. "Scorched Earth" Anthony will deal with you too! Casey does get what Casey wants after all.

    All I can hope is the vigilante who takes the shot at her 1. has terrific aim. And 2. Gets the same jury. That would be rich.

  23. How long until another girl kills her kid, doesn't report it, lies, and gets away with it? The justice system and the jurors failed Cayley. As did her own Grandparents.

  24. Kamikaze:

    That's correct. It's not illegal to fail to report a missing child in the State of Florida. Some other states too. Which means it can happen again to some other child.

    And tossing the body in the woods to rot? Not sure in Florida but I think there's just a fine for improper burial and/or exposing the public to a biohazard.

  25. I am not a violent person...I have hit only one person in my whole life..a punch to the back of his head and he deserved it. However, I would love the chance to wipe that self satisfied little grin right off her murderous face.

  26. @Suhyphen - I completely forgot Tim Miller helped with the search! Besides his organization, the police/county should also sue for the same reason.

  27. How is it not illegal to report a missing child in EVERY state? That is effed.

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  29. I'm with PM - they didn't have a strong enough motive to convict on circumstantial evidence.

    There are some who are comparing this to the Scott Peterson case, but Peterson had motivation they could prove in court.

  30. I'm not normally one to jump on a soap box, but it's sickening, and she is disgusting. In one week she will be free. She already hired the William Morris Agency to represent her and is looking ahead to all the money she's going to be raking in for being a murderer. I just hope and pray that everyone boycotts any business, network, book company, etc that makes any sort of deal with her. Perhaps if they, and anyone else interested in her see that the public won't tolerate their profiting off the death of Caylee Marie Anthony they will turn their backs to her and let her fade into nothingness.

  31. I'm disgusted by some of these comments.

    It is the jury's job to determine if someone is guilty or not guilty, not that of the country's. If it was convictions would be decided by polls on CNN, and there would be no need for jurys

    The jury did their jobs and the state did a terrible job of presenting their case/ choosing what to charge Casey with. They listened to the evidence and did exactly what they were there to do. There was no motive, no clear evidence. Without either one of those I fail to see how they could have with a clear conscience sent Casey to her potential death. As for the other charges, specifically aggravated child abuse- that's wasn't shown either. Everyone testified said Casey was a great mother. Clearly that is not that case but besides her failing to report caylee missing and partying it wasn't proven. And last I checked partying no matter what the circumstances is not child abuse. Had the state chosen to charge her with child neglect, then there could have been a case.

    Sorry for the rant but I'm sickened by how some of the jurors are being treated. None of them asked to be in that position. I dont blame them for speaking to the media either whether for money or simply to defend themselves.

    As for one of the above posters waiting for Casey Anthony to be shot, and have whoever the vigilante is get the same jury - that crime would have motive and evidence. I'm betting that the same jury would convict the defendant. You're comment is easily one of the most tasteless I've seen regarding this case.

  32. @Theresa check your facts. I'm fairly certain someone posted that on twitter as a joke and it spiraled out of control.

  33. You know who else I feel sorry for? The poor people who live near the Anthony family. For three years they've had God knows how many idiots hanging out in their neighborhood (it's not gated) not to mention news trucks, cameras, etc. We have enough problems in Florida with property values plummeting - it must be so much worse in that neighborhood. If I lived next door, I'd be tempted to shoot her myself.

  34. That's the shit-eating grin of a bitch that just got away with murdering her child. Please, God, if you exist, run her over with a fucking Mack truck.

  35. There is a lot of room for blame here, but I don't believe the jury deserves any of it.

    That said, I 100% agree with the poster who said I hope that people will boycott/ignore any organization that may choose to do business with her - be it a book sale, interview, whatever. Neither she nor her family should be able to profit from this experience.


  37. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Sterilize this bitch, right the fuck now.

  38. god forbid they look happy.

    seriously, who wouldn't look happy? yes, a little girl is dead, but that was three years ago and it is likely that at least some grieving has occurred (regardless of who did what to whom).

    i'd be pretty much thrilled if i beat the death penalty (especially more so if i wasn't guilty or something accidentally happened), so maybe we can let up a bit on the "HOW DARE SHE LOOK HAPPY FOR NOT HAVING TO DIE BY LETHAL INJECTION?!?"

    @chasingheaven: you actually are required to prove motive when attempting to convict someone for first degree murder, which claims that premeditation occurred, which is otherwise known as "motive".

  39. correction, @chasing heaven: motive is not required in all cases, but the prosecution in this case claimed they proved motive, which they didn't, so one should tout success if one hasn't actually been successful.



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